The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)

12 51 Air Transportation Lost and Found Air Transportation 1 Schools, Instruction, Gan'al 75Home Rpr. 95 angelw Ci'mes hag. woman's black suede. Bat. night AIRLINES vie Hollywd.

Bl. Containing ponj skin billfold, money, rosary Part JANUARY 16,1952 JAPANESE gardener, neat work, by the mo. Call afternoons, Cr. 14940. PAINTING INT.

iTfcXTT County-wide serv. Lie. di Ins. Colors to please you. Moss.

PL-23909. Dr: J. W. Stanley of LA. State College Dies For Need men and women for Hostess, Steward, Receptionist, Station Air FreiTht Agent, etc.

Short. Inex T.ihprnl reward. St. uii.a oif HAfwfrt fiilfcmnrp. Painting, in "outside, done BAG u.Ln.

trnrl Dprsnn pensive training. Need not Interfere FLY SAFEWAY HU. 2-1 347 DIRECT FLIGHTS TO 3Y fcjXfr.K 1 HlUtl IP WUALU1X VERY LOW IN PRICE. AX-35906. nanr Reward.

MA-9252 BRACELET, silver chain, sentimental PAINT. QUALITY WORK, materi- vaunt unm msb. newaiu. wwjjjv sis. inside or outsiae.

uc. inn. TERMS IP nrcsiRED. PL-13870 witn present employment. Mall coupon for free Information.

Est. 1940. Open Eve. CALIFORNIA AIR QOLLEGE 1717 N. Vine HE-2107 i Name Dr, Stanley, who lived at 1317 Its ce trMk Jan.

2. Rew.E-97494 PAINTING decoratlngT30 yrs. exp. pat. Siamese male, red coll.

Berk New York, $80 Chicago, $70 color expert, interior exterior, no Inn fnn RKOINIK DU.21857 lev ldent Reward. RE CALL COLLECT STANLEY 7-2626 FLY SUPER Skycoach for COMFORT PAINTING. LIC. tc'lHa. CLEAN WORK alt.

male, blue pt. CAT. Siamese Reward. SU-11872 REASONABLE. Free est.

NO-lbjaa. Studio city. waniugt.uii, JJ.I... e4.7h SHI Miami, $99 New Orleans, $75 St. Petersburg, $99 Tampa, $99 Pensacola, $85 Dallas, $59 Houston.

$60 Detroit, $90 Interior A exterior. na- COON HOUND, brown male, wearing! when lost lie. M85112. Answers toi Address Phone nerhaiiKing. Free estimates.

fLi-iftaft Lucile leaves his wife, Mrs. Marian Stanley, and two daughters, Barbara, now training in Chicago as an air stewardess, and Kay, a high school student here. Private funeral services will be conducted at 3 p.m. todav at FAINTING; Rooms, Li "Bruno. An.joo.i.

npMTTTBfa tinner nart niate In brown censed contractor. AX-Z7Z55. envelope. Tues. Reward.

PA-7191 PAINTING GENERAL EXT. Dr. Joseph W. Stanley, 45, coordinator of secondary education at Los Angeles State College, died suddenly early yesterday after a five-day illness. At LASC since 1949, Dr.

Stanley previously was on the faculty at Stanford University's School of Education. He obtained his MA degfee at Stanford in 1941 and his Ph.D there in 1948. He was graduated from Cornell University iir 1928. FLOORS, ROOF At WF. Oli-OMl.

DOG. black miniature male French poodle, wearing red collar. Dog will PAINT Conditioner. (Red Devil agita. tor.

VSell price, L. Industry Has Jobs for Trained Technicians In 1. Radio-TV Btectronics 2. 3. Machine Shop Stay on your lob while In training DAY OR NIGHT CLASSES Low payment plan Effective graduate service MALL TODAY DON'T DELAY CALL SAFEWAY HU.

2-1347 1610 N. CAHUENGA BLVD. die witnout special meaicai 1.1 cement. Pet of an invalid. Liberal reward.

Sherdeman. days HO-91251 Ext 326. Dav or nite, HU-233G1. the Armstrong Family Mor rAipii entire nome uicn. $10.

I do lt myself. UUler. DU-31285 PAPERHANGINO $9.95 rm. paper incj. DOO.

Dalmatian mack. wnt. mxgs. New patterns, painting. uk-m i.

PAPER $8 A ROOM side walls, paper l'a-yr. Male. Lie. i-iuio opuv tenner. Vic.

Sunset Strip. Rew.HE-7871 tuary. At the same time there will be a memorial service in the auditorium of Los Angeles State College. CLASSES LIMITED ENROLL NOWj incl. washable patterns.


to Wilhelmlna, Rew. NO JOB TOO SMALOj. Ldwnai, 13 Auto Transportation PLASTER-Patchlng. Ceilings, showers, NATIONAL SCHOOLS Technical Training Since 1905 4000 S. Flgueroa.

CE-290B1. OFFICE. SECRETARIAL 76 etc. Reas. uuar, IE DOG.

Doberman. Uncropped ears, blk. Male. Sht. tail.

"Rip." Re- ward. NO-6152. rmadle. black min. 9 vr.

Male. ROOFS repaired, painted. Installed. GONG EAST? OBITUARY 1 AUU WfiA X-Uttt. SUPER Skycoach for ECONOMY DIRECT rAtiWi o.KVii;r.

Ask for Mr. Higgtns. AN-35181 Want people to drive NEW car from! Chicago. Take any route. No charge Ans.

to Peter." Jan. 11. Culverl KI-7244. AX-lB551j MA-93439. City.

Reward. VE-95414. ROOFINQ, plastering, painting. Al William McFarlin xor car. fay part gas as on.

SAUNDERS SYSTEM 6373 SUNSET. HI-4108. 803 WILSHIRE MA-60559. terations, sxiuea men. uu-jomi, SHORTHAND in 6 Wks.

(120 W.P.M.1 DOG, Scnnauzer min. Dark gray fern. S25; Reward. AR-90965 DOG, Irish setter (Mike) lost vie. ROOF REPAIRS As NEW 24-HR.

