ShareGPT4Video: Improving Video Understanding and Generation with Better Captions (2024)

Lin Chen1,4 Xilin Wei4∗ Jinsong Li2,4∗ Xiaoyi Dong2,4 Pan Zhang4 Yuhang Zang4
Zehui Chen1,4 Haodong Duan4 Bin Lin3 Zhenyu Tang3
Li Yuan3 Yu Qiao4 Dahua Lin2,4 Feng Zhao1† Jiaqi Wang4†
1 USTC2 CUHK3 PKU4 Shanghai AI Lab

*Equal contribution. Corresponding author.


We present the ShareGPT4Video series, aiming to facilitate the video understanding of large video-language models (LVLMs) and the video generation of text-to-video models (T2VMs) via dense and precise captions.The series comprises: 1) ShareGPT4Video, 40K GPT4V annotated dense captions of videos with various lengths and sources, developed through carefully designed data filtering and annotating strategy.2) ShareCaptioner-Video, an efficient and capable captioning model for arbitrary videos, with 4.8M high-quality aesthetic videos annotated by it.3) ShareGPT4Video-8B, a simple yet superb LVLM that reached SOTA performance on three advancing video benchmarks.To achieve this, taking aside the non-scalable costly human annotators, we find using GPT4V to caption video with a naive multi-frame or frame-concatenation input strategy leads to less detailed and sometimes temporal-confused results. We argue the challenge of designing a high-quality video captioning strategy lies in three aspects:1) Inter-frame precise temporal change understanding.2) Intra-frame detailed content description.3) Frame-number scalability for arbitrary-length videos. To this end, we meticulously designed a differential video captioning strategy, which is stable, scalable, and efficient for generating captions for videos with arbitrary resolution, aspect ratios, and length.Based on it, we construct ShareGPT4Video, which contains 40K high-quality videos spanning a wide range of categories, and the resulting captions encompass rich world knowledge, object attributes, camera movements, and crucially, detailed and precise temporal descriptions of events.Based on ShareGPT4Video, we further develop ShareCaptioner-Video, a superior captioner capable of efficiently generating high-quality captions for arbitrary videos. We annotated 4.8M aesthetically appealing videos by it and verified their effectiveness on a 10-second text2video generation task.For video understanding, we verified the effectiveness of ShareGPT4Video on several current LVLM architectures and presented our superb new LVLM ShareGPT4Video-8B. All the models, strategies, and annotations111We do not hold the copyright for any video and will provide the link-annotation pair for research-only usage. will be open-sourced and we hope this project can serve as a pivotal resource for advancing both the LVLMs and T2VMs community.

ShareGPT4Video: Improving Video Understanding and Generation with Better Captions (1)

1 Introduction

Recent advancements in multi-modal learning, driven by large language models, have led to progress in image-text dialogue[35, 10, 16, 56, 63, 13, 2, 65] and text-to-image generation tasks[3, 52, 6, 53, 70, 8]. This has inspired a shift towards video understanding[34, 1, 32, 69, 42, 40] and generation tasks[54, 20, 60, 57, 4, 39], allowing for user interaction across video and language modalities.Thus, the detailed and high-fidelity video captions, which bridge the aforementioned modalities, is instrumental in propelling the advancements within the field.

Despite the rich semantic and temporal content of videos, they are often paired with brief captions in existing data. These short descriptions limit the detailed video understanding and the controllability of the video generation. While the importance of detailed captions is recognized in image-text dialogue[10, 7, 55] and text-to-image generation tasks[8, 22], similar efforts are lacking in video understanding and generation.

However, creating large-scale, high-quality video captions is a challenging task. Detailed captioning for long videos is non-trivial and time-consuming even for humans, hindering large-scale annotation. Current open-source LVLMs lack this capability, and closed-source APIs do not yet support video inputs.

