VideoGPT+ : Integrating Image and Video Encoders for Enhanced Video Understanding (2024)

Muhammad Maaz1,Hanoona Rasheed1,Salman Khan1,2,Fahad Shahbaz Khan1,3
1Mohamed bin Zayed University of AI, UAE
2Australian National University, Australia3Linköping University, Sweden


Building on the advances of language models, Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) have contributed significant improvements in video understanding.While the current video LMMs utilize advanced Large Language Models (LLMs), they rely on either image or video encoders to process visual inputs, each of which has its own limitations.Image encoders excel at capturing rich spatial details from frame sequences but lack explicit temporal context, which can be important in videos with intricate action sequences.On the other hand, video encoders provide temporal context but are often limited by computational constraints that lead to processing only sparse frames at lower resolutions, resulting in reduced contextual and spatial understanding.To this end, we introduce VideoGPT+, which combines the complementary benefits of the image encoder (for detailed spatial understanding) and the video encoder (for global temporal context modeling).The model processes videos by dividing them into smaller segments and applies an adaptive pooling strategy on features extracted by both image and video encoders.Our architecture showcases improved performance across multiple video benchmarks, including VCGBench, MVBench and Zero-shot question-answering.Further, we develop 112K video-instruction set using a novel semi-automatic annotation pipeline which further improves the model performance.Additionally, to comprehensively evaluate video LMMs, we present VCGBench-Diverse, covering 18 broad video categories such as lifestyle, sports, science, gaming, and surveillance videos.This benchmark with 4,354 question-answer pairs evaluates the generalization of existing LMMs on dense video captioning, spatial and temporal understanding, and complex reasoning, ensuring comprehensive assessment across diverse video types and dynamics. Code:

1 Introduction

Existing methods for video understanding often rely solely on either image encoders or video encodersMaaz2023VideoChatGPT ; jin2023chatunivi ; st-llm . Most works focus on image encoders, which encode multiple frames and either fuse the information or concatenate the embeddings before passing them to the LLM. When fusing the information, spatial or temporal pooling is typically usedMaaz2023VideoChatGPT . Spatial pooling has shown minimal effectiveness in capturing video information, whereas temporal pooling retains some spatial information but lacks explicit temporal context. On the other hand, concatenating embeddings without poolingjin2023chatunivi ; st-llm ; zhang2024llavanextvideo can rapidly increase computational complexity due to the extended context length required by the LLM, limiting the number of frames that can be processed. While this approach provides better spatial representation, the overall context is still limited to few frames. The limited context results in a poor understanding of the video, especially if a uniform sampling strategy is employed, as it only captures small segments of the video, missing important temporal dynamics.

VideoGPT+ : Integrating Image and Video Encoders for Enhanced Video Understanding (1)

In order to address these challenges, we propose VideoGPT+ which effectively combines the merits of both image and video encoders (see Fig.2). By leveraging an image encoder for rich spatial details and a video encoder for global temporal context, our model achieves improved video understanding. To model finegrained temporal dynamics in VideoGPT+, we use a segment-wise sampling strategy. Unlike uniform sampling used in existing video LMMs Maaz2023VideoChatGPT , which may miss important temporal dynamics, our approach divides the video into smaller segments and applies segment-wise sampling. This ensures that the model captures representative information from different segments of the video, enabling a morecomprehensive understanding.

To facilitate the integration of image and video features, VideoGPT+introduces a visual adapter module that combines their complimentary benefits. This module performs projection and pooling operations, mapping both image and video features to a common space while reducing computational complexity. By aligning the features in this manner, the model can effectively utilize the combined spatial and temporal information for improved video understanding.

We demonstrate the effectiveness of VideoGPT+across multiple video-conversation benchmarks, including VCGBench Maaz2023VideoChatGPT , MVBench li2023mvbench , and Zero-shot question-answering Maaz2023VideoChatGPT , where it outperforms previous SoTA approaches (see Fig.1). Further, we develop VCG+ 112Kusing a novel semi-automatic annotation pipeline (see Fig.3), which provides dense video captions along with spatial understanding and reasoning-based question-answer (QA) pairs, further enhancing the model’s performance. We also propose VCGBench-Diverse, extending VCGBenchMaaz2023VideoChatGPT by including videos from 18 different domains to extensively evaluate the video-based conversation models in diverse domains (see Fig.4).

Our work has three main contributions:

  • We present VideoGPT+, the first video-conversation model that benefits from a dual-encoding scheme based on both image and video features. These complimentary sets of features offer rich spatiotemporal details for improved video understanding (Sec.3).

  • Addressing the limitations of existing VideoInstruct100K datasetMaaz2023VideoChatGPT , we develop VCG+ 112K with a novel semi-automatic annotation pipeline, offering dense video captions along with spatial understanding and reasoning-based QA pairs, further improving the model performance (Sec.4).

  • Recognizing the lack of diverse benchmarks for video-conversation task, we propose VCGBench-Diverse, which provides 4,354 human annotated QA pairs across 18 video categories to extensively evaluate the performance of a video-conversation model (Sec.5).

