Invincible Omnigirl(Ben 10 + Invincible + Secret Saturdays) (2024)

It was a bright, sunny day in Washington DC as we see a big group of eager and smiling tourists crowding around the fence that kept them from going into the White House as we zoomed back and see a couple of security guys standing around the entrance as they were keeping a good grip on their weapons, making sure that no unauthorized personnel enters the White House as multiple cars drove past them and the security guards inspected each vehicle before allowing the people inside to drive up to the White House as one of the guards sighs tiredly and his partner noticed this as he held out a cup of coffee to him.

"Coffee?" One of the Guards asked as his guard partner smiled gratefully and nodded as he grabbed the cup of coffee and began to drink it.

One of the guards is a 6-feet-tall, handsome, 32-year-old man with black eyes, shaved black hair, a small nose, a small black goatee, dark brown skin, a slim but muscular build, and his outfit consists of a black sleeveless vest with a collared white shirt underneath, a blue tie, a black utility belt with a gun holster strapped to it, long dark blue jeans, and brown shoes. His name is Morty Collings.

The other guard is a 5'8-feet-tall, average-looking, 44-year-old man with light green eyes, slick back brown hair, a big nose, a sharp chin, Caucasian skin, a slim build, and his outfit consists of a black sleeveless vest with a collared white shirt underneath, a black tie, a black utility belt with a gun holster strapped to it, long dark blue jeans, and brown shoes. His name is Steve Travis.

"Thanks, Morty," Steve says while taking another sip of his coffee cup as he sighs in delight. "That hits the spot, thanks, man," Steve says as Morty nods.

"You're welcome," Morty says just as a white vehicle drives past them as he and Steve check their credentials before giving them permission to drive inside as Morty turns over to Steve to start a conversation. "Anyway, you ready for next week?" Morty asked as Steve stared at him confusedly/curiously.

"What's happening next week?"

"Super-Human Evasion Training, they have to get me certified. I'm definitely not looking forward to going through that." Morty states grumbly before sighing heavily as he shakes his head. "Look, I get the deal. I understand why they're making us go through an evaluation process. When I was in the force, they made us go through hand-to-hand combat all the time. When a guy comes at you with a knife, you have to be prepared and stuff, but t-this is something else. I'm supposed to learn to duck and roll from a guy who can shoot lasers from out of his eyes or control minds or kick a goddamn school bus to the freaking moon!" Morty asked, exasperated as Steve simply gave him a small smile and shrugged.

"It's part of the job, I guess," Steve says as Morty eyed his friend suspiciously.

"You're awfully calm about it. Hell, the last time you sprained your back you..." Morty says before trailing off as he sees that Steve has a smug look on his face and immediately figures out why his friend appears to be so calm about superhuman evasion training as Morty glares at him in irritation. "Ah, sh*t, wait, you're not even going to be here, are you?"

"Sucks to be you, my friend!" Steve exclaimed with a chuckle as Morty fumed at him angrily. "I will be living it up in London, seeing the sights, eating some Indian food, so enjoy getting laser burned back at the states," Steve says playfully as Morty raised an eyebrow at him confusedly, but was still freaking pissed that his friend will be going off on vacation while he's stuck doing training all week.

"Oh, you're going to be gone the whole time? All freaking week?" Morty asked as Steve shook his head and raised his hand as he lifted up two fingers.

"Two, I'm going to be gone for Springbreak. The boy is obsessed with the Beatles. He wants to go to Abby Road, he wants to visit Apple Records, and hell, if there's some free time left, I might be able to see stuff that I actually want to see." Steve informed his friend as Morty stared at him worriedly.

"And it's just going to be the two of you?" Morty asked cautiously as Steve nodded eagerly. "Are you sure that's a good idea, Steve, because I thought you said that you two hated each other with the burning fury of a thousand suns?" Morty asked as Steve chuckled lightly.

"That's a bit of an exaggeration...maybe a burning fury of a hundred suns," Steve says jokingly as Morthy chuckled as well before noticing that a somber expression appeared on Steve's face as the security guard sighed bitterly. "Matt just had it...rough, you know? But lately he has been putting himself together."

"Hmmm, I don't know about this, Steve. I mean, by the number of things that you have told me on what that kid has been doing these last couple of years like stealing, doing drugs, etc, how did you turn that around?"

"Well, I can safely say that it hasn't been easy. The thing is when Molly and I first got together, Matt was still living with his Dad and he was just...running wild. To be blunt, the kid was a real asshole. You remember the shiner he gave me when we first met? That's all behind us now. H-He stared down his demons and he conquered them...I've never done anything so hard before in my entire life and, yet, Matt was able to beat the odds and become a somewhat good person. We're so damn proud of the guy-No, of the man that he has become, so if he wants to go to London for two weeks, Molly and I had scraped enough cash to make it happen. We wanted to show him how proud we were of him for all of his hard work." Steve says while taking a sip of his coffee as Morty listens on to his friend's rambling both patiently and understandingly as he knows the hardship that his friend was going through with trying to keep his new family intact. "I-I've never had a kid of my own. I wasn't there when Matt was born, I wasn't there when I taught him how to ride a bike, nor was I there to teach him how to throw a ball, but in a few months when he walks across that stage and accepts that diploma, I can safely say...that's my son." Steve says, choking up a bit as he tears up and Morty actually feels moved by what his friend said as he places his hand on Steve's shoulder.

"H-Hey, man, relax, take all of the time you need. Why don't I make some hot cocoa for my sweet boy?" Morty asked playfully as Steve sniffled and smirked amusedly as he chuckled.

"Heh, don't pretend like you don't cry on my shoulder whenever you don't get a second date," Steve says as Morty chuckled good-naturedly and was about to continue with his work when suddenly both security guards gasped in shock as a sudden earthquake rang out across the city block, and the tourists crowding around the White House screamed in fright as the earthquake caused them to fall onto the ground just as huge cracks appeared onto the earth that leads straight towards the gates of the White House.

"LOOK OUT!" Morty yelled at Steve as he tackled him over to safety just as a couple of unknown hostiles burst up through the ground as the security guards yelped in pain and rolled across the floor as they panted heavily and looked up as they saw two huge figures crawling out of the hole they made on the ground and looked around as they held two large weapons in their hands.

The huge, 7'6-feet-tall, hostile figures are humanoid alien beings that look exactly the same as they're about 45 years old with muscular builds as they have black eyes, bald heads, small noses, sharp chins, blue skin, and their outfits consist of sleeveless white jumpsuit's with black accents on their necks/shoulderblades/stomachs/thighs as they also wore no shoes. Their names are the Mauler Twins...but for simplicity's sake, I will call one of them Mauler #1 and the other Mauler #2.

"You idiot! We were supposed to be INSIDE of the White House, not OUTSIDE!" Mauler #1 scolded his twin before shaking his head in annoyance as he began making his way to the White House, not noticing or seeming to care that Morty had run off to hide behind cover while a petrified Steve stayed behind as he scurried away from the Mauler Twins in fright. "Ugh, I knew that I shouldn't have trusted the flawed calculations of a clone."