On the other hand, if we roughly degrade the input from video to multiple frames, even GPT4V struggles to describe the video with satisfied quality. For example, an intuitive idea is to provide multiple frames with timestamps to the GPT4V and generate the caption, while we find that GPT4V is unstable and sometimes misunderstands the temporal relation between the frames, and its performance further degrades with the increasing of video frame number. Other solutions such as concatenating all the frames into a large image are nonhelpful to the temporal problem, and the caption loses details as the frame number increases. We also showcase these problems in Figure 11-12

We posit that the challenge of devising an effective video captioning strategy is rooted in three fundamental aspects:1) Inter-frame precise temporal change understanding: The temporal dimension distinguishes videos from images. An imprecise temporal description can significantly diminish the quality of the video caption and lead to confusion in the training models.2) Intra-frame detailed content description: Detailed descriptions [10] are crucial for aligning modalities between image and text, which are also important for video-text alignment.3) Frame-number scalability for arbitrary-length videos: Videos encountered in the wild can vary greatly in length. An ideal captioning strategy should be resilient to this variability and generate appropriate captions for videos of any length.

To this end, we present the Differential Sliding-Window Captioning strategy (DiffSW), which is stable, scalable, and efficient for generating captions for arbitrary videos. The central concept of DiffSW is translating the all-frames-to-caption task into a differential description task. Specifically, we generate a detailed caption for the first frame and apply a sliding window of length two to the subsequent frames in chronological order. The powerful image multi-modal model, GPT4V [46], is tasked with identifying the changes between frames based on three inputs: the previous frame, its differential caption, and the current frame. This encompasses alterations in camera movement, object movement, character actions, and scene transitions. Upon acquiring all differential captions, these are input into GPT4 [45] to construct a comprehensive caption for the entire video.The differential concept allows DiffSW to concentrate on the changes between frames, i.e., the temporal changes. Its sliding design ensures the correctness of temporal order and invariance towards the total number of frames. The constant input frame number guarantees that GPT4V does not overlook details and utilizes the API efficiently, resulting in stable, scalable, and efficient caption quality from DiffSW. Furthermore, the differential design enables the re-caption of any sub-clips of a captioned video by reusing its differential captions.

Based on DiffSW, we construct ShareGPT4Video, which contains 40K high-quality video-caption pairs spanning a wide range of categories, and the resulting captions encompass rich world knowledge, object attributes, camera movements, and crucially, detailed and precise temporal descriptions of events.The videos of ShareGPT4Video are collected from various sources [12, 66, 48, 18, 49, 43], employed with a Semantic-based Data Filtering strategy to mitigate content hom*ogeneity among these videos. A Semantic-aware Key-frame Extraction strategy is then applied to the videos to reduce the temporal redundancy. DiffSW is applied to the keyframes to generate high-quality captions and we further improve its stability and quality with a Hierarchical Prompt Design. Manual quality inspection is employed to ensure the quality of the video captions.

Based on ShareGPT4Video, we present ShareCaptionor-Video, an exceptional video captioner capable of efficiently generating high-quality captions for videos of a wide range of resolution, aspect ratio, and duration. It enables the further scaling of high-quality video caption data with minor cost and satisfactory quality, and we generate high-quality captions for 4.8M aesthetically appealing videos (totaling about 3000 hours) by it.

We conduct extensive experiments in video understanding and generation tasks to demonstrate the value of our high-quality video-caption dataset and our superior video captioner.For video generation, a DiT-based [47] text-to-video model trained on the 4.8M video-captions pairs performs well in generating 10-second high-resolution videos and achieving fine-grained control over content generation.For video understanding, ShareGPT4Video brings consistent performance gain of multiple current LVLMs over multiple benchmarks by replacing a small proportion of training data. We further present ShareGPT4Video-8B, a simple yet superb LVLM that reached SOTA performance on three advancing and comprehensive video benchmarks. The model, strategy, and annotations will be publicly available and we hope this project can serve as a pivotal resource for advancing both the LVLMs and T2VMs community.

2 ShareGPT4Video Dataset

This section provides a detailed exposition of how we construct the ShareGPT4Video dataset. We detail the entire process in Figure 2. In Section 2.1, we describe our methods for collecting and filtering video data. In Section 2.2, we explain how we perform efficient sparse sampling of the videos. In Section 2.3, we detail of how we leverage the multimodal image model GPT-4V to generate high-quality captions for the videos.