2 Related Works

Building on advances in language models, LLMs offer a flexible interface for various multimodal applications. Early efforts in image-based conversation models such as BLIP-2li2023blip , MiniGPT-4zhu2023minigpt and LLaVAliu2023llava ; liu2023improvedllava project image features into the language space through a learnable module and perform instruction tuning for visual conversations capabilities. Other efforts extend these models to visual grounding taskskosmos-2 ; hanoona2023GLaMM ; you2023ferret , exploring the potential of LLMs in complex vision tasks.

Video Conversation Models: Initial works like Video-ChatGPTMaaz2023VideoChatGPT and Video-LLaMAdamonlpsg2023videollama extend image-based models to the video domain by introducing components to encode temporal features, where frame-level visual features are fed to the LLM. However, this is computationally expensive and quickly fills its context window. To address this issue, Video-ChatGPTMaaz2023VideoChatGPT employs spatial and temporal pooling. LLaMA-Vidllamavid proposes representing a single image with two tokens, context and content. IG-VLMkim2024image treats a video as a grid of images, while LITAhuang2024lita employs slow-fast token pooling to reduce the number of visual features. Chat-UniVijin2023chatunivi uses clustering in both spatial and temporal dimensions to merge tokens, and VideoChat2023videochat uses Q-Formerli2023blip to learn a fixed number of queries by cross-attending to the visual features. MobileVLMchu2023mobilevlm ; chu2024mobilevlm utilize a lightweight CNN to reduce the spatial dimensions. Other notable methods include bt_adapter ; video-llava ; munasinghe2023PGVideoLLaVA ; song2023moviechat ; huang2023vtimellm .

Alternatively, methods such as VideoChat2li2023mvbench use pretrained video encoders. Although video encoders provide temporal context, they are limited by computational constraints, operating with limited frames at lower resolutions, restricting temporal context and spatial understanding. Our VideoGPT+ model addresses these issues by using segment-wise sampling and effectively combining the merits of image and video encoders to capture richspatial and temporal details (see Fig.2).

Video Instruction Tuning Datasets: VideoChat2023videochat builds a video-instruction tuning dataset consisting of 7K instructions using videos from WebVid-10Mbain2021frozen . Video-ChatGPTMaaz2023VideoChatGPT introduces a semi-automatic annotation pipeline to generate VideoInstruct100K using videos from ActivityNetcaba2015activitynet . VideoChat2li2023mvbench combines multiple existing image and video datasets to develop a 1.9M joint image-video instruction tuning dataset. In our experiments, we use VideoInstruct100K and a subset of the dataset from VideoChat2. Additionally, addressing the limitations of the VideoInstruct100K datasetMaaz2023VideoChatGPT , we develop VCG+ 112Kthrough a novel semi-automatic annotation pipeline, which provides dense video captions along with 112K QA pairs targeting reasoning, spatial and temporal understanding, which further improves model’s understanding of video content (see Fig.3).

Video Conversation Benchmarks: Video-ChatGPTMaaz2023VideoChatGPT introduces VCGBench and Zero-shot QA benchmarks, where VCGBench includes 500 videos with 3000 QA pairs, evaluated using GPT-3.5 across various metrics. Despite its comprehensive evaluation, it only contains videos from the ActivityNet dataset. The Zero-shot evaluation covers MSVD-QAmsvd , MSR-VTT-QAmsvd , TGIF-QATGIF , and ActivityNet-QAcaba2015activitynet .MVBenchli2023mvbench consists of 4K QA pairs evaluating 20 temporal tasks, though it mostly includes short videos averaging 5-40 seconds. Considering the limitation of existing benchmarks, which often lack focus on generalization and diversity, we propose VCGBench-Diverse, featuring 4,354 QA pairs from 877 videos across 18 domains (see Fig.4).

3 Method

VideoGPT+ : Integrating Image and Video Encoders for Enhanced Video Understanding (2)

For effective video understanding, combining detailed spatial information with explicit temporal context is crucial. To achieve this, we propose VideoGPT+, which features a dual encoder design that leverages the complementary strengths of an image encoder and a video encoder.

Overall Architecture:The overall architecture consists of (i) segment-wise sampling, (ii) dual visual encoder, (iii) vision-language adapters that project vision features to the language domain and (iv) a large language model. Frames selected through a segment-wise sampling strategy are encoded through a dual encoder consisting of an image and a video encoder. Both sets of features are projected to language space using vision-language (V-L) adapters, and the resulting tokens are pooled through adaptive token pooling and concatenated before being fed to the LLM (see Fig.2).