BER- SUPER SKYCOACH FLIES YOU VICE GUARANTEED. PLy. 4717 Funeral services for William WANT gentleman to help drive new FOR AN AVEHSUE COST OF 2Vt CENTS PER MILE. (AtTTOMOBILE SANDBLASTING car to uenver. Lvg.

jan. ran. none La Habra. Lambert 52854. collect.

westwood Bl. Kewarq. utt-aaam. DOG, Ger. shep.

Spav. fern. lt. tan legs neck. Rew.

Ar. 71271 John McFarlin, 60, retired oil Neat Aj clean, licensed Insured Tmmeri erv PA.09.12. RE-R680 Use ABC's, No Signs-Symbols GOING to N.Y.?- Want 2 men, help! drive. New car. Sharer cost.

WH-9142! DOG. collie, lg. white blk. over 5 ceramic, bath. $75; showers, company foreman, will be Con rignt eye.

Kewara. is.i-9od. CHICAGO. FRIDAY. JAN.

1ST TAKE 2 dralnboaras. PU-bOZ3Q. pu-3Qiii7. TILe" your bath, $95. Golden Tile Co.

A UK AUG UUSiS LtBlS.I SUPER Skycoach for Convenience ducted by the Montebello Ma DOG mix. Sheph. spay. fern, blond, wht. needs vet.

care. WH-6874i PRI. Fix. KB-37010. m-obo-aoii.

eve, as gun. ARKANSAS, Okla. City, via Dallas. Late car. Leave soon.

LA-3557. DOO. brown female Peke pup lost vie. iTREE Service, removal, pruning, clean rOK UUnlrlfioS. CIVIL.



sonic Lodge at 2 p.m. today at the Stone Mortuary, up, hauling. BH-i-si 8th Hoover. "Susie." PU-48406, DOG. fox ter.

Chlhua. tan. wh. LEAVING for East about Jan. 16.

Buick. Take a. ph. pty. ax-bhhj.

tip tl. Child pet. Rew. RE-23514 96 Situation Wanted, Men SUPER SKYCOACH OFFERS DAILY Torrance, with interment at In- DOG, collie, blue Merle male. Aviation, Sales, Service 14 fcCH.LUlj.a UKfAKIUKtS.

ACCTS. Also fully Qualified exn. sa western. Kewara. rL-soiiZO.

GLASSES, horn-rimmed, vie. Hllvwd Managerial. Technical Bales nc omce LONG BEACH L.B. 62438 $5000 in tools, dies molds for metal personnel. Call MI-1551.

FORTY, can- neiore 8:30. alt. 7. mu-9402. FBX SCHOOL.

ALL. AGES day-evening classes PLUS ASSOC." Est. 1938. No Charges HEARING aid7Zehith. on streetcarl glewood Park Cemetery.

A native of Mercer County, he died Jan. 8 in Salt Lake City, casn box iBona uoxt unaoie to manufacture at present time because of steel shortage. Sell or trade for 27. with degree, desires perm. Florence Utt, 742 S.

Hill. MA-65146 route. MA-98460. ART JONES. KNITTING, partly made blouse lostl PBX.

RECEPTIONIST-TYPING position in private industry, is mo. CP A. exp. HU-25453. airplane or? Ph.

week end only. CA-28786 antn. uu-28463; eve. DU-48H30. 10-day course.

Free placemt. Winner School. 3780 W. 6. DU-851511 CPA.

29. desires position with LUSCOMBE '46. 65 h.p. $800. Lie.

to! LABRADOR retriever, mix. fern mea. size pntn. mercantile or inaun- June. N71743, cioverneid.

s.M. l3yrs.Lost Eagle Rock area.Ci.18494 SHORTHAND COURSE Complete. 5 trial aruanizatlon. MA-0220. Rm.

330! James, S. Anderson Funeral services for James Samuel Anderson, 66, will be conducted today at 1 p.m. in Utter-McKinley's Hollywood Chapel, 6240 Hollywood followed by private interment. Mr. Anderson, a retired construction engineer, died Saturday.

A native of Minpesota-. he had resided here for 30 years. He was a member of the Mt. Olive Masonic Lodge. He leaves two sisters, Mrs.

Edith A. Stark and Mrs. Margaret Baird, and two brothers, Raymond P. and Charles I. Anderson.

Franklin H. Hamilton Services for Franklin H. Hamilton, 84, retired real estate broker, will be conducted today at 11 a.m. in W. A.

Brown Son Funerai Home, followed by interment in Forest Lawn Memorial-Park. Born in Pennsylvania, he had lived here for 47 years and died Saturday at his home, 1095 38th St. He leaves his widow Norma. while en route home by train from the East. His home was at 2840 Sepulveda Tor EX-47673 weeks, $45.

Private lessons. HI-4931. riN. bar snape dia. samphire be ACCT.

Salesman detlrese pos. small 2 ALLISON 12 cyl. engines. 1700 tween Monteclto Apts. Kooseveltl SAWYER SCHOOL OF BUSINESS mir.

would invest, box eacn. complete, soau. tA-Ji 626 So. Spring St. VA-8187 Hotel, sun.

nlRht. sentimental value. Liberal reward. GR-5R70. ACCT (VP.A.

wants Dart-time BONANZAS, fully for rent or STENO. 12 wks. course. TR-7778. L.A".

audit tax worx.Keasonaoie.UN-uiJUO cnarter. BK-2139Z. RING. Lady's dia. sapph.

Lost Businesspreixj5chooi.Bi5 8. HILL, ACCOUNTANT. Br. Public, pref. Orange BELLANCA Rental $16 hour.

vie, 7th te Bdway. Hamilton TRADES AND PROFESSIONS 78 Co. Ph. LAmort a-aau Torrance Airport. Lomlta 3122.

HANGAR Space for rent, l'a hr. fly AUTO MECHANICS can be Hydra matte specialists In 1 week. L.A. Au ma, Co. lob envelope.

Keward. Reynolds. MA-9-3131. TOOLS (mechanic's, vie. rear of 121 N.

Robertson Bl. Reward. WH-6943. ADV. mgr.

tor appliance mfr. wishes outside Job same work, smaller firm. Very able. $175 mo. Box ing time irom l.a.

inq. ST-75B23. rance. He leaves a daughter, Mrs. George E.