"A CLONE!? HEY! I'M NOT A-," Mauler #2 yelled as he walked up to his twin and was planning to start an argument with him, but was then interrupted by the White House's security system kicking in as multiple mounted machine guns popped out of the roof and, without mercy, opened fire on the Mauler Twins...only to comically fail as the bullets weren't even making a dent on their dense blue skin. "Look, clone, there's no need to worry. This was all part of the plan. The President of the United States is targeting us, so we shatter the illusion of his safety. It's not enough to kill him, it has to be a spectacle." Mauler 2 says just as the citizens around them FINALLY start fleeing in terror from the supervillains twins as Mauler #2 smirks at this and gives his glaring twin a smug look. "See? You would know this if you were the original,"

"Oh, god, oh god, oh god, oh god," Steve says panickedly while tucked into a ball in the corner as he was desperately trying to avoid the hail of bullets heading his way.

"Refreshing. Kind of tickles." Mauler #1 says to Mauler #2 casually as they are both still being shot at by numerous amounts of bullets.

"Hmm, I prefer a higher caliber," Mauler #2 stated with a shrug as Mauler #1 nodded in agreement and both of them proceeded to raise their guns as they fired multiple shots at the mounted machine guns placed on the roof of the White House and immediately several small explosions rang out as a large hole was made on the wall of the white building. "Ha, ha, ha!" Mauler #2 laughed as Mauler #1 grinned and nodded before raising an eyebrow as he felt someone shoot him from the back of his head.

"What the?" Mauler #1 asked confusedly as he turned around and saw a trembling Steve sitting on the floor with his gun raised as the security glared at them weakly.

"I-I order you to...I-I order you" Steve stutters as he trails off at the sight of Mauler #1 walking over to squat in front of him and looks down at him curiously/amusedly as Steve basically shakes in fright.

"You wanna what?" Mauler #1 asked before yelping as Steve bravely/stupidly shot him right in the eye, causing the supervillain to cry out in pain as he held his bleeding/damaged eye.

"Heh, that's what you get for standing right in front of a scared civilian with his gun aiming right at your face. You have no idea what they can do with their trembling fingers. Now, quit your crying and hurry up and kill him already. Your eye is as replaceable as you are." Mauler #2 says as Mauler #1 whirls around to glare at him with his good eye.

"I AM THE ORIGINAL! RAAAAAAGHHHHH!" Mauler #1 screamed angrily as he turned towards a scared Steve and raised his hands up high into the air as Morty's eyes widened in shock from the sidelines.

"STEVE! LOOK OUT!" Morty screamed worriedly as Steve screamed in fear and Mauler #1 grunted as he brought down his large arms and was about to squish Steve to death like a bug, only for a dual thin big blast of pink energy to collide against his face, hitting his eyes as Mauler #1 screamed in pain and stumbled back while gripping his smoking face in agony as Mauler #2 turned his head and was surprised to see Steve's Mysterious Savior standing before them, revealing to be the newly-named Omnigirl standing in place in her latest alien form while raising her smoking hands as she grinned co*ckily.

Standing before them is Marcy transformed herself into a 6'5-feet-tall Female Opticoid as she resembles a humanoid alien with her entire upper body being covered with 20 big bright pink eyes placed symmetrically across her whole body, although she ironically has no eyes on her face as she has a pair of very large elastic bat-like ears and small mouth filled with crooked white teeth and pink lips, shoulder-length spiky black hair in a pixie cut hairstyle, no nose, a sharp chin, a big bright pink closed eye placed on the center of her chest, a pair of dark tan five-fingered arms with light tan undersides and has two small bright pink eyes on the palm of her hands, dark tan skin with a light tan color on her chest and the underside of her limbs, a tall slender build as her entire skeleton is made of cartilage, and her outfit consists of a pair of pink cuffs on her arms/legs, and a sleeveless pink/blue jumpsuit with a white belt that has the Omnitrix Symbol planted on it in the center. Her name is-

"Hey, security dude, thanks for the idea earlier. Good eye." Eye Lady complimented him while blowing away the smoke from her hands as she then placed them on her hips with a sly grin on her face.

"Grrrrrr, who the hell are you!?" Mauler #1 asked while rubbing his bloodied eyes and glaring over at Eye Lady with an annoyed growl.

"Hello, Papa Smurf, the name's Eye Lady. Nice to meet ya." Eye Lady stated cheerfully as everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at her in disbelief.

"Really? Eye Lady?" A disbelieving Mauler #2 asked with a dry tone as Eye Lady blinked a couple of times and pouted as she crossed her arms.

"No need to be rude, guys. It's my alien and I pick what I want to name her." Eye Lady says grumbly as Mauler #2 then narrows his eyes at her suspiciously.

"Is that an Opticoid? What's one of your kind doing here on Earth?" Mauler #2 asked as Eye Lady blinked in surprise.

"Opticoid? That's what Eye Lady's Species is named? Cool." Eye Lady says with a grin as Mauler #1 growls in annoyance.

"Well, I don't know why an Opticoid is doing here on Earth or why she's trying to stop us, but since you're getting in our way, be prepared to suffer the consequences!" Mauler #1 screamed as he blindly charged over to try and hit Eye Lady, only for her to use her ophthalmokinesis to merge two eyes together to fire a big beam of cryo-pink energy that collided against the ground and covered it with ice as Marcy then used her ophthalmokinesis again to merge two other eyes together to cover her right fist with pink electricity as a surprised Mauler #1 slipped on the ice and slide over to Eye Lady, who delivered a strong electrified punch at his face and sends him flying away to crash down into the ground.

"Come on, even Eye can see that coming." A deadpanned Eye Lady says before the eye on her shoulder spotted Mauler #2 rushing over to attack a stunned Steve and Marcy reacted quickly by turning to face him as she stretched out five eyes and all of them glowed a bright pink energy as the Omnitrix Wielder fired multiple pink electrical blasts that collided against a surprised charging Mauler #2, covering his body with ice. "How about you fight with someone who can see Eye to Eye with you?" Eye Lady suggested while raising her arms and stretching out her bright pink eyes over to wrap around a disgusted Steve as she was quick to use her superhuman strength to yank him over to land in her arms and Marcy then crouched down into the ground as she then leaped up high into the air and landed near Morty as Eye Lady placed a shocked Steve down on the ground near him.

"Good work, boys, but how about you two let me deal with Dumb and Dumber? Got it? Cool." Eye Lady says with a reassuring smile while giving them a thumbs up as she then lowers her arms and fires dual streams of pink flames from out of the eyes on her hands as Marcy sends herself flying up high into the air, leaving behind the White House Security Guards as they watched her go in deep confusion, but they were still grateful for the alien's help as they smiled at each other in relief.

"Grrrrrrr, goddamn it, this is why I hate Opticoids. Too unpredictable for my liking." An annoyed Mauler #2 says as Mauler #1 was using his weapon to collide against his body and was able to crack the ice block trapping him, setting him free as he got up from the floor.