Segment-wise Sampling: To extract fine-grained temporal cues, we use a segment-wise frame sampling strategy. Given an input video 𝐕T×H×W×C𝐕superscript𝑇𝐻𝑊𝐶\mathbf{V}\in\mathbb{R}^{T\times H\times W\times C}bold_V ∈ blackboard_R start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_T × italic_H × italic_W × italic_C end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT, we divide it into K𝐾Kitalic_K segments, where each segment consists of n=TK𝑛𝑇𝐾n=\frac{T}{K}italic_n = divide start_ARG italic_T end_ARG start_ARG italic_K end_ARG frames. Thus, the video can be represented as 𝐕=[𝐕k]k=1K𝐕superscriptsubscriptdelimited-[]subscript𝐕𝑘𝑘1𝐾\mathbf{V}=[\mathbf{V}_{k}]_{k=1}^{K}bold_V = [ bold_V start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ] start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k = 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_K end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT. Each segment 𝐕kn×H×W×Csubscript𝐕𝑘superscript𝑛𝐻𝑊𝐶\mathbf{V}_{k}\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times H\times W\times C}bold_V start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∈ blackboard_R start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_n × italic_H × italic_W × italic_C end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT can be described as a sequence of frames, 𝐗isubscript𝐗𝑖\mathbf{X}_{i}bold_X start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, where 𝐕k=[𝐗i,j]j=1nsubscript𝐕𝑘superscriptsubscriptdelimited-[]subscript𝐗𝑖𝑗𝑗1𝑛\mathbf{V}_{k}=[\mathbf{X}_{i,j}]_{j=1}^{n}bold_V start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = [ bold_X start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_j end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ] start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_j = 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_n end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT. The video segments are downsampled to a lower resolution of n×h×w×c𝑛𝑤𝑐n\times h\times w\times citalic_n × italic_h × italic_w × italic_c for video encoding.

Compared to a uniform sampling, segment-wise sampling better aligns with our dual encoder design. Video encoders often face computational constraints, limiting them to processing only sparse frames. Uniform sampling increases the self-attention computation complexity as it requires attending to features of all frames. Additionally, video encoders are typically trained with sparse frames, and providing more frames can hinder their ability to accurately capture temporal information. In contrast, the segment-wise sampling strategy divides the video into smaller, manageable segments, enabling the video encoder to efficiently capture rich temporal cues within each segment.

Dual Vision Encoder: Our design leverages the complementary strengths of an image encoder that captures detailed spatial features and a video encoder that provides explicit temporal context. The image encoder g𝑔gitalic_g, processes T𝑇Titalic_T frames, g(𝐗)T×Hg×Wg×Dg𝑔𝐗superscript𝑇subscript𝐻𝑔subscript𝑊𝑔subscript𝐷𝑔g(\mathbf{X})\in\mathbb{R}^{T\times H_{g}\times W_{g}\times D_{g}}italic_g ( bold_X ) ∈ blackboard_R start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_T × italic_H start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g end_POSTSUBSCRIPT × italic_W start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g end_POSTSUBSCRIPT × italic_D start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT, producing local features that provide frame-level context. Meanwhile, the video encoder hhitalic_h, operates on low-resolution video segments 𝐕ksubscript𝐕𝑘\mathbf{V}_{k}bold_V start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, yielding global features that provide segment-wise context, h(𝐕k)n×hh×wh×Dhsubscript𝐕𝑘superscript𝑛subscriptsubscript𝑤subscript𝐷h(\mathbf{V}_{k})\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times h_{h}\times w_{h}\times D_{h}}italic_h ( bold_V start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) ∈ blackboard_R start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_n × italic_h start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_h end_POSTSUBSCRIPT × italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_h end_POSTSUBSCRIPT × italic_D start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_h end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT.

The primary goal of VideoGPT+is to leverage the capabilities of a pre-trained LLM alongside visual modalities from both a pre-trained image encoder and a pre-trained video encoder. Specifically, we utilize the pre-trained CLIP model, ViT-L/14 (336×336336336336\times 336336 × 336)clip as the image encoder, and InternVideo-v2 (224×224224224224\times 224224 × 224)wang2024internvideo2 as the video encoder. These models are selected for their robust performance and their ability to complement each other in capturing both spatial and temporal information. Both encoders are pre-trained on large-scale datasets in a multimodal setting using contrastive loss, facilitating their integration within our architecture.

