Six Stunning Mid-Century Modern Homes For Sale in Cincinnati Under $350K (2024)

Husband-and-wife team Susan and Arlen Rissover first bonded over something they would eventually go into business in together: their matching Midcentury Modern dorms at the University of Cincinnati. Now, they have a thriving realty business —Cincinnati Modern— based around buying and selling houses that exemplify Midcentury architecture. The realty dream-team boasts a list of credentials, including Susan having co-authored50 from the 50s: Modern Architecture and Interiors in Cincinnati, and Arlen’s 20 years of experience in the mortgage industry. And, in 2017, it paid off: they made over $13 million in sales and sold 100 percent of their listings within the original listing periods.

Their website also has a “Moderns on the Market” tab where you can peruse the duo’s unique listings — if you’re in the market, looking for design ideas or just bored at work. We looked through their curated list of homes that fall into the Contemporary, Midcentury and Modern categories and found some spectacular available* homes that are under $350K.

For more info about the homes, visit their website.

*Homes may have a pending sale, please contact realtor for details.

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Six Stunning Mid-Century Modern Homes For Sale in Cincinnati Under $350K (1)


7699 View Place Drive, Springfield Township | $225,000 | 3 bd/3 ba | 3353 sq. ft. | Built 1957

Six Stunning Mid-Century Modern Homes For Sale in Cincinnati Under $350K (2)


5226 Shepherd Road, Mt. Airy | $185,000 | 3 bd/2 ba | 1700 sq. ft. | Built 1960

Six Stunning Mid-Century Modern Homes For Sale in Cincinnati Under $350K (3)


5226 Shepherd Road, Mt. Airy | $185,000 | 3 bd/2 ba | 1700 sq. ft. | Built 1960

Six Stunning Mid-Century Modern Homes For Sale in Cincinnati Under $350K (4)


5226 Shepherd Road, Mt. Airy | $185,000 | 3 bd/2 ba | 1700 sq. ft. | Built 1960

Six Stunning Mid-Century Modern Homes For Sale in Cincinnati Under $350K (5)


5226 Shepherd Road, Mt. Airy | $185,000 | 3 bd/2 ba | 1700 sq. ft. | Built 1960

Six Stunning Mid-Century Modern Homes For Sale in Cincinnati Under $350K (6)


5226 Shepherd Road, Mt. Airy | $185,000 | 3 bd/2 ba | 1700 sq. ft. | Built 1960

Six Stunning Mid-Century Modern Homes For Sale in Cincinnati Under $350K (7)


1253 Rambling Hills Drive, Anderson | $289,900 | 3 bd/3 ba | 1652 sq. ft. | Built 1956

Six Stunning Mid-Century Modern Homes For Sale in Cincinnati Under $350K (8)


1253 Rambling Hills Drive, Anderson | $289,900 | 3 bd/3 ba | 1652 sq. ft. | Built 1956

Six Stunning Mid-Century Modern Homes For Sale in Cincinnati Under $350K (9)


1253 Rambling Hills Drive, Anderson | $289,900 | 3 bd/3 ba | 1652 sq. ft. | Built 1956

Six Stunning Mid-Century Modern Homes For Sale in Cincinnati Under $350K (10)


1253 Rambling Hills Drive, Anderson | $289,900 | 3 bd/3 ba | 1652 sq. ft. | Built 1956

Six Stunning Mid-Century Modern Homes For Sale in Cincinnati Under $350K (11)


1253 Rambling Hills Drive, Anderson | $289,900 | 3 bd/3 ba | 1652 sq. ft. | Built 1956

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Six Stunning Mid-Century Modern Homes For Sale in Cincinnati Under $350K (2024)


Are home prices dropping in Cincinnati? ›

Median home price up 10% from last year

The median home price for the Cincinnati area hit $274,000 in February, up 10% from February 2023, according to Redfin. That's just 6% off the Cincinnati area's all-time high median price of $290,000 set in May last year.

What is the average price of a house in Cincinnati Ohio? ›

Cincinnati, OH housing market

In April 2024, the median listing home price in Cincinnati, OH was $285K, trending up 5.6% year-over-year. The median listing home price per square foot was $170. The median home sold price was $250K.

Is it a good time to buy a house in Cincinnati, Ohio? ›

The months from March to June are the best time to buy a house in Ohio. This is due to the higher inventory, increased competition among sellers, and potentially lower asking prices.

What is the prediction for Cincinnati real estate? ›

Price Trends in Greater Cincinnati

In 2024, the trend of rising home prices is expected to continue, albeit at a more moderate pace compared to the previous years. The median home price in the Greater Cincinnati area has seen a gradual increase, and this trend is anticipated to persist as demand remains strong.

How much do you need to live comfortably in Cincinnati? ›

The living wage in Cincinnati is $15.28 per hour, which is the basic wage needed to pay for essentials like housing, food, and necessities. When calculating your budget, keep in mind that extra costs like dining and entertainment are not a part of the living wage.

Where is the cheapest place to live in Cincinnati Ohio? ›

If you're looking for a safe, affordable area to settle down, check out these five Cincinnati neighborhoods!
  • Kennedy Heights.
  • Mount Adams.
  • Mount Lookout.
  • Pleasant Ridge.
  • Sayler Park.
Apr 30, 2024

How much does it cost to live comfortably in Cincinnati? ›

Summary of cost of living in Cincinnati, OH, United States: A family of four estimated monthly costs are 3,527.9$ without rent. A single person estimated monthly costs are 978.6$ without rent. Cincinnati is 41.4% less expensive than New York (without rent).

Will Ohio house prices go down? ›

The average home price in Ohio is $221,800 according to data collected by Redfin. This is up by 5.3% year over year (YoY). Due to Ohio's tight inventory, this number is expected to keep increasing marginally.

Are housing prices dropping in Ohio? ›

Average Home Prices: The average median home price in Ohio is $215,600, up by 6.5% YoY. In 2024, the median sale price will keep increasing marginally due to OH's tight inventory. The sale-to-list price ratio is at 25.30%, with an increase of 9.1% pt YoY compared to January 2023.

Is there a housing shortage in Cincinnati? ›

The study says the Cincinnati metro area has a shortage of nearly 50,000 rental units affordable to extremely low-income households. Statewide, the gap is over 267,000 units — a very small improvement from the year before.


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.