"Come on, there's no time to rest. The mission is still at play and the Opticoid Wannabe Hero is still out there, so we need to keep our wits with us." Mauler #1 says as Mauler #2 nods while looking away from him as Mauler #1 sweatdrops at this and sighs heavily as he and Mauler #2 suddenly shoot up in alarm as they spot several tanks rolling onto the scene and drive up to them as they aimed their cannons at them and Mauler #2 growled at this in annoyance as he lifted up his gun and was about to blast them apart, only for him and his twin to yelp in pain as dual bright pink energy blasts appeared into the air and collided against their arms, forcing them to drop their weapon as an airborne Eye Lady flew over to land in front of them with a smug grin on her face.

"Ah, ah, ah, guns are dangerous. You can accidentally pop an eye out if you play with those dangerous things." Eye Lady says with a taunting tone as the Mauler Twins glare at her fiercely and Mauler #2 rolls up his imaginary sleeves as he was about to go over to throttle the alien hero, but then yelps in pain as a black/blue blur appears onto the scene and collided against him, sending him flying over to collide against a surprised Mauler #1, knocking them down into the ground as they groaned in pain and glanced up to see a glaring Reaper floating above them as Eye Lady beamed.


"Omnigirl, maybe next time, you can wait for me before you rush in headfirst into battle." Reaper chastises as Eye Lady blushes in embarrassment.

"He, he, sorry." An apologetic Eye Lady says as Reaper rolls his eyes playfully and the Mauler Twins glare at them angrily while getting up from the ground as they are then surprised to see several costumed individuals falling down from the sky and landing in front of the heroic duo as they posed heroically.

One of the costumed individuals is a 6'4-feet-tall, 3,000-year-old, Human Immortal Man with dark blue eyes, slick big black hair with large black sideburns, thin black eyebrows, a small nose, a sharp chin with a huge black beard, Caucasian Skin, a tall muscular build, and his superhero outfit consisted of a skintight navy blue suit with yellow accents on his shoulders/arms/hands/chest/thighs/legs as he also has white gloves, circular white symbols on his shoulders that go down to his legs and are connected by white lines, and white combat boots that have yellow accents. His real name is unknown, but he's mostly known by his superhero name Immortal, the immortal superhuman hero.

The other costumed individual is a 6-feet-tall, 1,500-year-old, Amazon Woman with light blue eyes, long light brown hair that was tied up into a dual braided hairstyle, thick brown eyebrows, a small nose, Light Brown Skin, and a tall, muscular, but slim hourglass built, and her superhero outfit consists of a sleeveless dark red jumpsuit with white accents on her stomach/midsection as she has a strange ancient yellow symbol on her chest, a large Amazon-like golden helmet, a large blue cape that is strapped to her shoulders, dark red arm-length gloves with golden arm gauntlets strapped on, a yellow utility belt, and large golden armored boots as she also holds a huge blunt mace that is made out of an unknown type of metal that is extremely durable. Her name is Holy Prince, but she's also known as War Woman, a warrior from another time and world.

The next costumed individual is a 6'2-feet-tall, 42-year-old, Human Man with brown eyes, short black hair, black eyebrows, a small nose, a sharp chin, Dark Brown Skin, a tall muscular build, and his superhero outfit consisting of a light gray skintight jumpsuit with a dark gray cowl that covered his head completely, except for his mouth as he has a long dark grey ripped cape that reaches down to his legs, dark grey arm-length gloves, a brown utility belt, dark gray underwear that he wears over his suit, and large dark grey boots. His real name is unknown, but he's mostly known as Darkwing, the powerless but extremely skillful hero of Midnight City.

The other costumed individual is a 5'8-feet-tall, 28-year-old, Superhuman Man with black eyes, short brown hair, thin brown eyebrows, a large nose, a sharp chin, Caucasian Skin, a tall, slim muscular build, and his superhero outfit consists of a dark red skintight jumpsuit with a dark red cowl that covers his head completely, except for his mouth as he also wears a clear see-through red visor and has light red lightning symbols spread across his whole suit. His name is Josef AKA Red Rush, the speedy Russian superhero.

The next costumed individual is a 6'6-feet-tall, 377-year-old, Male Martian as he has pupilless orange eyes with a bald head, an extended cranium, no nose/ears, Dark Olive Skin, a tall lanky but somewhat muscular build, and his superhero outfit consists of a long-sleeved yellow shirt with purple accents on his shoulders as it has a large purple collar, fingerless purple gloves, extremely small purple shorts with large purple flaps attached to it, and yellow boots. His real name is unknown, but he's mostly known as Martian Man, a Martian who was exiled from his home and arrived on Earth a long time ago as he later decided to become a superhero and a close friend and brother figure to Nikki.

The other costumed individual is a 6'5-feet-tall, 45-year-old, Human Man as he has light blue eyes with spiky short blonde hair, thin blonde eyebrows, a small nose, a sharp chin, Caucasian Skin, a muscularly slim build, and he's currently transformed as a somewhat faceless, bald-headed, green skin, somewhat naked entity. His name is Jacob Lucason AKA Green Ghost, the intangible ghost-like hero, the current Male Green Ghost, and Alana's Mentor.

The final costumed individual is a 6'3-feet-tall, 32-year-old, Male Atlantean as he has a huge fish-like body with small black eyes, huge dark blue fish lips, large blue fins on his head/back/hands/feet, thick blue eyebrows, sharp four-fingered human-like hands, light blue scales, a large light blue tail with a pair of large fins placed at the end, four-toed human-like feet, and his only piece of clothing consists of a large dark green vest with white/yellow accents. His name is Aquarus, a hydrokinetic creature from an undersea nation, a superhero, and the King of Atlantis.

"Hey, Guardians of the Globe, good to see you guys again," Eye Lady stated cheerfully as she waved at all of them happily with Red Rush, Aquarus, and Green Ghost smiled brightly and waved back at the Young Alien Shapeshifter and the Young Viltrumite while Martian Man and War Woman simply gave the duo a calm smile and a nod as both Immortal and Darkwing gave them indifferent looks. "So, how are things lately?"

"Oh, well, Olga and I have been thinking of having a-,"

"Uh, Omnigirl? I think it's best to focus on the mission right now." Reaper says as Immortal nods.

"He's right. Save the pleasantries for another time. We have people to save." Immortal says with a serious glare. "Red Rush, Reaper? Focus on evac. We'll deal with the Mauler Twins once the area is clear."

"Got it, boss," Reaper says with a nod as he and Red Rush then use their superhuman speed to zoom forward and begin evacuating the countless civilians STILL roaming around the White House as they all had stupidly decided to stick around to watch the fight.

"Don't worry, Immortal, we got this covered. Just make sure to keep an eye out on the Mauler Twins." Eye Lady quipped as everyone groaned at her lame pun and rolled their eyes as the rest of the Guardians of the Globe spread out to also help out on evacuation while Immortal simply rushed towards to trade blows with Mauler #1 as he delivered a swift punch to his stomach and sends him flying away with his impressive strength.

"Gruah!" War Woman grunted in effort as she leaped towards one of the army tanks lying around and promptly ripped the door open as she glared at the startled soldiers inside. "We can take it from here! Fall back and help us evacuate civilians!"