Visual Adapter: The output embeddings from the second last layer of both image and video encoders are passed through separate V-L projection layers, Wgsubscript𝑊𝑔W_{g}italic_W start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g end_POSTSUBSCRIPT and Whsubscript𝑊W_{h}italic_W start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_h end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, respectively. These Multi-Layer perceptrons (MLPs) project the visual features into the language space. The projection layers are trainable, while the visual encoders remain frozen, preserving the rich, pre-trained representations. The projected embeddings are reshaped back into their grid forms and subjected to a 2×2222\times 22 × 2 adaptive token pooling, which operates on the spatial dimensions of the local and global features. This pooling reduces the token length by a factor of 4444, thereby allowing to fit in larger visual context within the same LLM context window.The pooled embeddings from the local features form 𝐄imgT×hg×wg×Dtsuperscript𝐄𝑖𝑚𝑔superscript𝑇subscript𝑔subscript𝑤𝑔subscript𝐷𝑡\mathbf{E}^{img}\in\mathbb{R}^{T\times h_{g}\times w_{g}\times D_{t}}bold_E start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_i italic_m italic_g end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ∈ blackboard_R start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_T × italic_h start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g end_POSTSUBSCRIPT × italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_g end_POSTSUBSCRIPT × italic_D start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_t end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT, while the pooled embeddings from the global features of each segment form 𝐄vidn×hh×wh×Dtsuperscript𝐄𝑣𝑖𝑑superscript𝑛subscriptsubscript𝑤subscript𝐷𝑡\mathbf{E}^{vid}\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times h_{h}\times w_{h}\times D_{t}}bold_E start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_v italic_i italic_d end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ∈ blackboard_R start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_n × italic_h start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_h end_POSTSUBSCRIPT × italic_w start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_h end_POSTSUBSCRIPT × italic_D start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_t end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT.

Large Language Model: We obtain the final representation by concatenating the embeddings 𝐄imgsuperscript𝐄𝑖𝑚𝑔\mathbf{E}^{img}bold_E start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_i italic_m italic_g end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT with K𝐾Kitalic_K segment-wise embeddings 𝐄vidsuperscript𝐄𝑣𝑖𝑑\mathbf{E}^{vid}bold_E start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_v italic_i italic_d end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT, such that we have detailed spatial representation across all segments followed by their global temporal context. We then concatenate the text embeddings 𝐄textL×Dtsuperscript𝐄𝑡𝑒𝑥𝑡superscript𝐿subscript𝐷𝑡\mathbf{E}^{text}\in\mathbb{R}^{L\times D_{t}}bold_E start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_t italic_e italic_x italic_t end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ∈ blackboard_R start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_L × italic_D start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_t end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT of the user text query with the visual embeddings,

𝐄=[𝐄img,𝐄1vid,,𝐄Kvid,𝐄text].𝐄superscript𝐄𝑖𝑚𝑔superscriptsubscript𝐄1𝑣𝑖𝑑superscriptsubscript𝐄𝐾𝑣𝑖𝑑superscript𝐄𝑡𝑒𝑥𝑡\mathbf{E}=[\mathbf{E}^{img},\mathbf{E}_{1}^{vid},\ldots,\mathbf{E}_{K}^{vid},%\mathbf{E}^{text}].bold_E = [ bold_E start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_i italic_m italic_g end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT , bold_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_v italic_i italic_d end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT , … , bold_E start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_K end_POSTSUBSCRIPT start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_v italic_i italic_d end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT , bold_E start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_t italic_e italic_x italic_t end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ] .(1)

This integration ensures that the LLM receives a sequence of embeddings that include detailed spatial features from the image encoder and comprehensive temporal context from the video encoder, allowing for robust video understanding. The LLM is fine-tuned using LoRAhu2021lora in an auto-regressive manner with a next-token prediction loss. Refer to Fig.2 for detailed illustration.

4 Dataset

VideoGPT+ : Integrating Image and Video Encoders for Enhanced Video Understanding (6)

Video-ChatGPTMaaz2023VideoChatGPT introduces the VideoInstruct100K dataset, which employs a semi-automatic annotation pipeline to generate 75K instruction-tuning QA pairs. To address the limitations of this annotation process, we present VCG+ 112Kdataset developed through an improved annotation pipeline. Our approach improves the accuracy and quality of instruction tuning pairs by improving keyframe extraction, leveraging SoTA large multimodal models (LMMs) for detailed descriptions, and refining the instruction generation strategy.

Keyframe Extraction:VideoInstruct100K uses a fixed number of video keyframes, regardless of video length or dynamics, to generate frame-level dense captions. This often results in both insufficient and redundant information. We address this by first extracting scenes from videosPySceneDetect , and then selecting one keyframe/scene. Consequently, we obtaindetailed information for videos with rich content and reduce redundancy for videos with less content. It provides better visual context by extracting more stable keyframes, thus offering a more accurate video representation.

Frame-Level Descriptions:After extracting keyframes, we use a SoTA image LMM, LLaVA-v1.6liu2024llavanext , to generate dense descriptions for each keyframe. These descriptions encompass comprehensive visual details, including spatial attributes, scene context, and object characteristics, which are often absent in concise ground truth captions. While ground truth captions are precise, they lack the granularity to capture intricate visual and spatial information. To address this, we augment them captions with detailed but noisy information from the frame-level descriptions, thus enhancing the quality and accuracy of the subsequent video descriptions.

Detailed Video Descriptions:VideoInstruct100KMaaz2023VideoChatGPT prompts GPT-3.5 directly with frame-level descriptions and concise ground truth captions to generate QA pairs, imposing a significant cognitive load on the model to verify frame-level descriptions with the ground truth. We improve this process by first creating a coherent and detailed video description. We prompt GPT-4 to integrate the detailed frame-level descriptions with the ground truth captions by comparing information and removing any inconsistencies. The resulting detailed descriptions include a timeline of events, actions, object attributes, and scene settings, providing a thorough representation of the video content. This structured inputsimplifies the task for LLM, thereby enhancing the generated QA pairs quality.