Gay of San Di-mas; a son, the Rev. Paul Combs McFarlin of Astoria, three sisters, all of and five grandchildren. tomatic Trans. School, 521 S. San SWIFT 125.

Lie. to Dec. '52. Aero- ARCHITECT, registered, completing MU-2038 matlc props. Radio.

LO-56181. WRIST Watch, lady's Le Coultre, 14 multl-milllon-dnllar defense lob kt. yel. gold with attached 14 kt. VOICE.

SPEECH. MUSIC 80 project architect. Available for simi 18 Beauty Suggestions Draceiet. lost Jan. vie.

dntwn. a lar position with architectural, en Reward. gineerlng or construction firm. Sox LOOK years younger with our Reiu SINGERS Voices Trained to Professional Standards. We schedule Auditions for you with Leading Onera Com WRIST watch, gold, Hamilton, ladv's.

u-zaa. ximes. VIC. 2 L.A. StS.

HCW. venation lotion, results. IMMEDIATE PERMANENT. Free Pern. OR-2928 ARCH, draftsman.

Europ. diploma panics TV Producers. DU-27845 Robert Buys l.a. exp. box u-u.

iimes. LOOK 10-15 yrs. youneer in 2 wks MOURNED -Former Superior Judge Myron Westover dies of heart ailment. Death Takes Former Judge Wesfover at 81 Former Superior Judge Myron Westover, 81, died yesterday7 in his apartment at 415 St. Andrews Place.

He had been suffering with a heart ailment since the death of his wife, Mrs. Selah Wyckoff just two years ago. A veteran of 20 years on the bench. Judge Westover was known as the originator of the custom of opening court with a tribute to the American Flag. He was born in Clyde, the son of a New York lawyer, Lorenzo Westover, who migrated to Kansas to fight for abolition.

He was graduated from the Uni DANCING 81 type race. neck, Bands. Miss Hale. DU-47039 WANT SOMEONE LOCATED? Investisated? Quickly 3z discreetly? Car. $300 up.

DU-34111. ex. 609 Funeral services Robert CONTINENTAL DETECTIVE BUREAUI Moving, Shipping, Storage 29 AUTOMOBILE SERVICE PARTS Bonded. 124 W. b.

Rm. 224. MU-740I. MANAGER Heavy O.M exner. De NONSTOP CHICAGO $70 ONE STOP NEW YORK $80- Lowest Fares to Anywhere- SUPER Skycoach AGENCY LOCKHEED AIR TERMINAL BURBANK Free Ticket Delivery CALL COLLECT STANLEY 7-2626 Moss Buys, 45, a printer, will be conducted at 9 a.m.

today at sires position as same in Southern Business Announcements 10 cam. aeaiersnip. write k. ei An TON. 415 No.

Greeley WATER. MINNESOTA. the Stone Myers Mortuary, CHECK OUR LOW RATES All moving rates are not the same. Daily service to from all principal cities in our own moving vans, I.C.C. Certificate MC110585 FREE ESTIMATES PROTECT YOUR SON Torrance, with Bishop Edwin CARPENTRY "AND HOME Let my experience be your boy's D.MAljL JUbB.

LIU-44abH, Wheat of the Torrance Ward teacner. protect nis money ana zuture. CLEAN house, walls, windows. Dalnt- Send mm my $1.00 pocket manual Republic Van Storage lng. garden, floor finish.

PL-1U801 "Knowledge is Protection" by former of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in charge. CLEAN ceilings, wans, woodwork, win marine. R.Esla, 1753 N.Orchid.Hlywd 214 N. ALAMEDA ST. TUcker6101 dows.

fir. Expert. Colored. WE-12209 OPPORTUNITY CLEANER House, walls, windows, Interment will follow at Ingle- wax floors. Experienced.

MI-S974 For home work, shop or small plantl producing any well designed item atj NATIONAL VAN LINES LOWER EAST-BOUND RATES COLL. GRAD. bus. ad. seeks Positions NO Registration Fee See Arthur Murray Announces the Creation of a new Arthur Murray TRAINING CENTER Which offers free professional training for the many excellent positions available at Arthur Murray Dance Studios thruout Southern California Free Training for an Exciting Weil-Paid Career With Arthur Murray Dance Studios rignt price, we ouy your output Write full Info.

Box C-71, TIMES otce k. irom jpm; pnone, type, etc $1.50 hr. 5-hr. mini; HE-13K8 WE BLANKET-WRAP EVERYTHING HELP the handicapped. Check thru COLORED Ex-Soldier says "It may be later than you think'1 but not for your aiscaras.

uaii UA-z-aui toaay. GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF SO. CAL. (A non-profit wall, window washing ec painting, wood Park Cemetery. A native of Eureka, Utah, he had been a resident of Southern California 25 years.

He died Sunday at his home, 2460 Torrance Torrance, and leaves his widow Ruth and four sons, Ronald and Raymond, both of- Venice; Jer- io crating, no Bidden cnarges. MICHIGAN 1126 NITES WHitney 5182. 124 N. CENTER L.A. 12.

MOVE BY Phone KE-9271 csan r'ernanao Ka. a. ji COLORED man wants Job as Janitor WANT AD Copy Prepared Placed Dr. Christiansen, Dentist, Dies Dr. John Frederick Christiansen, 75, practicing dentist here for the last 25 years and professor in the dental college at SC during that time, died yesterday at his home, 203 Gramercy Place.

Previous to coming to Los Angeles, he was a professor in the or dishwasher. CE-2S048 in an papers mass, everywhere WORLD WIDE WANT AD SERVICE COOK, GEN. HSWK. COL. FINE Consolidated Van Lines KEFRS.

AD-I4B38, 520 W. 7th. L.A. 14. TR-9983.

DELIVERY driver, narking or gas at Wonderful exciting opportunity to qualify for an interesting career as FREE home demonstration TR-6154 1000 S. Santa L.A. tendant, gd. reputation. RI-74795, KELAX-IT ROLLER VIBRATOR an instructor, supervisor or inter DAILY TRIPS to SAN FRANCISCO rold of Los Angeles and Robert of Culver City.