"Yes, ma'am!" The soldiers inside shouted as they began filing out of the tanks and ran off to help evacuate the citizens as War Woman smiled in satisfaction before gasping as she noticed a large shadow dropping down to her and swiftly leaped out of the way as Mauler #2 crashed-landed onto the ground where she was standing on and stood up stoically from the cracked floor as he glared at War Woman with a smirk.

"War Woman!" Mauler #2 shouted as he suddenly jumped over to her and raised his arms as he slammed them down onto her, only to miss as War Woman simply moved out of the way before twirling around as she slammed her mace against Mauler #2's skull and caused him to yelp in pain as War Woman had managed to damage one of his eyes and caused it to bleed as he glared at her angrily. "Please, you couldn't just sit this one out and let us kill the president? Do you and your band of costumed dorks ever take a day off!?"

"Not our style, sorry," War Woman responded cooly with a confident smirk on her face as she then let out a loud, Amazon-like battle cry and charged over at Mauler #2 as she lifted her mace up to strike him.

"This isn't a spectator sport!" Darkwing shouted to a group of civilians, who were actually taking pictures and videos of the fight as Darkwing flew over to them on his glider and leaped down onto the ground as the Masked Superhero then pointed ahead with a firm glare. "Move!" Darkwing ordered aggressively as the frightened group of civilians flinched in fear and they quickly followed the intimidating hero's demands as they ran off to safety, and before anyone could react, a large explosion appeared on the back part of the White House as immediately large cracks started forming all across the building and several pieces of debris started falling just as a small tourist family began running out of the White House as they were moments away from being crushed to death.

"No!" Green Ghost shouted worriedly as he quickly flew over to the entrance of the White House to save them just as several large pieces of debris began falling down towards the screaming, terrified family as Green Ghost furrowed his eyebrows in concentration and flew faster onto the scene as he began sliding through the ground. "Stay together! Stay together! Stay together! Stay together! Stay together! Stay together!" Green Ghost chanted as he managed to get his hands on what seemed to be the mother, father, and daughter, but couldn't grab what seemed to be the son of the family as he was simply too far away from his reach and was standing around like an idiot, looking danger straight at his face and wasn't moving around at all for some weird stupid reason.

"Come on, come on, come on!" Green Ghost chanted while grunting in effort as he tried to reach out his foot to tap him so that he could share her intangibility with him, only to fail as the rock was about to crush him alive, but thankfully, multiple thin bright pink energy beams appeared onto the scene and collided against the rubble, breaking them apart into billion pieces as a relieved Green Ghost quickly went intangible and spread his power onto the family as the large debris fell on top of them, not hurting them whatsoever thanks to Green Ghost's interference as he flew them out of the huge pieces of rocks and set them down onto the ground as they over to see a smirking Eye Lady rushing towards them.

"Man, I almost didn't see that coming." Eye Lady says with a joking tone as the little boy runs over to his family and they grab him to give him a hug. "Get to safety, civilians." Eye Lady says to them seriously as the family nods before running off as she then turns towards a relieved Green Ghost and sighs heavily as she shakes his head. "Man, why is it that there's always that ONE kid who just stands around in the middle of a fight and doesn't move whatsoever, no matter how much his family or friends or even us yell at him to move? It's so annoying." Eye Lady grumbled as Green Ghost shook his head and chuckled amusedly.

"Yeah, I think it's annoying too, kid." Green Ghost says as Eye Lady smiles and Red Rush suddenly zipped in as he gave them an urgent look.

"Green Ghost, get into the building! You're on president duty!"

"On it!" Green Ghost shouted while making his way into the White House as Red Rush ran off to evacuate more civilians and Reaper appeared as he flew over to hover above the Omnitrix Wielder.

"Omnigirl, help me and the others out on dealing with the Mauler Twins."

"Ha, ha, yes, now it's time for the Eyecing on the cake!" Eye Lady says with a grin as Reaper rolls his eyes dryly and flies over to grab his friend by her armpits as he flies them away and we cue back over to Red Rush as we see him evacuating more citizens out of harm's way and bringing them all to the designated safe space and grimaced as Josef saw that all of them looked a little green.

"Oh, I-I'm so sorry, I normally don't move so much when I'm holding onto cargo, but there were so many of you and-," Red Rush says rapidly before trailing off as he saw one of the dizzy civilians suddenly dropping down onto the ground and begins vomiting as the speedy hero winces in disgust. "Oh, no, please, stop, if one of you vomits then the others will-," Red Rush complained before getting interrupted by the rest of the civilians barfing up their breakfasts as Josef flinched and felt his own face go green as he struggled not to barf as well. "O-Oh, god, sorry, I can't..." Red Rush trails as he embarrassedly decides to run away so as to not witness any more vomiting as security guards Steve and Morty try to comfort the barfing civilians.

"Ughah!" Mauler #1 grunted as we see the large blue-skinned alien standing at the back of the White House, seeming to be the source of the explosion from earlier as he was currently trying to burst through the wall of the building by punching it a couple of times, forming large cracks onto the wall as he narrowed his eyes. "Just one more punch should do it." Mauler #1 said to himself with a nod as he raised his arm and delivered a swift punch at a wall, easily breaking it apart as he managed to put a large hole in it. "Finally." Mauler #1 says to himself with a grin as he is about to make his way inside the building, but stops as about nineteen continuous bright pink energy blasts rain down on him rapidly, and screams in pain and agony as Reaper can be seen flying around while carrying around Eye Lady as she smirked widely.

"Oh, great more aliens..." An annoyed Mauler #1 says with half-lid eyes as he frowns, not seeming to notice that Martian Man and Aquarus appeared on the scene and reacted quickly as Martian Man stretched out his hands and grabbed a discarded tank as he used his superhuman strength to fling it towards a distracted Mauler #1 and Aquarus helped him out by holding out his hands as he fired dual pressurized streams of water that propelled the tank forward as it sailed towards the air at high speeds.

"Hey, Mauler, you should probably keep an eye out on that incoming tank."

"Oh, please, kid, as if I'm going to fall for a stupid trick like that-," Mauler #1 says before grunting in surprise as the tank that Martian Man and Aquarus threw earlier collided against him and sends him flying away as he crashed against several trees with an annoyed groan.

"Hey, I tried to warn him." Eye Lady says with a playful shrug as Reaper laughed and placed her down on the ground as Martian Man and Aquarus gave her bemused looks as they nodded to him before separating to help evacuate more civilians as Eye Lady and Reaper then turned over to Mauler #1 as they then charged over to make sure that the villainous alien was down for the count.

Back with Mauler #1, we see him easily lifting up the large and heavy tank from off of him as he continued lifting up the giant army vehicle before grunting in irritation as several shurikens flew towards him and collided against his head as they blew up and caused him to lose his balance a bit, but was able to catch himself in time as Mauler #1 looked up and saw a glaring Darkwing flying in on his glider as he swiped in and threw more explosive shurikens at him as said villain reacted quickly and used the tank that he was holding as a shield as the shurikens collided against it and they blew up harmlessly as Mauler #1 spotted the duo rushing towards him.