Improved Instruction Tuning Data:Using the ground truth captions and detailed video descriptions, we generate two types of high-quality QA pairs using GPT-3.5: descriptive and concise. For descriptive instruction pairs, we focus on three categories: (i) dense captioning, which provides descriptions of the video covering the entire sequence of events and visual details; (ii) detailed temporal information, which addresses the sequence of events and their dependency to learn temporal relationships; and (iii) generic question answering, which involves in-depth questions about different actions, their consequences, and other detailed aspects of the video. For concise instruction pairs, we target (i) spatial reasoning, focusing on understanding and describing spatial details such as scene settings, number of objects, attire, and locations; (ii) reasoning of events, covering the causal relationships between events; and (iii) short temporal questions, addressing specific moments or sequences, such as what happened at the beginning or end.

5 Proposed Benchmark

VideoGPT+ : Integrating Image and Video Encoders for Enhanced Video Understanding (7)

Recognizing the limited diversity in existing video conversation benchmarks, we introduce VCGBench-Diverse to comprehensively evaluate the generalization ability of video LMMs. While VCG-BenchMaaz2023VideoChatGPT provides an extensive evaluation protocol, it is limited to videos from the ActivityNet200caba2015activitynet dataset. Our benchmark comprises a total of 877 videos, 18 broad video categories and 4,354 QA pairs, ensuring a robust evaluation framework. The detailed breakdown of VCGBench-Diverse is illustrated in Fig.4, showcasing the distribution of videos across content domains, video capturing methods, and reasoning complexities.

We collect videos from 18 distinct domains, including lifestyle, how-to, science and technology, news, travel, entertainment, film, sports, comedy, activism, gaming, education, surveillance, pets, cooking, music, automobile, and traffic (see Fig.4). These categories encompass a broad spectrum of real-world scenarios, ensuring that models are evaluated on a diverse set of challenges. In addition to content diversity, VCGBench-Diverse includes a variety of video capture methods, which ensures a comprehensive assessment of robustness to different filming techniques, camera movements, quality levels and lighting. The benchmark covers five video capture methods including static and controlled settings, dynamic and unpredictable settings, fixed camera perspectives, professional and high-quality videos, and uncontrolled and variable quality. Further, the benchmark evaluates models across six reasoning complexities, including sequential understanding, complex action and predictive reasoning, contextual and world knowledge reasoning, causal reasoning, narrative and emotional reasoning, and analytical and critical reasoning, which is crucial for understanding diverse video content.

The videos in VCGBench-Diverse are sourced from HDVILAxue2022hdvila , MPIIandriluka14cvpr , YouCook2zhou2018towards , UCF Crimeucfcrime , and STUD Trafficxu2021sutd . The video durations range from 29 sec to 471 sec, with an average of 217 sec. Human annotators are tasked with writing detailed descriptions based on their understanding of both audio and visual elements of the videos. This comprehensive annotation process involves a set of annotators who are provided with an initial set of ten videos each. These annotations undergo a meta-review stage where feedback is provided, and necessary corrections are made to meet the required standards. Following this, annotators receive additional batches, with random samples being selected for quality checks by the meta-reviewer. The final human annotations are utilized to generate QA pairs using GPT-3.5, based on prompts detailed in Fig.10.

Following VCG-BenchMaaz2023VideoChatGPT , the evaluation is computed over five different aspects: (i) correctness of information (ii) detail orientation (iii) contextual understanding (iv) temporal understanding and (v) consistency. Additionally, VCGBench-Diverse provides a breakdown of performance across three key aspects: (i) dense video captioning, which assesses the ability to generate detailed and accurate descriptions of the video content, (ii) spatial understanding, which evaluates the capability to understand and describe the spatial relationships and settings within the video, and (iii) reasoning, which tests the adeptness in inferring and explaining causal relationships and actions within the video.

6 Experiments

We perform quantitative evaluation of VideoGPT+on four standard benchmarks: i) VCGBenchMaaz2023VideoChatGPT , ii) VCGBench-Diverse, iii) MVBenchli2023mvbench and iv) Zero-shot QA.

Implementation Details: We use CLIP-L/14clip as our image encoder, InternVideo-v2wang2024internvideo2 stage-2 1B model as our video encoder in conjunction with Phi-3-Mini-3.8Bphi3mini4k based LLM with 4K context window in our experiments. The image encoder operates at 336×336336336336\times 336336 × 336, while the video encoder operates at 224×224224224224\times 224224 × 224 resolution. Our training consists of two pretraining stages and one instruction-tuning stage. In the pretraining stage, we train with only the image encoder and only the video encoder on the CC-595K datasetliu2023improved , with only the visual adapters being learned while the rest of the model is kept frozen. During the instruction-tuning stage, we use LoRAhu2022lora with r=64𝑟64r=64italic_r = 64 for LLM, while visual adapters are fully trained and vision encoders are kept frozen. The LR is set to 1e31superscript𝑒31e^{-3}1 italic_e start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT - 3 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT during pretraining and 2e42superscript𝑒42e^{-4}2 italic_e start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT - 4 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT during instruction tuning.