2.1 Data Collection

Selection of Data Sources. To serve both video understanding and video generation tasks, we consider the aesthetic quality and content complexity of videos during our collection process. We first consider Panda-70M [12], a high-resolution video dataset sourced from YouTube, featuring clips ranging in one minute. This open-domain source covers diverse areas such as wildlife, cooking, sports, news & TV shows, gaming & 3D rendering. It typically includes complex content and transitions, providing a solid foundation for understanding various real-world scenarios. However, the complexity of these contents and transitions presents a significant challenge for the video generation field. To address this, we also source a large volume of aesthetically appealing videos from some user-uploaded video websites [48, 49, 43]. These videos predominantly consist of scenic views and aesthetically pleasing human activities, involving fewer transitions and simpler events.Finally, we supplement our collection with selected videos from Ego4D [18] and BDD100K [66] to fill the gaps in ego-centric human activities and auto-driving scenarios, ensuring our video sources encompass as many real-world scenes as possible.

Semantic-Based Data Filtering. Although our captioning method can support videos of extended lengths, our collection primarily focuses on videos shorter than two minutes due to the trade-off of the duration and amount of videos. We initially filter out videos from our selected data sources longer than two minutes, leaving videos in two minutes as the candidates. We then introduce a semantic-based data filtering strategy to mitigate content hom*ogeneity among these candidates and maintain diversity in the final video dataset. This approach aims to select videos with significant thematic differences from the pool of candidates to compose our final video collection.Specifically, we first use the Panda-Student [12] model to generate a short caption with one sentence for each candidate video, and then maintain a final pool of video candidates. Whenever a new video V is processed, we encode its corresponding short caption S using the Bert-Base-Uncased [15] language model to obtain the CLS token Pn+11×D, which captures high-level semantic expressions. We then calculate the similarity between this CLS token Pn+1 and the CLS tokens {P1,P2,,Pn} of videos already in the final candidate pool. A new video will only be added to the pool if its maximum similarity is below a predefined threshold. We provide the pseudo-code in Figure 14.

ShareGPT4Video: Improving Video Understanding and Generation with Better Captions (2)

2.2 Video Processing

Videos are commonly redundant on the temporal dimension, and keyframe sampling is a general idea to represent a video compactly.However, traditional key-frame extraction methods [74, 5] often struggle to ensure semantic coherence, leading to missing key-frames covering crucial changes and transitions. Consequently, we develop a semantic-aware key-frame extraction method that strikes a balance between reducing temporal redundancy and maintaining semantic coherence.

Semantic-aware Key-frame Extraction.We denote VT×H×W×3 as a T frame set sampled from a video with fixed 2-second intervals.We calculate the keyframe set VT×H×W×3 that are sufficiently sparse yet comprehensively cover the evolution of events within the video that T<T. We view the output CLS token of the CLIP-Large image encoder [50] as the global semantics of each frame and remove the adjacent frames that have a high semantic similarity. In practice, we initialize the keyframe set V with the first frame of V. For each frame in V, we calculate its semantic similarity d with the latest keyframe in V. If d is lower than the pre-defined threshold, we view the frame as a keyframe and add it to the V. If not, the frame is skipped as redundant. For completeness, the last frame of V is always added in V. We provide the pseudo-code in Figure 15.

2.3 Captioning Pipeline

As we mentioned in Section 1, we find if we feed all the frames to the GPT4V directly, the GPT4V struggles to stably generate captions with the correct temporal relation between frames, and its performance further worsens with the frame number increasing. On the other hand, if we concatenate all the frames into a large image, the GPT4V loses more details with the increasing frame number, as shown in Figure 11-12.