Growling angrily, Mauler #1 proceeded to toss the tank over to them as Eye Guy held out her arms and used her ophthalmokinesis to fire fifteen bright pink energy beams that sliced the tank into fifteen pieces and a glaring Reaper thrust his clenched fist forward to create a big gust of wind that collided against the broken pieces of the tank and sends them flying over to collide against a grunting Mauler #1, who growled over at him in anger before spotting a young scared woman lying near him as the blue-skinned alien smirked sinisterly.

Flying back over to the alien supervillain, Darkwing stoically lifted his arms to show off ten more explosive shurikens in his hands as he was about to throw them over at Mauler #1, but then his and the others' eyes widened in shock as the trio spotted Mauler #1 rushing over to grab the terrified civilian by her head and proceeds to throw her into the air like a baseball as Darkwing curses under his breath and hid away his dangerous weapons as Midnight City's superhero swiftly turns around to try and save her as he pulls out his grappling hook and fires a grappling hook line that wrapped around the woman's waist as Darkwing pulls the civilian closer to him and flew them down into the ground, only for Mauler #1 to toss a destroyed tank that he was able to find nearby at the duo.

"No!" Reaper yelled angrily while over to tackle a grunting Mauler #1 into the ground as a panicking Eye Lady rushed forward to try and help the duo as we see said people landing down on the ground and Darkwing sets her down as the woman is about to thank him for saving her until she looks up and lets out a loud scared shriek as Darkwing reacted instinctively and reached over to grab the woman and dropped them down onto the floor just as the tank fell on top of them as the woman screamed in fear and closed her eyes as she waited for immediate death...only to feel nothing as she opened her eyes and gasps as she saw that Darkwing had saved them by using his suit's clamps to hold up the giant tank, but it doesn't seem to have the strength to hold it up for long as it started malfunctioning and sparkled widely with orange electricity as Darkwing grunted in pain and tried in vain to lift up the army vehicle off of them, only to obviously fail as Darkwing cursed in frustration and glances down at the trembling, crying woman to give her a firm, but reassuring look.

"Don't worry, it's okay, we'll get out of this safe and sound," Darkwing informed the scared woman as he pulled out his grappling hook and fired a grappling hook at a nearby lamp post as he retracted it and tried to pull himself and the woman out from under the tank, only to once again fail as the grappling hook wasn't strong enough to pull himself and the woman out of harm's way. "Damn!" Darkwing cursed loudly as he heard the woman whimpering softly in fear and looked down at her terrifying form as Darkwing glanced at the grappling hook in his hand before looking back down at the woman as the superhero sighed heavily before handing the grappling hook over to the woman as she glances up at him in surprise.

"No, wait! What about you?" She asked as Darkwing glared down at her sternly.

"Forget about me! Just get to safety already!" Darkwing commanded firmly as he pressed a button on his grappling hook and forced it to retract as the yelping civilian was forcefully dragged out from under the tank.

"NO!" The civilian cried out in horror while standing up as she could only watch in shock at the tank sinking further and further onto the ground, slowly crushing Darkwing's body as she began tearing up before gasping in relief as a worried Eye Lady ran into the scene.

"Miss, are you alright? Where's Darkwing?" Eye Lady asked while using her X-Ray Vision to check for any injuries on her body as the woman pointed at the tank.

"I'm alright, but Darkwing is about to be crushed by the weight of that tank! You need to save him!" She shouted as Eye Lady narrowed her eyes in determination and nodded.

"Eye eye, captain!" Eye Lady yelled as she was about to run towards Darkwing to lift the tank off of him only to gasp in surprise as two red/white blurs whooshed past her and saw two familiar figures grabbing the tank as they easily lifted it up from Darkwing, who gasped in relief at not being crushed to death as he looks up and saw Nolan and a young beautiful woman floating before him as their capes blew into the air.

Nolan can now be seen wearing his Omni Man Superhero Suit, which consists of him wearing a skintight white/red jumpsuit with a red 'O' symbol planted on his chest, a long red cape that was wrapped around his neck as it reaches down to his feet, a pair of red arm-length gloves, and a pair of large white boots.

Floating before them is a 6'1-feet-tall, 2,009-year-old Viltrumite Female with sapphire blue eyes, long blonde hair that reaches down to her back, thin blonde eyebrows, a small nose, a sharp chin, G-Cup Breasts, Light Skin, a tall muscularly hourglass build, a big juicy bubble butt, and she was currently wearing her supersuit, which consists of her wearing a white bodysuit with a red-bordered 'A' symbol planted on her chest, a long red cape that was wrapped around her neck as it reaches down to her feet, a pair of blue cuffed gloves, and a pair of blue high-heeled boots. Her name is Jen Fenix AKA Amazon, Nolan's Younger Sister, Garrus's Mother, Mark and Marcy's Aunt, a legendary movie director, and an alien superhero as she is one of the most strongest superheroes on Earth.

"Omni Man! Amazon!" An excited Eye Lady says with multi-starry eyes while being relieved that they were able to save Darkwing as, while she loved her father, she didn't exactly want to be around him when they were in Hero Mode for...very obvious reasons and Marcy was planning to make herself scarce and go back into the fight until her eyes widen in shock at the sight of large debris ripping out from the building near them as they begin falling down towards the seemingly oblivious Viltrumites. "Omni Man! Amazon! Darkwing! Look out!" Eye Lady screamed concernedly while using her ophthalmokinesis to merge six eyes into two as she then fired dual huge bursts of bright pink lightning that collided against the debris and easily vaporized them to oblivion as Omni Man and Amazon blinked in surprise at the falling gravel hitting their faces.

"Huh, that was close."

"True, Big Bro," Amazon says with a playful tone as she and Omni Man then glance down at Darkwing, only to deadpan as the Viltrumite Siblings spot the costumed human flying away on his glider.

"You're welcome." Omni Man says half-playfully/half-sarcastically just as Reaper appears and flies over to them.

"Hey, is everyone okay?" Reaper asked as Amazon turned to smile at him sweetly.

"Yeah, we are, sweetheart," Amazon says as Omni Man says nothing and turns to look at the Omnitrix Wielder with a neutral look on his face.

"Thanks for the help, Omnigirl." Omni Man says curtly before flying off as Eye Lady watches him go with a small pout as Reaper, and subtly Amazon, give her sympathetic looks before all of them recover quickly as the trio run/fly forward to head back to the battle.

"Get the soldiers to safety!" War Woman yelled at Immortal while wrestling with Mauler #2 as the immortal hero nodded and leaped away as he landed on the back of the White House and saw multiple soldiers trying in vain to shoot Mauler #1 down as he was more irritated than hurt by their bullets and raised his arm to try to punch through a surprised soldier, only to receive a wicked knuckle sandwich across his face courtesy of Immortal as he then swiftly grabbed the stunned soldier.

"We can take it from here! It's too dangerous for any of you to be here right now!" Immortal yelled as he promptly threw the soldier up into the air before doing the same thing with the rest of the soldiers as Mauler #1 recovered from Immortal's surprised attack and rushed over to him with his hands raised as he slammed him down onto the floor with a dual downwards punch.