For experiments on VCGBench, VCGBench-Diverseand Zero-shot QA, we sample 16 frames from videos, while for MVBench which consists of relatively shorter videos, we sample 8 frames. We keep the same sampling strategy during inference. For VCGBench and VCGBench-Diverse, the model is trained on VideoInstruct100KMaaz2023VideoChatGPT , VCG+ 112K, conversation and caption data from VideoChat2023videochat and VQA dataset from WebVidbain2021frozen , that combines to approximately 260K single turn conversations. For MVBench, the model is trained on Kinetics-710kay2017kinetics , Something-Something-v2goyal2017something , conversations from VideoChat2023videochat , CLEVRERyi2019clevrer , VQA dataset from WebVidbain2021frozen and NExT-QAxiao2021next datasets, which combines to approximately 330K single turn conversations. We run all trainings for one epoch. Following previous approachesMaaz2023VideoChatGPT ; jin2023chatunivi ; st-llm , we employ GPT-3.5-Turbo-0613 for VCGBench and Zero-shot QA evaluation. However, for our proposed VCGBench-Diverse, we employ the latest GPT-3.5-Turbo-0125 for evaluation.

Video-ChatGPTMaaz2023VideoChatGPT 2.402.522.621.982.372.38
BT-Adapterbt_adapter 2.682.693.272.342.462.69
VTimeLLMhuang2023vtimellm 2.783.103.402.492.472.85
Chat-UniVijin2023chatunivi 2.892.913.462.892.812.99
LLAMA-VIDllamavid 2.963.003.532.462.512.89
Video-LLaVAvideo-llava 2.842.863.442.462.572.81
VideoChat2li2023mvbench 3.022.883.512.662.812.98
IG-VLMkim2024image 3.112.783.512.443.293.03

VCGBench: The benchmark consists of approximately 3000 QA pairs generated using 500 human-annotated videos from ActivityNetcaba2015activitynet . The benchmark evaluates the responses on five different aspects: i) Correctness of Information (CI), which assesses the correctness of the response to ensure it aligns with the video contents, ii) Detail Orientation (DO), which evaluates the depth of the response, iii) Contextual Understanding (CU), which assesses if the response aligns with the overall context of the video, iv) Temporal Understanding (TU), which assesses the model’s ability to identify temporal sequences accurately, and v) Consistency (CO), which evaluates the consistency in the model response to similar questions. Table1 compares our model with previous SoTA approaches. VideoGPT+achieves an average score of 3.28 surpassing previous best method by a margin of 0.25 (5%).

VCGBench-Diverse: We provide a quantitative comparison of VideoGPT+against previous SoTA approaches on VCGBench-Diverse, which contains 4,354 QA pairs from 877 videos. Following Maaz2023VideoChatGPT , we evaluate the Correctness of Information (CI), Detail Orientation (DO), Contextual Understanding (CU), Temporal Understanding (TU), and Consistency (CO). Additionally, we provide results for dense captioning, spatial understanding, and visual reasoning abilities. The results are presented in Table2. VideoGPT+achieves an average score of 2.47 surpassing all previous methods. Further, VideoGPT+achieves a score of 1.38, 2.80, and 3.63 on dense captioning, spatial understanding, and visual reasoning, respectively. Notably, VideoGPT+ achieves improvements in spatial and temporal understanding, surpassing previous best models by 0.37 (7.4%) and 0.23 (4.6%), respectively. This is attributed to the dual encoder architecture, where the high-resolution image encoder enhances spatial understanding and the video encoder improves temporal accuracy.

Video-ChatGPT(ACL 2024)Maaz2023VideoChatGPT 2.072.422.461.392.062.080.892.253.60
BT-Adapter(CVPR 2024)bt_adapter 2.202.622.591.
VTimeLLM(CVPR 2024)huang2023vtimellm 2.162.412.481.462.352.
Chat-UniVi(CVPR 2024)jin2023chatunivi 2.292.562.661.562.362.291.332.363.59
VideoChat2(CVPR 2024)li2023mvbench 2.132.422.511.662.