ShareGPT4Video: Improving Video Understanding and Generation with Better Captions (3)

Differential Sliding-window Captioning.To this end, we develop a differential sliding-window captioning pipeline to generate high-quality captions with detailed temporal descriptions for various videos. Specifically, the input fed to the image multi-modal model each time includes the current key-frame and the previous key-frame along with its differential caption. Then, we introduce the Differential Prompt to guide GPT4V in focusing on the changes between the current and previous frames, such as posture, position, camera angle, etc. Additionally, incorporating the differential caption of the previous frame as supplementary context enhances the response quality and reduces hallucinations. This is because the image embedding and textual caption provide explicit and implicit representations of the image, respectively. The differential caption not only adds extra context but also integrates temporal information from two frames ago, further improving the model’s temporal understanding. It’s important to note that for the first key-frame, which lacks a preceding frame, its differential caption is replaced directly with the standard caption. Finally, we input all differential captions along with their corresponding timestamps into GPT4. A specific Summary Prompt is designed to instruct the LLM to generate high-quality video captions with precise temporal dynamics and detailed spatial information. In practice, we use GPT-4-Turbo-04-09 for all the annotations.

In the design of the prompts, we discovered that an explicit Hierarchical Prompt Design significantly aids the GPT4V in comprehending its role, its expected format, and its operational boundaries. This approach contributes to the stabilization of the output’s format and enhances the overall quality of the results. For more details, please refer to Section A.2

ShareGPT4Video: Improving Video Understanding and Generation with Better Captions (4)

3 ShareCaptioner-Video

3.1 Model design

We fine-tune the IXC2-4KHD [17] using the collected video caption data, resulting in our ShareCaptioner-Video. For flexible usage, we re-organize the data for the following capabilities:

1. Fast Captioning The model employs an image-grid format for direct video captioning, providing rapid generation speeds that are ideal for short videos. In practice, we concatenate all the keyframes of a video into a vertically elongated image and train the model on a caption task.

2. Sliding Captioning The model supports streaming captioning in a differential sliding-window format, yielding high-quality captions that are suitable for long videos. Similar to the captioning pipeline used in Section 2.3, we take the two adjacent keyframes alongside the previous differential caption as input, and train the model to describe the events occurring between them.

3. Clip Summarizing The model can swiftly summarize any clip from ShareGPT4Video or videos that have undergone the differential sliding-window captioning process, eliminating the need to re-process frames. We use all the differential descriptions as input, and the output is the video caption.

4. Prompt Re-Captioning: The model can rephrase prompts input by users who prefer specific video generation areas, ensuring that T2VMs trained on high-quality video-caption data maintain format alignment during inference with their training. In practice, we use GPT-4 to generate Sora-style prompts for our dense captions, and we train the re-captioning task in reverse, i.e., by using the generated prompt as input and the dense caption as the training target.

In practice, we fine-tune the model end-to-end over one epoch. We follow the default high-resolution strategy, using ‘HD-55’ for fast captioning and ‘HD-25’ for the others. The learning rate is uniform across all model components and warms up from 0 to 2.5×105 within the first 1% of steps. The batch size is set to 1024, and we sample the data uniformly.

3.2 Scaling-up Captions

To validate the effectiveness of our ShareCaptioner-Video in the video captioning task and further support the development of the video generation domain, we utilized it to annotate a large volume of aesthetically appealing videos. Specifically, we meticulously collect and process 4.8 million video clips, totaling approximately 3000 hours, from three sources: MixKit [43], Pexels [48], and Pixabay [49]. Subsequently, we employ the sliding captioning mode of ShareCaptioner-Video to generate high-quality captions for these videos. The total captioning process requires approximately 4000 H100 GPU hours. We provide some statistics on generated captions in Figure 8.

4 Experiments

4.1 Video Understanding

Datasets and Benchmarks.To thoroughly explore the benefits that our high-quality video-caption data bring to LVLMs, we conduct comprehensive evaluations of the model across three multi-modal video benchmarks. VideoBench [44] curates approximately 15,000 QA pairs spanning 10 evaluation dimensions from 13 existing data sources, such as MSVD-QA [62], MSRVTT-QA [62], Activitynet-QA [67], etc. MVBench [30] is designed to challenge LVLMs with video tasks that cannot be effectively resolved by single-frame reliance, featuring 4,000 QA pairs derived from 11 public video benchmarks. TempCompass [38] specifically assesses the nuanced performance of LVLMs across various temporal aspects, such as speed, direction, and attribute changes. It includes 410 videos and 7,540 meticulously collected instructions, emphasizing temporal comprehension and interaction.