Phone for literature. GL-4049. DENTIST, NoTCallf. license, with L.A mfg. or allied commercial pres viewer with Arthur Murray.

NORTHERN CALIFORNIA. Phone SPECIALIZING IN MEXICO ALL SERVICES OPPOR. for free estimate. Lowest rates. ently operating lg.

Midwest dental No cost to you. No need to give up Pan American Van Stg. AX-10611 524 S. Spring. Mr.

Flores, MA-91991 olc Middle age. Protestant. Od, health. Salary not first objective ALL LOCAL HOUSEHOLD OFFICE References. BOX D-20.

TIMES. CHIMNEY CLEANING moving. TV As stoves Installed free SINNER cook, experienced, good ref. Lowest rates. Free estimates.

MU-6913 CALL TODAY. OL-2977J erences, any loc. UN-16331 your present job wniie yon train Limited to men and women between 22 30 Do not phone, apply in person at: 653 N. FAIRFAX Between 2 or 7 ft 10 p.m. Monday thru Friday RATES to east, midwest, REDUCED EXECUTIVE, sales promotion, man app.

12 effective now. Vans await return loads. HOWARD. PL-15141 DRIVING SCHOOL Free Home Pickup. DU-35333.

agement. public rel. Sunset 31112. GARDENER, 1st class, part or full FOR Free Descriptive Folder Road! MOVING to Oregon or Washington by way of our own vans. Call Hunt dental school at Northwestern Mrs.

Edith Hamner Funeral services for Mrs. Edith Warren Hamner, 74, will be conducted at 1:30 p.m. today in the Hollywood Cemetery chapel. Mrs. Hamner died last Monday at the home of her son.

John Morgan Hamner 10840 Lindbrook Drive, Westwood. time. Anywhere, Citrus 2-3052 Transfer for free estimate. DU-31214 Map to BORREGO SPRINGS, Cal. write 6250 Wilshire or ph.

YO-7286 GEN. RENT A TRAILER 1 WAY ANY Pre.sently TOP MANAGEMENT! Self-Hypnosis for Self-Help. 45. WHERE. Rent here leave there.

GROUP. Past 11 yrs. this caoac ty, yrs. exper. a.m Tarps.

hitches. AR-96247, ST-05211. ALLIED VAN LINES return 48 States Bev. Hills Transfer Stg. BRt21121 West Coast.

WELL EDUCATED, SALES It FINANCE EXPR. Age 44. NEW uncalled-for tailor-made suits. University. He was a major in the dental corps in World War I and was a Fellow of the American College of Dentists.

He was born in Ephr aim, Utah. Dr. Christiansen leaves his AX-3bi)15 versity of Michigan Law School in 1895 and practiced in St. Louis for 10 years before moving to California. Held State Post In Los Angeles he served four years as a Deputy City Attorney and seven years as a State Railroad Commission examiner.

Gov. Friend W. Richardson appointed him to the Municipal Court bench in 1926. He was elected to the Superior Court in 1928, was elected presiding judge in 1944 and continued in the Superior Court until 1946, when he was defeated for re-election by Lt. Gov.

Frederick F. Houser. He leaves a Wyckoff Westover. THEATRICAL. RADIO.

sports coats topcoats at Vt price. Tom Williams. Tailor. 526 3. Spring SAVE RICHARDSON'S VANS GLAZER home repair man desires Return East.Need tonnage.DU-83400; THE most completely equipped Radio Mrs.

Hamner was a native of Job. Rel. WE-31S25. WE-nBb Pyorrhea. Degdfeeth HO-96678 UNITED Van Lines "move with care ana TV school in tne west.

RCA Image Orthicon Kenescope G.I. students, xlnt character, seek Bullock, Ala. In addition to her everywhere "Your local agent.VA-a97 FALSE teeth-plastic feliner 1.50. Den part time work to help themselves stay in school. What do you have to CALL Molleruo Van Lines.

Est. 1891 son, she leaves two sisters, Mrs. tai Plate control. 4a t. nay.

k.2JU: FLY North American Airlines 4 Engine Douglas Sky masters TR. 0711 cameras. Over 90" grads. on Job. FREE PLACEMENT SERVICE Day and nite classes.

Enroll now. THE DON MARTIN SCHOOL UNREDEEMED furs. Save 50 to 70.J Compare rates save. H. WARREN CO.

for lowest rates. Mary Ida Burton and Mrs. Otello widow, Mrs. Phyllis Luman Markwell 707 HilL 5th floor MA-64579. Nig-htS.

Sun. UN-B4849. offer? Call CE-29061 Ext. 18.. Graduates Now Available FOR FULL-TIME POSITIONS STUDENTS AVAIL.

PART TIME PIANOS We will store a piano in HOUSEHOLD goods stored; local, long your home free. PA-1677 1655 N.Jphexokee. HUdson23281. WANTED for RADIO-TV. Men.

Women, train for Disc Jockeys, Actors, etc. No exp. nee, FREEi dlst. moving. De luxe.

uu-75118 HEIRS Cash for legacies. NO FEES. Christiansen; two sons, John L. Christiansen, San larino, and Frederick Dalbv. and a sister.

Hamilton, and one brother, C. C. Warren, all of Los Angeles. Gates, Kingsley Gates Mortuary is in charge of SALES BUSINESS ADM Nat'l. Estates.


BR-21490. Now Heirs Adj. 215 w. 7. VA-1159 Fashion Arts.

interior Decorating Mrs. Edwin Dorius, Salt Lake NewMethodlDU-87048 SANDEE Quietone mufflers. $6.45 to JOURNALISM WOODBURY COLLEGE sv.43. 304J torryne tri. exd.

7-0643. For weak glands urinary tt marriage "THE West's Outstanding Radio at TV Schl." offers prof, training Ac alr exp. on "Career Theatre." Free placement? Day, eve. classes. Frederick H.

Speare. HO-82325. HICKORY SWEET HAMS City. Funeral services will be conducted at 12:30 D.m. Fridav in problems all clinical matters.