"When we crush the Guardians of the Globe, kill the president, and destroy that Opticoid and that Viltrumite Brat, no one will be left to stop us!" Mauler #1 shouted as he threw a punch at him, only to miss as Immortal not only dodged his attack with ease but managed to deliver his own uppercut that sent him flying into the air from where Immortal saw eight screaming soldiers soaring through the air as Omni Man suddenly appears and grabbed two soldiers before flying away as Amazon and Reaper grab the other four as the remaining two soldiers continued falling down to their deaths.

"sh*t!" Immortal cursed as he crouched down and leaped up high into the air as he flew straight toward the falling soldiers and held out his hands. "Take my hands!" Immortal shouted as the soldiers frantically reached out to try and grab his hands, only for Omni Man to suddenly swoop in as he caught them.

"I had them." Omni Man says while giving Immortal an almost annoyed look as his fellow costumed hero narrows his back at him in annoyance/suspicion before falling back down onto the Earth as Omni Man rolls his eyes at this before flying down onto the ground to set the soldiers down on the floor as he, Amazon, Reaper, and Eye Lady flew/ran over to War Woman, who had smacked Mauler #2 away with her mace as the rest of the Guardian of the Globe appeared with Immortal crash landing in front of them like a boss as he struck a heroic pose.

"All clear." Red Rush says to his team as Martian Man and Aquarus nodded in agreement.

"Yes, we had cleared out the civilians from the area."

"And there's no one in the White House, so the Secret Service must've taken the president to safety." Green Ghost informed his team as War Woman grinned widely.

"Well, that's great! With evacuation now complete, we can focus on taking these brutes down!" War Woman exclaimed with a warrior-like excitement coursing through her veins as the Mauler Twins grouped up and glared at the superheroes as they charged at them and Eye Lady grinned at this excitedly as she cracked her knuckles.

"Oh, yeah! You heard her, guys! It's Hero Time!" Eye Lady exclaimed while rushing forward as the others followed after her.

Roaring loudly, the Mauler Twins rushed towards the heroes to attack them, only to be stopped by Eye Lady as she raised her arms and let out a huge flash of bright pink light from out of her eye hands, blinding them long enough for War Woman to run forward and twirled her weapon around before smacking across Mauler #2's face as she sends him flying towards Reaper, who flew over to deliver a strong punch down at him that sends Mauler #2 flying away with a pained grunt.

Mauler #1 ran towards a seemingly calm Immortal as he raised his fist to punch him, only for Red Rush to appear as he zips by him multiple times before whirling around him at high speeds as Red Rush then ran off, leaving behind a dizzy Mauler #1 as he shakes his head and managed to regain his bearings just as Immortal charges at him as he punches him across his face a couple of times before delivering a fierce uppercut that sends a screaming Mauler #1 flying up into the air.

Grunting, Aquarus ran up to them as the King of Atlantis lifted up his arms and fired dual streams of water across the air as it collided against a grunting Mauler #1 and sent him flying away as Martian Man flew in and shape-shifted himself into a volleyball net as he hooked himself against two trees and a screaming Mauler #1 crashed against him as Martian Man flings him forwards, right into Green Ghost's feet as he phased up from the ground and delivered a brutal dropkick that sends Mauler #1 crashing down onto the ground with a pained grunt.

A grunting Mauler #2 skipped across the grounds of the White House like a pebble on a lake as Amazon appeared and zoomed towards him as she began to deliver an onslaught of swift punches and kicks at him, causing him to groan in pain each time as Eye Lady suddenly jumped up onto the scene and twirled around as she used her ophthalmokinesis to merge six eyes into two again and fired dual beams of bright pink energy that collided against Mauler #2's body, shocking him violently and covering him in ice as he was sent flying over to War Woman and Reaper.

Sharing a smirk, War Woman then lifted her mace up into the air and proceeded to smack Mauler #2 across his face as she sent her flying back to Eye Lady, who raised her arms and fired six streams of green flames that collided against him as he was sent flying over to Reaper, who flew up into the air to give him a brutal punch that sends him crashing down into the ground with a pained grunt.

"Okay, I'm starting to think that we're both horribly outnumbered and outmatched. I'm out of here." Mauler #1 says as he stands up from the ground and tries to run away, only to fail as Martian Man swiftly flies over to him and uses his flexible body to wrap around him as Immortal grabs Martian Man's legs and begins twirling Mauler #1 around as he then tossed the screaming blue-skinned alien into the air and Aquarus wasted no time in raising his hands as he fired a mega-sized stream of water that propelled a yelping Mauler #1 over to his twin/possible clone and crashed-landed next to him as he groaned in pain.

"Hi-yah!" Eye Lady shouted while firing two beams of bright pink energy from out of the eyes on her shoulders as they flew over to collide against Mauler #1 and 2's bodies and encased them in a big block of ice as Green Ghost flew in and landed behind the Mauler Twins as he placed his green hands onto their shoulders and turned them intangible as he phased half of their bodies down into the ground.

Grunting in effort, Martian Man stretched out as he wrapped himself onto the Mauler Twins' bodies and restrained them long enough for Red Rush to zoom onto the scene as he ran around them so fast that he resembled a large red tornado and the Russian Speedster begins delivering multiple punches to the Mauler Twins' faces before speeding off as Martian Man lets go of them, revealing that their faces were bleeding and covered with fist-shaped bruises as Aquarus ran towards the Mauler Twins and leaped up high into the air as he then slammed his hands into the ground and gallons of water raced across the ground before popping up below the shocked Mauler Twins that uprooted the alien supervillains off from the ground as it propelled them up into the air before falling down onto the ground as they crash-landed onto the ground so hard that their ice prison broke apart upon impact as they rolled across the floor with painful moans and groans.

Flying in on his glider, Darkwing pulled out five more explosive shurikens as the masked superhero chucked them at the alien supervillains and the explosive throw-away weapons flew over to stick onto Mauler #2's back and flew off to safety as the blue-skinned alien stood up and was about to try and leap after him...until he hears loud beeping from his back as Mauler #2 realized what was going on and deadpans as a glaring Omni Man suddenly rushes towards him, and before he could react, punches him upwards into the air as a groaning Mauler #1 shakily stood up from the floor, only to scream in pain as Eye Lady raised her arms and used her Ophthalmokinesis to close all her nineteen eyes as she opened up her chest eye and further brings it out on a stalk to point it forward to fire a powerfully huge bright pink energy beam that collided against a screaming Mauler #1 and send him flying up into the air to collide against Mauler #2 just as the explosive shurikens went off as a large explosion rang out and the superheroes spotted a huge ball of fire crash landing into the ground, forming a big crater as Eye Lady and the others ran over to glance down to see the Mauler Twins lying down in the crater, unconscious and defeated.

"Nice work, team! We did awesome!" Eye Lady says while walking over to the group as she shares high fives with all of the Guardian of the Gloves and her friends with a smiling Reaper and Amazon happily giving her a high five as Red Rush zoomed in to give her a high-five with Green Ghost flying in to give her a high five as well as Martian Man stretched out his hand to do the same and Aquarus excitedly gave her a high five as War Woman and Darkwing, however, raised their arms to shake her hand calmly while Omni Man and Immortal stoically stood around with their arms crossed as Eye Lady huffed at this, but then grows worried as her Omnitrix Symbol began beeping red.