VideoLLaVA-7B [34]34.543.050.642.7
LLaMA-VID-7B [32]36.541.348.142.0
LLaMA-VID-13B [32]48.343.351.447.7

CaptionUnlock ViTVideoBenchMVBenchTempCompassAvg.

Improving current LVLMs with ShareGPT4Video.We validate the effectiveness of the high-quality video-caption data collected in ShareGPT4Video to improve the performance of current LVLMs. For fairness and simplicity, we integrate 28K high-quality video-caption data related to complex scenes (Panda-70M [12], Ego4D [18], and BDD100K [66]) of ShareGPT4Video to replace the captions data in the VideoChatGPT-100K [42] conversation data with an equivalent number.Then we train the VideoLLaVA [34] and LLaMA-VID [32] with their default training settings and hyperparameters. As shown in Table 1, ShareGPT4Video consistently improves the alignment between video and language modalities in different LVLM architectures and scales. Specifically, VideoLLaVA-7B [34] achieves an average performance gain of 1.1 across three comprehensive multi-modal video benchmarks after integrating high-quality captions, while LLaMA-VID-7B and LLaMA-VID-13B achieve an average gain of 2.0 and 2.3, separately. Our high-quality video-caption data is particularly effective in helping LVLMs achieve significant performance improvements on benchmarks that require complex temporal understanding, such as TempCompass [38].

ShareGPT4Video-8B.To obtain our final ShareGPT4Video-8B model, we start with the LLaVA-Next-8B [26] image multi-modal model. Consistent with previous LVLM approaches [34, 42], we uniformly sample 16 frames from each video and arrange these frames into a 4x4 image grid to form the input for both training and inference, following the IG-VLM [24] strategy. For training data, we first collect 153K VQA data from various instructional video-to-text datasets to build our baseline. This collection includes 13K conversational data from VideoChatGPT [42] and 140K question-answer pairs, with 45K data points from CLEVRER [64], 8K from EGO-QA [18], 34K from NextQA [61], and 53K from TGIF-Transition [31]. Then, these VQA data are combined with 28K video-caption data, forming a consolidated training dataset of 181K samples. For more training details, please refer to Section A.1.

As illustrated in Table 3, 4, 5, we present a quantitative comparison between our ShareGPT4Video-8B model supercharged by our ShareGPT4Video dataset with existing state-of-the-art LVLMs. Notably, compared with previous LVLMs, our ShareGPT4Video-8B attains the most superior performance in all three comprehensive benchmarks.Specifically, thanks to the rich temporal information provided by ShareGPT4Video, our ShareGPT4Video-8B model achieves an impressive average accuracy of 61.5% on the TempCompass benchmark. This is an 11.6% increase over the previous best-performing LVLM, VideoLLaVA-7B.Additionally, despite the VideoBench and MVBench benchmarks collecting a diverse range of QA data from various existing video datasets, we achieve solid performance on these benchmarks, surpassing the previous state-of-the-art by an average accuracy of 2.7% and 8.2%.

Abaltion on caption quality and ViT.Based on ShareGPT4Video-8B, we study how the modality alignment is influenced by caption quality and learnable vision encoder. As indicated in Table 2, introducing short captions on top of VQA data may not yield substantial performance gains. It could even degrade performance on some benchmarks due to sub-optimal modality alignment. Comparing the first, second, and fourth rows of Table 2, the significant performance gains of comprehending temporal sequences benefited from our high-quality caption data are evident. Moreover, unlocking the vision encoder when training with detailed captions facilitates better LVLMs modality alignment.