Young B7b8 8, MAINj TW-9933 FREE SERVICE. GROCERY elefe. exper. produce Brig. Samuel Bradley aoctor invites unusual cases.

itesuns: LOUIS F. DOW for all types of adver BLOOD URINARY. Premarital test, TV. Learn Acting. Writing.

tising. 3305 WILSHIRE. DU-76113, liquor, honest reliable. Can furnish best refs. Call TH-7608 penicillin.

Daily 10-4 Mon. Thurs. Services for Brig. Samuel C. PILE relief at home.

Free Informa proaucing, et pesign, i Lamcrs. Day-nite classes. HO-98347. Amerl-i 'til 7. Dr.

Sargent, 326 W. 3. Rm. 611 the Wee Kirk o' the Heather, Forest Lawn Memorial-Park. tion, write P.O.

Box 745, Oiendaie. HANDYMAN, repair anything. Wash Bradley, 86, veteran officer of WOMEN'S disorders. Sura. All cases.

can Telecasting, 5600 Sunset, Hlywq PSYCHOANALYSIS DU-34431 walls, wndws.i firs. $1.25 hr.RE-38109 HOME work. Any kind. Mech. In Dr.

Eva wnitwen. 707 s.Bawy, K.ib 85 Theatrical PREG. TEST. WOMEN'S dis. 1-5.

Dr the Salvation Army, will be conducted by Pierce Bros. Los An FOR classified ads In San Diego, Mag clined. Have drill press, big place. Work picked up del. LO-56002.

Blanche wiiavek, bio s.Bwy.K.4yb gie Black. 2211 30ttl. o. B. 1115 NEW YORK Angeleno Killed TV-RADIO ANNOUNCING MACHINE shop executive fore WANT location for antique juke box.

geles Mortuary tomorrow at 2 McCOY HEALTH SYSTEM NOW at 1233 W. 6th st. MU-1277 man. chief Inspector, estimating, en v3 percentage oasis. AT-18122.

gineering sales. Local exp. in air ACTING, MEN-WOMEN FOR SHOWS No exp. We train. Call In person.

Mr. Cornell. 6121 Wilshire. WE-12053 NICK HARRIS Detectives. "All Sanitariums, Hosp.

Homes 61 craft parts, machinery, oil well At 3761 w. 6 St. open 24 nr. DU-21155 CAMERA Binocular Bargains at! in Overturned Car J. H.

Jeffries, 78, of 2652 Fig, 1602 S. Kingsley Dr. If you can walk rellnerv equip, fabrication, want re-sponsible day Job PL-59949 MAN. ambitious, willing, young, mar- west lane camera, bj s. unve.

upstairs, can taKe you very reason p.m. in Grace Chapel, with interment in Inglewood Park Cemetery. Born in Canada, he had lived in Southern California for 47 years and died Friday at his home, 9239 Dunlap Crossing BIG jewelry sale now In progress. able. Exceii.

looa will come ana MODELS WANTED DOROTHY FARRIFR'S 2228 W. Seventh st, DU77281. ACTOR-COACH. Well known at stu ried wishes to lean business. What get you tree 11 in city, uu-ssjjv can you oner witn good future? Eve.

phone HI-8570, WILSHIRE at Harvard. New mod ueroa was killed yesterday when his automobile overturned a half mile north of Palm Rnnit Rest Hm. 24-hr. Care. K.N.

MAN. wants day woik In or out gouievarq Loan. b4aa itiiywa. jbi. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY Diamonds-Old Gold Antiques Cash paid at once.

We pay the most. NATIONAL DIAMOND EXCH. 629 8. Hill. Rm.

406. TU-8845. dios, will accept a few selected pupils for stage, screen, TV coaching. Private instruction, GRt.1492; side nousecin wans, wooawork MALE nurse planning sanitarium. Will "Road, Rivera.

He leaves a daugh windows, garages, etc. LA-5300 aft. 6 PERMANENT DOS. with future de accept 10 patients ior uie. 11 interested call DU-87809 Springs on Highway 11.

There was no evidence of a MODELS NEEDED AT ONCE FASHION PHOTOGRAPHIC TV I.EnNF.TTT. T.TD. sired: 27 yr. old married 2 ter, Mrs. Margaret Morton; a son Theodore and seven CHRISTIAN Scientist lg.

WE BUY DIAMONDS Gold. yrs college Ac 5 yrs. in outside YMCA Gains in Year Told by President "The YMCA of Los Angeles is In about the strongest position of its 70-year history," President Harold F. Whittle said in a year-, end report yesterday. He said activities for school-see youngsters and servicemen i and general financing were the fields in which the YMCA has a "significant strides forward during the past year." There were 1201 organized groups, including club and athletic teams.

YMCA building branches served moA than servicemen during the year. Contributions Top $500,000 The association received help amounting to $586,751 in contri Aril aulet. Rest stuflv. Excel A. B.

SHALLIT. EST. 48 YEARS sales exo. Call eves. MU-57I8 Elden.DU-29658l 707 S.

Broadway. Rm. 510. TU-lOOOl write BOX B-297. TIMES.

HUdson 22345, 6607 8unsetBlvd. TV. STAGE Ac SCREEN TRAINING. Voice, tan ballet. Bud Murray.

122 PRINTER Now employed IH East HOMESTEAD Lodge. elderly. WE buy diamonds, gold, silver blowout or other mechanical failure, officials said, theorizing that he may have suffered a heart attack. since lsuj seeks connection with reliable mod senile, heart, asthma dc artnritis Markwell 707 S.HilI,5th floor cases. Enclosed yard.

AL-8290 ern shop as compositor, foreman or SONGWRITERS Call HU-242241 Mrs. Jane M. Ormerod Services for Mrs. Jane M. Or superintendent.

Years experience in DIAMONDS -JEWELRY BARGAINS. 1200 S. Alvarado. Cozy accom. fori elderly conv.

24-hr. care. DU-716881 M. wemstein's, 719 Roosevelt Bldg Hollywd. Varieties.

5762 Hollvwd. au lines. Available ju cays. BOX C-3. TIMES.

ArVswrv will handle conscientious. CASH FOR DIAMONDS. Gold, Silver, CHEERFUL Rest Home. Sunny rms. merod, 74, will be conducted by Km.