"Errrrrr, sorry, gotta fly," Reaper says while flying over to grab Eye Lady and flying them up high into the air with the Guardian of the Globes watching them go with stoic/amused looks on their faces before heading off to arrest the Mauler Twins as Omni Man stayed behind and narrowed his eyes at the duo's disappearing form with a neutral look on his face as Amazon spotted this and frowned worriedly as she shakes her head.

"Man that was close," Reaper says just as the Omnitrix Symbol begins beeping negatively as Marcy Timed Out and transforms back into her Normal Form with a flash of red light as she could be seen wearing her own supersuit created by the Omnitrix, which consists of a dark blue helmet with a pink visor and had two dark blue antennas that have pink stripes on them as well as a silver mouth, a pink scarf wrapped around her neck as it reaches down to her legs, a dark blue armored jumpsuit with a pink chest/sides/bottoms, a pair of pink armored gloves with dark blue fingers as her Omnitrix was fully exposed on her right wrist, a dark blue belt with a cat-shaped pink Omnitrix Symbol acting as the belt buckle, and a pair of pink armored boots with dark blue accents.

"Yeah, it was." A relieved Omnigirl says with her voice coming out robotically as Garrus gives her a curious look.

"You know, I'm wondering, when are you planning to tell your parents about the Omnitrix?" Reaper asked as Marcy looked away with a heavy sigh.

"Maybe one day, Garrus, but so far, I'm not ready to tell them yet."

"And yet you told your best friends the moment we came back from camp?" A deadpanned Reaper asked as Marcy blushed sheepishly and giggled amusedly as they began making their way through the city of Washinton DC.

{The Invincible Omni Girl-Season 1 Theme Song!}

It started when an alien device did what it did

An amazed and shocked Marceline Lyanna Grayson could be seen standing in the middle of the crater placed in Bellwood Park as it was made by a large alien space pod, which rested in the middle of the crater ominously as it then opened up to reveal the glowing pink Omnitrix, and the 12-year-old Viltrumite/Human Hybrid Girl gasped in awe with starry eyes as she slowly reaches out to grab the mysterious alien highly advance watch when suddenly the Omnitrix sprang to life and latches itself onto her wrist, scaring the sh*t out of her as she screamed in fear and waved her arm around as Marcy struggled to take off the watch.

It stuck itself upon her wrist with secrets that it hid

After a few minutes of trying to pry off the alien watch from her right arm with a stick, it merely snapped in half as Marcy pouted...before glancing down at the Omnitrix curiously as it glowed lightly against the night and the 12-year-old Girl tilted her head with wide innocent eyes as she pressed the two pink buttons on the sides of her Omnitrix, causing the core to pop out as the hourglass symbol joined together to form a diamond shape and the silhouette of a humanoid alien creature made out of rocks appeared as Marcy briefly looked around curiously to make sure that her Big Brother wouldn't catch her using the mysterious alien watch before grinning widely as she raised her arm and slammed her hand down on the Omnitrix Core as a flash of pink light occurred.

Now she's got superpowers, she's no ordinary kid

She's Omnigirl! (Omnigirl!)

Yelping in surprise, Marcie closed her eyes from the bright pink flash of light emitting from the Omnitrix as she then slowly opened her eyes and was stunned to see that she transformed into the Alien Form that she would affectionately later name, 'Chromastone', and glanced down at her tall humanoid rocky-build as well as the cat-shaped pink hourglass symbol planted on her chest, and once Marcy finished inspecting her new alien form, she then lets out a loud bloodcurdling scream as the Transformed Pre-Teen Girl began running around panickedly, trying to find her big brother to help her out as Marcy was then surprised when she accidentally fired dual big streams of rainbow-colored energy that sends her crashing down into the ground, butt-first with a squeal of surprise.

So if you see her, you might be in for a big surprise

A smirking Marcy could be seen standing in the middle of the city while transformed into her Omnigirl Form as she then glared up at the skies and spotted a whole army of Viltrumites soaring through the skies, wreaking havoc and killing tons of innocent people as they then noticed the Omnitrix Wielder and glared down at her threateningly, but Omnigirl simply smirked up at them co*ckily as she raised her arm, showing off her Omnitrix as Marcy quickly pressed the two pink buttons on the sides of her Omnitrix, causing the core to pop out as the hourglass symbol joined together to form a diamond shape and the silhouette of her Viltrumite Form appeared as Omnigirl swiftly raised her arm and slammed her hand down on the Omnitrix Core as a flash of pink light occurred.

She'll transform into an alien before your very eyes

Grunting lightly while gritting her teeth, Marcy's long black hair flew upwards as she slowly floated up into the air and twirled around elegantly with twin trails of Pink Omni Energy appearing onto the scene as they wrapped around her slim body and a big flash of pink light occurred as, once it died down, all of the Viltrumites were shocked to see that Marcy had transformed into her own Viltrumite Form and cracked her knuckles with a sly grin on her face as Omnigirl then crouched down into the ground and took off into the air with a loud laugh as she raised her fist to punch one of the Viltrumite Warriors across his face.

She's slimy

Goop's pink gooey body could be seen splashing down onto the ground uselessly as her Anti-Gravity Projector flew onto the scene and took control of her body as she swiftly jumped up into the body and formed her body back to normal as Goop struck a heroic pose with a wide grin on her face as she then flung a ball of acidic pink goo at the readers.


An intangible/invisible Ghostfreak phase through the wall of a random building as she then quickly reaches down to grab her removable dark gray-purplish skin and opens it up to reveal her large thick black/dark pink striped tentacles as her ungodly horrifying and decaying body is revealed to the readers.


Rushing onto the scene in the form of a pink/black/blue blur, XLR8 can be seen zooming in and out of the area before zipping over to skid in front of the readers while kicking up a big gray dust cloud as her visor retracted and XLR8 waved at the readers excitedly with a giggle as she then ran off.

And strong

Growling furiously, Rath can be seen bursting through various buildings while leaving behind a trail of destruction and mayhem as she then skids to a stop and pants heavily as Rath then holds out her muscular arms and strikes a heroic pose while roaring loudly as a huge explosion rang out behind her.

She's every shape and size

Panting worriedly, Grey Matter can be seen running away from a group of thugs trying to squash her to death as she quickly jumped behind a large pile of crates and the thugs quickly ran over to grab the large crates and began flinging them away but then stopped as a big flash of pink light occurred and the group of thugs were shocked to see a grinning Gravattack standing in front of them as she raised her glowing pink energy hand and was able to latch onto the thugs with her gravity powers and sends them all flying away.

She's Omnigirl! (Omnigirl!)

Armed with powers, she's on the case

A manically laughing and grinning Doc Seismic can be seen flying through the air while raising his technological wristbands to generate and release powerful shockwave blasts towards the Grayson Siblings, who were flying through the air as Invincible held onto Upgrade and he was able to avoid the attack before launching his little sister over to crash against Doc Seismic's body, covering his high tech wristbands with black goo that have pink circuitry-like tattoos on them as Upgrade was able to disable them, much to the shock of Doc Seismic as Mark gave her a thumbs up and a nod.

