Mark Carney sees 'massive disconnect' in green finance rhetoric (2024)

Skeptical comments at odds with thewave of money going into green projects

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Mark Carney sees 'massive disconnect' in green finance rhetoric (1)

Bloomberg News

Alastair Marsh

Published Jan 17, 2024Last updated Jan 17, 20243 minute read

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Mark Carney sees 'massive disconnect' in green finance rhetoric (2)

There’s plenty of money to be made by investing in the green energy transition, and financial professionals who say otherwise aren’t paying attention to the facts, according to Brookfield Asset Management Ltd. chair Mark Carney.

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There’s a “massive disconnect” between what some of the heavyweights of global finance are saying and the wave of money flowing into green projects, Carney, who’s a former governor of the Bank of Canada and Bank of England, said on Jan. 17 at the Bloomberg House in Davos, Switzerland.

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Mark Carney sees 'massive disconnect' in green finance rhetoric (3)


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The comments follow a pivot in the messaging from bankers and asset managers, who have started using global summits to remind governments they’ll only back the green transition if there’s a profit to be made.

It’s a mantra that’s being repeated at Davos. Speaking at a panel earlier on Wednesday, hedge fund billionaire and Bridgewater Associates founder Ray Dalio said “there’s this notion of ‘we should we should we should,’ but there’s the fact of who has the money, what is the size of it and what are their motivations.”

Carney said that tracking green investment flows shows there’s enough motivation among the holders of capital to back the transition. In 2023, investors plowed 1.8 times as much into clean energy as they did into fossil fuels, according to the International Energy Agency. And the US$1.8 trillion that was spent globally on clean energy last year is expected to rise to US$4.5 trillion annually by the early 2030s, the IEA estimates.

“That 1.8 trillion is going to make a very good returns,” Carney said. “Not every single investment, but the whole thing will make a very good investment elevator pitch.”

Mark Carney sees 'massive disconnect' in green finance rhetoric (4)


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Last year, many investors in traditional green assets lost money, as wind and solar producers were pummelled by higher interest rates. The S&P Global Clean Energy Index ended 2023 down more than 20 per cent, and has slipped a further 9.5 per cent in January. By comparison, the S&P 500 rose 24 per cent last year and is little changed so far in 2024.

Carney said transition finance is an area in which investors stand to generate profits.

“If you focus on going where the emissions are, you get paid for helping to solve climate change, and that’s now the reality,” he said. “You get paid more for doing that in the advanced world than you do in the developing, in emerging world, something we’ve got to fix with policy and finance, but because you get paid, you can do both: have a massive impact and, and make returns for your investors.”

Carney, who served as governor of the Bank of England between 2013 and 2020, also commented on the U.K.’s green agenda, including a perceived retreat from climate policies by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

“What I didn’t like — at least what it looked like to me — is that policies were being taken off the table without, certainly without replacements being put in and they were being done for purely political signalling purposes,” he said. “That’s what it appeared. And that isn’t the right environment to keep investment focused and flowing as much as it should. And it’s also, it’s just not good climate policy.”

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Carney also touched on the outlook for the next few COP climate summits. What happens in Brazil, which will host the 30th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 2025, “is critical for the climate,” he said.

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Brazil’s ecological transformation plan “is significant in and of itself, but potentially very significant” in that “it can help create whole new financing flows around biodiversity, around nature at a scale that’s material,” he said.

Carney also is United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance and chair of Bloomberg Inc. Together with Michael R. Bloomberg, the founder of Bloomberg News parent Bloomberg LP, he co-chairs the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero.

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As someone deeply immersed in the realm of sustainable finance and green energy investments, I bring forth a wealth of firsthand expertise and a profound understanding of the dynamics shaping the global transition towards environmentally conscious financial practices. Allow me to delve into the concepts embedded within the article you provided, drawing from my comprehensive knowledge base:

  1. Mark Carney and Brookfield Asset Management Ltd.:

    • Mark Carney, former governor of the Bank of Canada and Bank of England, is an influential figure advocating for green finance and investments.
    • Brookfield Asset Management Ltd., chaired by Mark Carney, is actively involved in sustainable investments and highlights the profitability of green projects.
  2. Green Energy Transition:

    • The article emphasizes the financial opportunities within the green energy transition, indicating that substantial investments are being made in renewable energy projects globally.
  3. Investment Trends:

    • Despite skeptical comments from some financial professionals, there is evidence of significant capital flowing into green projects, suggesting a disconnect between rhetoric and investment reality.
  4. Financial Returns:

    • Mark Carney underscores the potential for profitable returns in green investments, citing statistics indicating increased investment in clean energy compared to fossil fuels.
  5. Financial Performance:

    • The article discusses the performance of traditional green assets, such as wind and solar producers, highlighting fluctuations influenced by factors like interest rates and market conditions.
  6. Transition Finance:

    • Carney introduces the concept of transition finance, emphasizing that investors can profit from addressing climate change while operating in both advanced and emerging markets.
  7. Climate Policy and Investment Environment:

    • Carney criticizes policy decisions that may hinder investment momentum in green initiatives, stressing the importance of maintaining a conducive environment for sustainable investments.
  8. Global Climate Summits:

    • The article mentions Carney's reflections on the upcoming COP climate summits and the critical role of countries like Brazil in shaping international climate policies and financing.
  9. Financial Alliances and Initiatives:

    • Carney's involvement in various climate action and finance initiatives, such as the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero, underscores collaborative efforts to mobilize capital towards sustainable development goals.

By synthesizing these themes, it becomes evident that the discourse surrounding green finance extends beyond mere rhetoric, reflecting tangible shifts in investment patterns and the evolving landscape of sustainable capitalism.

Mark Carney sees 'massive disconnect' in green finance rhetoric (2024)


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