311. Tan Hlywd. as Vine 24-nr care $75. am. KK-aa3.

PRODUCTION MANAGER unknown players. HI-9201 INTERNATIONALPUBLICITY. DIAMOND wed. ring, set I lg. 6 sm.

ELDERLY people. Priv. Share. Tray aias. sum.

Ar. bU46 ait. 6 p.m. WANT children. TRAINING DEPT.

serv. u. neat. uen. care.

i v. pa-b (44 Plant mgr. Gen'l mech. else, age 46. Exp, chief gen.

machine shop, tool design, foundry. 1 CARAT Blue white dia. engage, ring. AGED Seniles: happy home. Chicken Maj.

-Minor proaucers iv "Adventures In sac, pri. pty. NO-32044. every Sun. TV.

$100 up. DU-7U419 weiaments, plating, assemoiy, mem-ods modern mfg. processes, costs DRAMATIC amateurs Amateur sing NCOME TAX HOME for eld. ladles. Nurse, tray PITTSBURGH DETROIT HONOLULU ROUND TRIP SPECIAL CALL COLLECT TR.

0711 Complimentary Meals Stewardess Service Free Ticket Delivery "Fly Now Pay Later" North American Airlines 631 S. Olive L.A. TR. 0711 Offices: Hollywood GL-6141 1640 N. VINE long Beoch LB.

708971 111 W. OCEAN BLVD. Full responsibility refs.DU-27952 service. 548 S. Harvard.

DU-20110 ers auditioned lor our raaio ai television broadcasts. GL-7427, FORMER REV. S. Vermont $75 Ud. bed Dts.

As amb. 24-hr. nurs S2 UP. 9-9 P.M. VOICE culture tc coaching.

Free test. mg. hosp. nc. exci.

iooa. pk-mdjv INCOME tax counselor. Same location Maestro Andreo, Warner Bros imre Bldg. 411 W. 7.

VA-7278, WY-9550. ELD. ladies, lovely cheerful 3i 10 yrs. 5150 S. Normandie.

AX-291071 PRODUCTION MAN INDUST. tc PROD. ENG. 11 exp. on precision mfg.

of electro-mechanical devices. Aggressive, good organiser. BOX B-179. TIMES excel, meals. TV.

Gd. loc. PU -39244 INCOME tax prepared. S3. on Ar.

no DIRECTOR wants actors singers to MARIPOSA Hosp. Bed patients. Amb.i Mis w. si.uu-mhuu2,PIj-i 7965 eve. develoo for pictures.

Maiibu 7331 Chronic. Priv. baths. DU-99S94 nrOD Voices. Onera.

Chorus Schools, Instruction, Gen'al 75 on-proiEXcei. upp. nu-siuiu 17 PLACED IN MOVIES. Drama Coach! PRODUCTION SUPERVISION COUNSEL INVESTIGATION Legal Matters in Mexico Ph. Drive or Fly Tijuana Write for free information co DAVIT! MARTINEZ G.

Just sold 3 pupils in nim. k-ibbj Nobody Likes a Nicotine Smile Don't let "tobacco teeth" stain your personality with a "nicotine smile." Quickly, restore your smile's sparkle with Revelation Tooth Powder. And remember, too, that Revelation works on your teeth and in your mouth these ways to fight decay beforte it starts: (1) Quickly, safely removes ugly, staining film and soft tartar, (2) Finely powdered to a super-soft texture no harsh abrasives irritate gums or injure and destroy enamel which leads to decay. (3) Alkalizes mouth acids, sweetens breath for hours after each use. Dentists everywhere have recommended Revelation Tooth Powder for over 40 years.

After your next meal be sure to use time-tested Revelation Tooth Powder 1 Machinist, Tool maker. Mechanical Drawing, Designing. Wants pos. of AMERICAN BARBER COLLEGES butions from sustaining members and operated on the highest budget in its history. The endowment fund was increased 86 Legal Notice responsibility ar supervision In progressive mfg.

concern. LO-60364 LOS ANGELES, LONG BEACH. PASADENA Pierce Bros. Los Angeles Mortuary today at 2:30 p.m. in the Arlington Ward Chapel of the Church of the Latter Day Saints with Bishop Lyman P.

Redd officiating. Interment will follow in Nephi, Utah. Born in England, she came here 45 years ago and lived at 2922 6th Ave. She died Sunday and leaves her husband WTilliam. George R.

Speare Funeral services for George R. Speare, 64, furniture manufacturer, will be conducted today at 11 a.m. in Pierce Bros. Los-Angeles Chapel with interment in Valhalla Memorial Park. A native of England, he lived at 1117 20th St.

and died on Saturday. He leaves his widow Estella, and 13 children. NOT responsible for anv debts but Quetzalcoatl No. 1. Tijuana.

Ph.98M PUBLICATIONS, radio, etc. Exp. grad car. readv. WH-0253 my own.

l-tonaim ii. uraice. Office 349 Hill. MA-93303. After 4:30 p.m..

MU-987R. Largest fc most modern school In America. Approved $33,180. In 23 branches throughout the PERSONALADVISORS MYSTERY LADY OF RADIO FAME7 PURCHASING agent, thorb. exp.

36 NOT responsible for any debts but mv own. Ilonald .1. Worlev. yrs. oi ase.

uoon appearance, is yrs. ior vets. Big aemana lor oarDers Also offer special nite classes. Advisor featured with Ripley's exp. packaging at transpor- city the organization served ap- Autnentics.

cans Names. Kt-ubuu. NOT responsible for any debts but tatlon purchasing. Box Y-88. Times, DARCEL, World's Foremost Mentalist my own.

Clyde rawtord Taylor SALES representative, 32. married, 6 children. Responsible home owner. FOR JOBS IN FACTORY POWER SEWING $7 per week TRAIN NOW I CALYIN 1 231 S. Olive.

PR-543 1 currently in wholesale TV. Desires PORition -with concern in east L.A. NOT responsible for any debts but my own. Carl Bellonzl. SOT responsible for any debts but myjnwnFlorenreCarmichfiel.