ModelMulti-Choice QAYes/No QACaption MatchingCaption GenerationAvg.
Valley-7B [40]47.029.332.518.929.958.152.052.550.352.965.053.852.653.053.854.031.032.734.241.433.4
PandaGPT-13B [12]35.527.829.331.830.953.049.650.853.752.256.651.444.355.049.023.725.726.029.832.640.4
VideoLLaMA-13B [69]54.124.528.132.828.568.146.048.851.850.973.147.447.152.048.354.321.313.938.533.943.3
VideoChatGPT-7B [42]47.031.628.437.130.952.550.049.551.050.064.648.647.849.348.640.928.424.531.833.942.4
mPLUG-Owl-7B [63]66.629.332.234.835.464.450.651.251.352.056.945.346.449.349.046.528.230.431.236.544.5
VideoLLaVA-7B [30]70.432.238.241.439.974.351.850.349.
LLaMA-VID-7B [32]58.629.929.330.526.063.048.849.248.452.772.745.652.

mPLUG-Owl-7B [63]41.542.536.331.727.122.827.824.
Otter-7B [27]44.355.047.034.332.722.416.727.737.134.352.848.729.737.5
Video-LLaMA-7B [69]39.941.234.131.328.927.616.724.832.426.260.649.131.232.8
Valley-7B [40]
VideoChat-7B [29]44.642.237.433.727.722.427.826.234.128.639.955.431.435.4
PandaGPT-7B [12]45.050.444.629.733.033.016.727.937.131.141.756.030.837.5
VideoChatGPT-7B [42]46.657.546.335.634.824.127.828.836.522.541.758.237.238.5
ChatUniVi-7B [23]49.048.641.741.329.028.316.723.133.625.738.953.129.135.3
VideoLLaVA-7B* [34]44.134.530.039.430.719.522.227.333.425.633.350.738.934.5
LLaMA-VID-7B* [32]45.244.539.129.129.327.911.134.132.528.936.147.836.836.5

Otter-7B [27]
mPLUG-Owl-7B [63]
LLaMA-Adapter [71]
VideoChatGPT-7B [42]23.526.062.022.526.554.
VideoLLaMA-7B [69]27.525.551.
VideoChat-7B [29]33.526.556.033.540.553.040.530.025.527.048.535.020.542.546.026.541.023.523.536.035.5
VideoLLaVA-7B* [34]46.042.556.539.053.553.
LLaMA-VID-7B* [32]45.540.558.039.555.053.540.035.518.527.587.041.523.045.541.

4.2 Video Captioning

To verify the capability of ShareCapitoner-Video, we quantitatively compare the video captioning quality between ShareCapitoner-Video and GPT4V with human preference voting. As shown in Table 7, it performs on par with GPT4V. We also shows the qualitative results in Figure 9. For more details, please refer to Section A.4

4.3 Video Generation

Model setup.To validate the effectiveness of high-quality captions in the T2VMs area, we utilize ShareCaptioner-Video and Panda-Student [12] to generate high-quality and short video captions for 4.5M videos with 65 frames and 0.3M videos with 221 frames, separately. Following the process outlined in the Open-Sora-Plan [25], we fine-tuned the pretrained T2VM to enable the generation of high-fidelity 10-second videos. For comparison, we fine-tuned a baseline model with the same quantity of video-short-captions pairs. For more training details, please refer to Section A.1.

ShareGPT4Video: Improving Video Understanding and Generation with Better Captions (5)
ShareGPT4Video: Improving Video Understanding and Generation with Better Captions (6)

Qualitative analysis.As illustrated in Figure 5, the T2VM can accurately follow detailed prompts and demonstrate remarkable control over semantic content and camera movement when aided by high-quality, detailed captions generated by ShareCaptioner-Video. The resulting video showcases intricate and lively content. In contrast, when provided with brief captions, the T2VM struggles to adhere to complex generation prompts, leading to subpar results.

5 Limitations and Social Impacts

Limitations. Although our current pipeline for generating high-quality video captions fully utilizes visual and textual information, it is limited by GPT4V’s inability to incorporate audio information simultaneously. Audio information is beneficial in conversational scenarios involving daily human activities. We plan to introduce audio information in future work, once GPT4o supports audio input, to enhance the quality of our captions further.

Social impacts. 1)Since the large language model involves the generation process of the large-scale captions, we have not manually verified each caption for socially biased content; 2) Although we utilize video data from existing public datasets, we cannot ensure that the selected videos do not contain human faces. Therefore, while there are no restrictions on the use of our generated captions, users must adhere to the licenses of the original video sources when using the videos.