GPT-4V2023GPT4VisionSC 55.563.572.046.573.518.559.029.512.040.583.539.012.022.545.047.552.
Video-ChatGPTMaaz2023VideoChatGPT 23.526.062.022.526.554.
VideoLLaMAdamonlpsg2023videollama 27.525.551.
VideoChat2023videochat 33.526.556.033.540.553.040.530.025.527.048.535.020.542.546.026.541.023.523.536.035.5
VideoChat2li2023mvbench 66.047.583.549.560.058.071.542.523.023.088.539.042.058.544.049.036.535.040.565.551.1

MVBench: We evaluate VideoGPT+on MVBenchli2023mvbench , which provides 4,000 QA pairs from 11 video datasets covering a broad spectrum of scenes, ranging from first-person to third-person and from indoor to outdoor environments. The tasks are categorized into 20 fine-grained temporal understanding tasks. The results presented in Table3 compare VideoGPT+with previous methods, indicating an overall improvement of 7.6% compared to the previous best, VideoChat2. Specifically, VideoGPT+ achieves SoTA results in 14 out of 20 tasks and comes second in 4 out of 20 tasks, obtaining an average score of 58.7% across the 20 tasks. Additionally, VideoGPT+shows significant improvements in the Action Prediction (+12.5%), Object Existence (OE) (+27.5%), Moving Direction (MD) (+17%), Moving Count (MC) (+29%) and Moving Attributes (MA) (+32%) indicating the rich spatial information and temporal context achieved by our model.

Zero-shot Question-Answering: We provide a quantitative comparison of our method on the zero-shot QA task across four open-ended QA datasets, including MSVD-QAmsvd , MSRVTT-QAmsvd , TGIF-QATGIF , and ActivityNet-QAcaba2015activitynet . Results presented in Table4 show VideoGPT+achieves superior performance compared to previous methods, indicating its ability to adapt effectively to unseen videos and generate accurate contextually relevant responses in challenging settings.

FrozenBiLMyang2022frozenbilm 32.216.841.024.7
VideoChat2023videochat 56.32.845.02.534.42.326.52.2
LLaMA Adapterllama_adapter
Video-LLaMAdamonlpsg2023videollama 51.62.529.61.8--12.41.1
Video-ChatGPTMaaz2023VideoChatGPT 64.93.349.32.851.
ChatUniVijin2023chatunivi 65.03.654.
LLaMA-VIDllamavid 70.03.758.93.347.53.3
Video-LLaVAvideo-llava 70.73.959.23.570.
VideChat2li2023mvbench 70.03.954.13.349.13.3

Vision Encoder TypeImage PoolingVideo PoolingVCG+112K
ImageVideoDualCNN𝟒×𝟒44\boldsymbol{4\times 4}bold_4 bold_× bold_4𝟐×𝟐22\boldsymbol{2\times 2}bold_2 bold_× bold_2TimeSpace×
Correctness (CI)
Detail (DO)
Context (CU)3.683.703.743.703.733.743.703.743.663.74
Temporal (TU)2.692.702.832.742.732.832.722.832.662.83
Consistency (CO)3.263.313.393.413.393.393.363.393.283.39

Vision Encoder Type: We ablate our dual visual encoder design in VideoGPT+in on VCGBench with results presented in Table5. We conduct three experiments: using only the image encoder, only the video encoder, and both encoders. The image encoder alone achieves a score of 3.17, while the video encoder alone achieves a better score of 3.20, indicating the benefits of video-based pretraining. The dual encoder design, combining both spatial and temporal information, achieves the highest score of 3.28, demonstrating enhanced performance in video-conversation tasks.

Pooling Strategy: We ablate different pooling strategies for the image and video encoders in Table5. The image encoder outputs a 24×24242424\times 2424 × 24 feature map from a 336×336336336336\times 336336 × 336 input. We compare two downsampling methods: a learnable lightweight CNN (LDPv2 from chu2024mobilevlm ) and a non-learnable adaptive average pooling with a 2×2222\times 22 × 2 kernel. Results indicate that adaptive pooling performs better than CNN. A 4×4444\times 44 × 4 adaptive pooling was also tested but showed inferior performance.

Similarly, we ablate the pooling choice for the video encoder, which takes an input of size T×224×224×C𝑇224224𝐶T\times 224\times 224\times Citalic_T × 224 × 224 × italic_C and outputs a feature map of T×16×16×d𝑇1616𝑑T\times 16\times 16\times ditalic_T × 16 × 16 × italic_d. We compare two pooling strategies: time pooling across the temporal dimension to reduce the feature map to 1×16×16×d11616𝑑1\times 16\times 16\times d1 × 16 × 16 × italic_d, and space pooling across the spatial dimension with a 2×2222\times 22 × 2 kernel. Table5 shows that space pooling effectively preserves temporal information and yields better results.


VCG+ 112K: To demonstrate the effectiveness of VCG+ 112K, we train VideoGPT+ with and without it. As shown in Table5, VCG+ 112K improves performance, particularly in detail orientation (DO) and temporal understanding (TU). This improvement can be attributed to our novel semi-automatic annotation pipeline and the enhanced instruction tuning data, which focuses on generating both detailed and concise instruction pairs. Refer to Fig.3 for qualitative visualization of the data.

LLM Type: We train VideoGPT+ with different LLMs including Vicuna 7B and 13Bvicuna2023 and LLaMA-3 8Bllama3 and shows results in Table6. We observe slight improvements in VCGBench scores when training using better LLMs, including Vicuna 13B and LLaMA-3 8B models.