KOT responsible for any debts But Riverside or San Bernardino Cos. 14 yrs. sales exn. Must be $6000 loCIALCLUBS CLARA LANE Confidential. Personal Introductions for particular unattached men women.

Members now being registered for 1952. Reasonable fees. Open daily 11-7. Sun. 1-5.

AIRCRAFT mechanics, draftsmen and sheet metal workers are urgently mm. R. Koacn, 1536 smith Po my own. hitta Kae Morgan. San Diego Fr.

89491 needed. TRAIN now. see Jim Stuart. proximately 120,000 individuals and had a total attendance of more than 3,500,000. Total membership was 70,910.

Whittle said that at least three buildings, complete with swim ming pools, gymnasiums and res-; idence halls, are needed and several old buildings must be modernized to give the YMCA proper facilities. 1060 S. Broadway, Rm, 812. RI-71056 Professional Services 90 TRUCK SALES MANAGER desires change from present dealer. 1 542 8.

Broadway. L.A. MA-7705! 1352 N. Vine Hollywd. HU-291051 261 E.

Colorado, Pasadena. SY-687171 ship. Presently employed as truck rAfetv ACCOUNTING. Fin. taxes.VA-7213ft-: DU0849eve MANUSCRIPTS TYPED EDITED Medical Lab.

X-Ray INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL TECHNICIANS unices in ail principal cities. saiesmansger of large volume L.A dealer. Have tripled sales, new used, st present location. Experi EFFICIENT, RAPID, NEAT. GR-3553 enced In all phases of management ENGINEERING, research, develop.

Wil Suite 1013. 610 S. Broadway. VA-3695! shire-La Brea. P.O.

Box 1744. L.A. 36 342 S. BROADWAY DAILY SCHEDULED FLIGHTS San. Francisco $11.70 CALL TR-0711 i ALONE TONIGHT? Lonely attractive ladies desire to meet respectable gentlemen, all ages.

Ann O'Neil. 155 S. Vrmt. ANAHIST ATOMIZER sales promotion, write Box No, 15922 Crenshaw Station, L.A. YARDS cleaned small "hauling Jobs Own truck.

PL-12260 MANAGERS WANTED CALIF. APARTMENT MOTEL ASS'N Largest nf its type on West Coast Patents and Inventions 92 DU-9-3544 NEW ideas wanted, sales MISS KAY. 3727 W. 6th. DU-772781 BLUEPRINT READING, elementary! drafting, turret engine YOUNG man wantsotPTn" TOKYO.

Single, good health and education. Hevacan, 2205 West 6th L.A. VISITOR? NEWCOMER? Write full details 1221 S.Hope.L.A. FOR Home Serv.t Rpr. 95 Colorado Ariz.

New Mexico vxv uiiiinvi, un.n.tij, i WITH A CHARMING COMPANION. DrtTtl nAnri ADDITIONS. REMODELING COLDS iO Salesman to handle estab. line. Short evening courses.

Low cost. W.C.U.,1601 S. Western. RE-30161. BARTENDERS ARE NEEDED Short, thorough course.

MAJOR SCHOOL. 257 8. Spring. Kitchen Sc bathrooms, roofing: guar ALONE? Call DU. 8-3466 eitner Beady to wear or Plumbing-Hardware.

Douglas 75910. Box C-284, or 8TANLEY 7-4163 anteed work. Lo rate. 3 yrs. to pay.

Paint, tile, termite work I MEMBER CHAMBER COMMERCE Zoological Society Meeting Set for Today The regular monthly meeting of the Zoological Society of Los Angeles w.ill be held today at 7:30 p.m. at the Olive Hill Foundation in Barnsdali Park, Hollywood Blvd. at Vermont according to the Los Angeles City Recreation and Park Department. The meeting will open with a showing of the color motion picture, "Desert Birds of the Palm -Springs Area," presented by Norman June. Times.

1I1V-. KM! II. JIlllCU. IlltlUUU.t llll jwtes. Frances DeMont, 430 S.

Wstrn. f-tXIirr A un -TT ftniaa GIRLS, Electronic Assembly Trainees! 'Student Prince' Program Set "The Student Prince" will be sung under sponsorship of the Phillips Foundation Friday and Saturday nights in Barnum Hall, Santa Monica High School. Jay Rubinoff will conduct the ballet and chorus, au Keast, baritone, will be guest star. The X-Heol. maid.

neat. 1st class ref. 3 Bonaflde Construction Co. AX-37166 days sm. rare, a ays.

szs. pa-bzob "MRX wanted tor jet low-cost Defense! Training. Only 2-3 wks. RI-78882. REMODEL Free est.

Free plans. Licensed eon- Rnr Hi no LEARN Reweaving EARN Home. Situation Wanted, Couples 97 tractor. NO-22133. WH-4670.

LARGEST, Oldest Club. Endorsed by! Spray antihistamine mist right in nasal passages. Clears stuffed-up nose, stops sniffles, sneezes fast stinging or burning. Can be used by adults and children in addition to ANAHIST tablets. THE REWEAVING INSTITUTE 707 S.

Broadway. Rm. 403. TU-5588, ADDITIONS Roofing Siding. Foundation Mastic.

Lie. RE-8094 CPL. (mid. -age! Manage A maintain tjOW write: club ELITE. Box 71.

T.n. AnDil.i at r.i EARN while learning. INVISIBLE Apt. bldg. Full resp.

Exp, Best refs. ADDITIONS At new const. 30 yrs. In LONELY? Write GOLDEN WEST" CLUB HflX 76.S-M Ran Vorar.J r.tll L.A. Father son.

Licensed, AjX-3 7651 MANAGERS WEAV1NU. 233 8. Rm. 414. MUj397.

Earn money at home. COLLEGE: MED. X-RAY LAB. ADDITIONS, carpentry LONELY Meet your ideal Betv! plastering, painting, etc. WE-32159J Motel-ants, Exp well dual.

TH-1237 Fl.y MAJOR CHICAGO $69 NEW YORK $75 Round Trip Special CALL COLLECT TR-6601 MAJOR AIRCOACH Ticket Agency 700 S. SPRING mjr a vernon. AD-32626 MEET FRIENDS. FRANCES MILLS. Pure 1K1 1220 W.