6 Conclusion

In this study, we aim to address the challenge of lacking high-quality video-caption data for large video-language models (LVLMs) and text-to-video models (T2VMs). We develop ShareGPT4Video, a high-quality video-caption dataset, and ShareCaptioner-Video, an advanced and versatile model in the video-language multi-modal area. By employing a series of strategies and designs, we generate 40K detailed captions from advanced image multi-modal model, GPT4V, and 4.8M high-quality captions from our ShareCaptioner-Video. These captions include rich world knowledge, object attributes, camera movements, and detailed temporal descriptions of events. Our extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our dataset and captioner in enhancing video understanding and generation tasks. We believe that ShareGPT4Video and ShareCaptioner-Video will serve as essential resources for advancing research in the LVLM and T2VM communities.

Appendix A Appendix

In the appendix, we provide more results and analysis and summarize them as follows:

  • In Section A.1, we detail the experimental setups.

  • In Section A.2, we talk about the prompt design philosophy and showcase the prompt for each stage.

  • In Section A.3, we present the template of our hierarchical prompt.

  • In Section A.4, we introduce the qualitative and quantitative comparison of the caption quality between our ShareCaptioner-Video and other methods.

  • In Section A.5, we present more statics of the ShareGPT4Video dataset.

  • In Section A.6, we provide the detailed pseudo code of semantic-based data filtering and semantic-aware key-frame extraction.

  • In Section A.7, we present the section of related work.

A.1 Experimental Details

Training details of ShareGPT4Video-8B.During training, we employ a batch size of 128 and the AdamW optimizer. We opt to fine-tune the entire model, setting the learning rate for the vision encoder at 2e-6, for the MLP projector at 2e-5, and for the LLM using LoRA [21], the learning rate is set at 2e-4. Such training strategy enables us to obtain an exceptional LVLM, ShareGPT4Video-8B, with 8 A100 GPUs in about 5 hours.

Implementation details for T2VMs. We utilize the Latte-XL [41] model with pre-trained weights and a text encoder from T5-XXL [51]. In the first stage, we perform pretraining on a lower number of frames and enable joint image-video training, with the image batch size being four times that of the video. This stage involved 50k training steps. In the second stage, both the video and image batch sizes were reduced to 2. For all training stages, we used AdamW optimizer with a constant learning rate of 2e-5, and the resolution for both images and videos was set to 512×512. For training precision, we used Bf16 since fp16 led to loss becoming NaN. The first stage requires around 6K H100 GPU hours, and the second stage requires around 36K Ascend GPU hours.

A.2 Hierarchical Prompt Design.

We introduce this design to help the multi-modal and language models effectively perform their roles during the captioning process. We separately illustrate the differential-caption prompt and summary prompt in Figure 7 and Figure 8.Hierarchical prompts primarily consist of four components. The Character part provides the model with an overall perception of the role it is to play and the work environment it faces. The Skills section specifies the skills the model needs to possess, ensuring precise compliance with multiple requirements without omissions or confusion. The Constraints section clarifies behaviors that users do not desire and the rules to be followed when constructing outputs. The Structured Input section requires users to set up according to their specific scenarios. For example, when guiding the model to generate differential captions, the Character part informs the model that it is an expert in analyzing video frames. The Skills section requires the model to describe inter-frame target actions and behaviors, changes in environment and background, alterations in target appearance attributes, and camera movements reflecting temporal changes. The Constraints section demands precise descriptions without listing them item by item. In the Structured Input section, the input consists of frame indexes, timestamps, the previous frame, and its differential caption, among others.

A.3 Prompt Template

ShareGPT4Video: Improving Video Understanding and Generation with Better Captions (7)
ShareGPT4Video: Improving Video Understanding and Generation with Better Captions (8)

A.4 Comparison of Caption Quality

Lexical Categoryn.adj.adv.v.num.prep.