7 Conclusion

In this work, we introduce VideoGPT+, a novel video conversation model that leverages the complementary benefits of image and video encoders to achieve enhanced video understanding. VideoGPT+demonstrates better performance across multiple video benchmarks, owing to its dual-encoder design, lightweight visual adapters that map image/video features to a common space and a segment-wise sampling strategy that retains fine-grained temporal information.We also develop VCG+ 112K, a 112K video-instruction set using a resource-efficient semi-automated annotation pipeline that delivers further gains. Lastly, we propose VCGBench-Diverse, a diverse benchmark covering 18 video categories, to comprehensively evaluate video LMMs. Despite reported improvements, video LMMs still find challenges in precise action localization, understanding very long videos, and navigating long paths; areas where major improvements can unlock new applications.

VideoGPT+ : Integrating Image and Video Encoders for Enhanced Video Understanding (8)
VideoGPT+ : Integrating Image and Video Encoders for Enhanced Video Understanding (9)
VideoGPT+ : Integrating Image and Video Encoders for Enhanced Video Understanding (10)

8 Qualitative Results

We provide a qualitative comparison of our VideoGPT+ with the previous state-of-the-art approach, VideoChat2li2023mvbench , in Fig.5. The example shows an advertisem*nt video for sunscreen, where multiple scene changes are present. The video starts with a close-up view of the sunscreen, followed by a woman applying sunscreen on her hand, then applying sunscreen near a beach. The woman is then seen applying sunscreen on her arms, and finally, the video shows the key ingredients of the sunscreen and ends with the cover of the sunscreen.

As shown in Fig.5, our VideoGPT+ correctly identifies the events present in the video and provides a detailed and accurate description. On the other hand, VideoChat2 struggles to accurately capture all the events. Further, our model generates an advertisem*nt post highlighting one of the unique features of the sunscreen shown in the video, namely that it functions as both sunscreen and moisturizer. Lastly, our VideoGPT+ correctly identifies the SPF value and brand name of the sunscreen, while VideoChat2 struggles to correctly identify the brand name. We present further comparison in Fig.7.

9 Additional Implementation Details

In this section, we provide additional implementation details regarding our training setup and compute requirements. All of our experiments are conducted using 8xA100 40GB GPUs. The training for VCGBench experiments takes around 12 hours to complete, while the training for MVBench experiments finishes in around 10 hours. We use the model trained for the VCGBench task to evaluate on VCGBench-Diverse and zero-shot question-answering benchmarks. All of our training and evaluation codes, pretrained models and dataset will be publicly released.

10 Additional Ablations


Feature concatenation strategy: We conduct an ablation study to determine the optimal order in which image and video features should be input to the LLM. Specifically, we perform two experiments. In the first experiment, image and video features are extracted for each video segment and concatenated in an interleaved manner before sending as input to the LLM. For example, the video is divided into segments of equal size, and then the image and video features from each segment are concatenated and input to the LLM.In the second experiment, we first place all the image features followed by all the video features. The results shown in Table7, indicate that the sequential design, where the image features are placed first followed by the video features, yields better performance. This can be justified by the fact that we use different visual adapters for image and video features, so interleaving the features from both modalities can create a larger distribution shift, hindering the learning process.

VideoGPT+ : Integrating Image and Video Encoders for Enhanced Video Understanding (11)
VideoGPT+ : Integrating Image and Video Encoders for Enhanced Video Understanding (12)
VideoGPT+ : Integrating Image and Video Encoders for Enhanced Video Understanding (13)

11 GPT Prompts

In this section, we provide the GPT prompts used for the following tasks: (i) Dense video description generation for VCG+ 112K, (ii) Question-answer generation for VCG+ 112K and (iii) Question-answer generation for VCGBench-Diverse.

Dense Video Description Generation for VCG+112K: To generate dense video captions, we provide GPT-4 with a concise ground truth caption of the video and detailed frame-level captions of the key-frames generated from LLaVA-v1.6liu2024llavanext . GPT-4 is then prompted to combine this information into a detailed caption for the entire video. As illustrated in Fig.8, the prompt includes clear instructions to eliminate any conflicting information, ensuring an accurate and detailed caption.

Question-answer generation for VCG+112K: After generating detailed video descriptions using GPT-4, we use GPT-3.5 to create question-answer pairs for instruction tuning. Fig.9 shows the prompt to generate detailed summary question-answer pair using the ground truth caption and the dense description of the video.

Question-Answer Generation for VCGBench-Diverse: We provide prompts used to generate comprehensive question-answer pairs for VCGBench-Diverse. As illustrated in Fig.10, the questions are generated in three categories: temporal, spatial, and reasoning. Similar prompts are used to generate consistency and summary questions, offering an extensive evaluation protocol for VCGBench-Diverse.


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VideoGPT+ : Integrating Image and Video Encoders for Enhanced Video Understanding (2024)


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