Vernon. AX-33012. JAPANESE couple. Housewk. or garden ALTERATIONS carpentry, partitions, shelves, eahineta.

painting. in, rart time prei. KE-36B67. GIRLS Women! Defense Jobs Phillips Foundation, show officials said, is a private charitable trust estate fund to be devoted to development of young artists. nVi Vi" i Situation Wanted, Women 98 nlaster fi stucco.

Lie. CARPENTER, repairs, alterations, remodeling of all kinds. Licensed, free estimate. Ask for MR, SHIELL. pn.

inn eurvscj- bl.i CANT EAT RICH FOODS? AMERICAN TV LABORATORY 5R06 Sunset Blvd. HO-98347. COUNSELORS $300 $400 "per no. Trng. Terms.

Call GR-7151. Ext. 16. WHITCOMB HOTEL SCHOOL 1106 So. Broadway.

RI-75586. Air Transportation 12 HK-'ha 1.1 Cr. 461H1. takkpg. Pt.

or full time. Re. ports. ADDRESSING, complete mailing service. A-l wk.

Chup 07371 CARPENTER, gen. repairs, alterations. Stop Needless Suffering from cabinets, doors, cement. WE-15476 FLY THE WINTER EXCURSION LEARN shoe repairing. Ages 18-65.

ADDRESSING ds Typing. Stenb. Lower soBqFlgueroa VA-3397. 1 GAS, ACID INDIGESTION, Vernon Rotary to Hear Printing Week Speaker CEMENT WORK, ALL TYPES CITY SIDEWALK. VIOLATIONS CORRECTED.

36 MO. PAY. NO-1-6514. NEW YORK $75 rates. DU-7H95.

PU-23KR4 ADDRESSING, long hand jb insert. 25.000 taught to drive. Courses N.Y. Ticket! ii msr FLY Chicago S69 CEMENT construction Resident. Classi- fica-tions 101 103 104 115 117 lng at home.

Agency, ch-52776; eves. CH-92709 CHICAGO $69 HE-8T38 $27jblli PICkUP. HE-B75a. MED. Lab." X-ray train.

Day ds eves. CALIF. 2606 W. 8.pU-32717. MOLER'S COLLEGE.

265 MAIN. Barbering taught. Approved for vets. BABY nurse. Xlnt.

ref. Efficient, x-' er. Own transp, Sy. 84569. AIR COACH.

MA-92500 cqm er. Free estimate. NO-25105. CEMENT work, any type. Reas.

prices. Lic. Ins. C. MARTIN.

AX-24020 CLEANING Windows, walls. Woodwork. BKPR. F.C., office mgr. Hvy.

detail AIR.WAY TRAVEL MA-65S4S casnier, payroll. Any loe. lo-52805. 6042 Hollywood Blvd. at Qower.

AIR HOSTESS Ground Positions. floor waxing. AX-1-3772, AD-3-2718 tJuiry-Worry Stomach" It's this nerve-wracking life (business pressure, eating too fast, family worries, as well as rich food) that gives you indigestion, doctors say. Get immtdimt relief with AMITONB. Lasting relief too.

For Amitonb alone contains Glycina that automatically regulates excess acids in your stomach. Minty tasting tablets. At drugstores. Marsha Toy. 6305 Yucca St.

HO-931391 BOOKKEEPER, accts. ree. A pay. Bey. Hills1Hollywd.1 S.F.Velley.State 43367 BKPR.

IS CLEAN offices, windows, woodwork, floor wax. Own eauin. PA-08B8. TV Servicing, engineering. Day Nite Richard H.

Bovard, assistant manager of the Printing Industries Association, of Los An-- geles and secretary of the Photo Engravers Association, will ad-' dress the Vernon Rotary Club at "noon today at 4814 Loma Vista St. on "The Significance of Printing." Printing Week is co- classes. Amer.ieievision.5606 sunset CLEANING wallsr windows, flrJ Who's the Boss? YOU Are REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Course wax, nrs. 2 prof, men. AD-19803 FLY SKYMASTER NEW YORK 75 CHICAGO $69 LOWEST FARES "TO ALL POINTS.

Skymaster, 6737 Hollywd. Bl HE-lTSl oaio start. wH-2736. CLEANINO liidry. Tuti.

Good lroner. Former Instr. Purdue Univ. DU-723641 PREC1SON Watchmka. Schl.

Dav-Eve CLEANING, A-l lroner Assist" ek'gT DRAFTING BR-23271 FLOORS LAID. 8ANDED.FINISHED" TW-3535 DAYS. PL-47717 EVES, kci, Beis. $1 carfdre. AD-7470 Enron now, uabv w.

Pico. CK-50395 BECOME radio announcer. Apply twua anta jtaonica Biva m-4973. HYPNOTISM taught. Free book.

Debt T. 2610 W. 8 L.A. 8. DU-83630 CLEANING.

5 days. 8 12. Efficient. thoro. work.

85c hr. Ref. RE-33847. CLEANING. $6 MUST HAVE WORK.

RE-34480. Indry. Col. Competent, good sponsored locally by the Print FLOORS mads Ilka new. Work guar.

Free est. Vets Floor Serv. WA-2979. You're the boss and mighty happy and independent one when you own and manage a successful business of your own. In today's "Business Opportunities" column on these Times Clas sifled pages you may easily find that very business.

it FLY NO MONEY DOWN 75: Chicago. $69: $88 85. FREE ticket delivery DUnkirk 9-1384 ing Industries Association and PATTERN MAKING TATT.ORTNG GARDEN, lawn renovating, tree-reiiiov- Enron now. ronizzi school, ax-6513 the Los Angeles Club of Printing House Craftsmen. ai, nam rubbisn.

top soil, pa-1241. SarB'ENER, lawns power'rakedTTree work, prune, clean-up. DU-483S3. nisjiosiiion. uay or wk.

KE-3B540, COL. MAID, motel or day work. Ref WIF defense training for women Office, Assembly. Technical. PR-9348.

Dependable Airlines. 611 So. Western.

The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.