Avg. Score2.22.0-

Quantitative captioning capability comparison between ShareCaptioner-Video and GPT4V. We first analyze the linguistic composition of the captions produced by GPT4V and ShareCaptioner-Video, and the results are presented in Table 7. The analysis reveals that the captions generated by our ShareCaptioner-Video contain a comparable information level to those generated by GPT4V. Furthermore, as shown in Table 7, we first generate 100 captions with GPT4V and ShareCaptioner-Video and then invite 10 volunteers to evaluate the captions based on three aspects. These aspects include (1) Omission and Fabrication - checking for no key elements missing in the caption and identifying imaged elements not present in the video; (2) Distortion - assessing the accuracy of element attributes such as color and size; and (3) Temporal Mismatch - evaluating whether the description accurately reflects the evolution of temporal events in the video. Each pair can earn a maximum of 3 points, one for each criterion met. As anticipated, our ShareCaptioner-Video performs on par with the GPT4V.

Qualitative comparison of caption quality from various sources. In Figure 9, we compare the quality of captions from different sources. The result which uses the Panda-Student [12] model learned from multiple LVLMs, generates one-sentence captions for videos. While this approach minimizes errors, it provides insufficient textual information for information-dense videos, hindering the alignment of video and language modalities. The Video ChatCaptioner [9], on the other hand, uses ChatGPT to construct questions, employs BLIP2 [28] for VQA, and then uses ChatGPT again to summarize a complete caption based on the QA. Although this method produces longer captions than Panda-Student, the extensive involvement of ChatGPT often leads to over-imagination and hallucinations, negatively impacting the alignment between video and language modalities. Thanks to our carefully designed pipeline for generating high-quality video captions, GPT4V demonstrated impressive captioning capabilities. Additionally, after fine-tuning on the ShareGPT4Video dataset, our ShareCaptioner-Video also exhibits captioning capabilities comparable to GPT-4V.

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ShareGPT4Video: Improving Video Understanding and Generation with Better Captions (12)

A.5 Data Statistics

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A.6 Pseudo Code

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A.7 Related Work

Large video-language models. The vision-language community has recently made significant advancements in the field of large image-language models [36, 35, 37, 10, 13, 11, 58, 59, 2, 72, 33]. These models typically employ three core components: a visual encoder for extracting visual features, a connector to bridge the visual and language modalities, and a large language model (LLM) to decode the multimodal context. A milestone in this field is LLaVA-1.5 [35], which uses CLIP-Large [50] as the visual encoder, a two-layer MLP as the connector, and Vicuna-v1.5 [14] as the LLM backbone. This model achieves exceptional performance with only affordable data for training. Following this paradigm, the large video-language model field has also seen emerging efforts to encode video into vision tokens suitable for LLMs, enabling understanding and reasoning about video content. For example, VideoChat2 [30] employs a video transformer and a Q-Former [28] to extract and compress visual tokens. VideoLLaVA [34] uses a pre-aligned video encoder with image and language, along with an MLP, to extract and transform visual tokens. LLaMA-VID [32] introduces the LLaVA-like three-stage training strategy and compresses each frame’s vision token into one to support long video understanding. Despite the continuous exploration of training strategies and model architectures, none of these methods have investigated the role of high-quality captions in aligning video and language modalities, as has been done in the large image-language model field [10, 7].

Text-to-video models. Recent advancements in the text-to-image field, such as DALL·E [3], and Stable Diffusion [52], have significantly propelled the T2I area. Inspired by these achievements, researchers have increasingly begun to explore the potential of generating high-fidelity videos from textual descriptions. For instance, MagicVideo [73] introduces a 3D U-Net-based architecture and directs temporal attention to ensure efficient, high-fidelity video generation while maintaining temporal consistency and authenticity. PixelDance [68] and SVD [4] leverage pixel-based and latent-based techniques to produce high-resolution videos, while Make-A-Video [54] and Imagen Video [19] extend text-to-image models and techniques to the text-to-video domain. A milestone in this field is Sora [39], which ambitiously employs DiT to train a text-to-video model from scratch. Sora is the first model capable of generating minute-long videos based on user instructions. The success of this remarkable feat relies on extensive high-quality video-caption data, meticulously designed architectural optimizations, and substantial computational power. Despite the pivotal role of high-quality video-caption data in T2VMs, this aspect has not received sufficient attention. Therefore, in this work, we aim to construct a high-quality video-caption dataset to advance the development of T2VMs.


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