Fighting off evil from Earth or Space

A glaring Aurubis floated in the air as she glared down at the incoming Flaxan Invasion and quickly raised her hands to create a small ball of pink aura energy that soon increased in size and glowed brightly with great power as Aurubus gritted her teeth with narrowed eyes as she then held out her arms and lets out a loud battle cry as she fired a huge beam of pink aura energy that washed over the whole Flaxan Army, incinerating them all as Invincible, Reaper, and the Guardians jaw dropped in pure shock at the sight of the sheer power of Omnigirl's Alien Form as Rex Splode's eyes rolled to the back of his head and proceed to faint as he crashed down into the ground harshly.

She'll never stop until she makes them all pay

Letting out a loud yeti-like roar, a pissed-off Shocksquatch then rushed over to attack Kevin 11, who had absorbed her Alien DNA and transformed into Discharge and rushed over to grapple with the Omnitrix Wielder, who glared at him as her rival grinned back at her savagely with their bodies glowing with pink and blue electricity as Invincible, Zak, Reaper, and the Guardians watched on worriedly.

Cause she's the baddest kid to ever save the day

After getting over the shocking and horrible news of who their hero really was and why he was sent to Earth in the first place, Invincible, Chromastone, and Reaper shared a serious look as they nodded and got into their battle stances in mid-air as the Grayson Siblings and Garrus glared over at Omni Man venomously with said person glaring back at them stoically and crossed his arms as he then closed his eyes and took a deep breath before putting on a serious glare as Nolan suddenly zoomed forward at high speeds with Mark, Marcy, and Garrus getting serious as well as they flew forward with a couple of determined scowls on their faces.






Lodestar held up her arms and used her Magnetokinesis to project dual large bursts of pink magnetic fields that latched onto a large metal boat and raised it up into the air with a smirk on her face as her eyes then went wide-eyed in shock at the sight of a smug-faced Gravattack raising her glowing pink hazy hands and latched onto an even bigger ship with her gravitational powers and raised it up into the air as Lodestar fumed angrily.

A smirking Eyelady held up her arms as she used her Ophthalmokinesis to manipulate her numerous eyes to fire a multitude of pink energy, electricity, cryo-electricity, fire, and ice at Ditto, who laughed joyfully as she ran forward while duplicating herself up to thirty and allowed her clones to take the hits as the Original Ditto jumped up into the air and duplicated herself up to fifty as they all then tacked a surprised Eye Lady onto the ground.






XLR8 and Jetray can be seen running/flying down through the Pacific Ocean, trying to have a race to see who is the fastest between them as the Kineceleran glared over at the Aerophibian angrily before grinning slyly as her visor closed up and suddenly sped over to appear underneath her ally as she began running around rapidly in a large circle, creating a huge water cyclone that rose up to collide against a surprised Jetray, sending her flying away as a laughing XLR8 then sped off to the finishing line.

Roaring loudly, a scowling Rath rushed over to grapple with Shocksquatch, who covered her whole body with pink electricity as she began shocking her foe relentlessly with said person gritting her teeth in pain but was able to bear through the pain to continue grappling with Shocksquatch as Rath growled at her furiously with a feral grin on her face.






Grey Matter can be seen working on a machine in a lab as Upgrade walks into the room and walks over to offer her some help as the Galvan smiles brightly and nods while gesturing over at a nearby machine as she orders her to fix it and the Galvanic Mechamorph nodded as she went over to phase into it, covering it with black goo that have pink circuitry-like tattoos as Upgrade was able to repair it and Grey Matter nodded in gratitude as she gave her a thumbs up.

A grinning and laughing Cannonbolt can be seen crashing against various walls and colliding against Waterflow's body repeatedly as said person quickly raised her arms and fired dual streams of water that collided against her foe while manipulating her water to turn into ice as Waterflow was able to freeze a shocked Cannobolt in mid-air.






Ms Martian and Crashhopper ran forward at high speeds as the Martian Girl quickly stretched herself forward and wrapped around two poles, allowing the Female Orthopterran to run over and leap up to fall against her before using Ms Martian as a makeshift trampoline to launch herself up high into the air as Crashhopper cheered loudly.

Flying through the air, a glaring Ghostfreak turned to face Chromastone while quickly reaching down to grab her removable dark gray-purplish skin as she opened it up to reveal her large thick black/dark pink striped tentacles and fired a huge pink spiritual energy blast at her foe, who raised her arms to absorb the attack and her body glowed with a rainbow-like energy aura as a screaming Chromastone then fired a big rainbow-like energy blast at a shocked Ghostfreak.






A smirking Goop manipulated her gooey pink body to wrap around a surprised Fistclops's body with said person briefly struggling to escape before coming up with a brilliant idea as she reached up to grab her foe's Anti-Gravity Projector and quickly pressed a button on it to turn it off, causing Goop's body collapses into an immobilized pink puddle as Fistclops grinned smugly with a chuckle.

A scowling Omnigirl and Aurubis floated in the air majestically with one of them cracking her knuckles threateningly while the other glowed a bright pink aura that covered her whole body as the Viltrumite and the Lucardian then flew forward at incredibly fast speeds, and Omnigirl and Aurubis raised their clenched fists to collide against each other as a huge pink shockwave rang out.


All of Marcy's current aliens gathered around for one final shot as they stuck heroic poses before suddenly being sucked into the Omnitrix as we see the Omnittrix Wielder standing in front of a pink background with the story's logo placed beside her as Omnigirl beamed happily and struck a heroic pose as she held up her Omnitrix for the world to see and it glows brightly as Invincible floated beside his little sister on her right with his arms crossed and a co*cky grin on his face, Reaper floated alongside her on her left and placed his hands on his hips with a confident smirk on his face, Zak Saturday twirled his Claw around before striking a heroic pose as his eyes and whole body glowed with a mystic orange glow as a glowing mystic orange aura covered his body, and it took the shape of Kur as it lets out a loud menacing roar.

A smirking Charmcaster reached into her brown satchel to pull out her magic spellbook and held it in front of her with her telekinesis as her eyes and body glowed a hot purple as her hair flew in the wind, Darkstar slowly flew upwards and held out his arms with a grin on his face as his eyes and body glowed yellow, Techhead's eyes color turn into a bluish color with a robotic-like print on them as he raised his arms to use his technopathy to take control of various powerful machinery, Atom Eve floated above them with her eyes and hands glowing a bright pink, Colossal grew to her full size and cracked her knuckles with a grin on her face, an intangible Green Ghost Alana floated up through the ground and swiftly turned herself tangible as she crossed her arms with a smug smirk on her face, Electress covered herself with yellow electricity as she grinned slyly, and Martian Girl covered herself with her Martian Suit and spawned out four light olive tentacles that slammed themselves into the ground and propelled her up high into the air as she struck a heroic pose.

A glaring Ronan took out his sword as the experienced swordsman held up his weapon and struck a small heroic pose, a co*cky Rex Splode reached down to grab two white cylinders from his belt and coated them with explosive yellow kinetic explosive energy, Sludgepuppy transformed into her Full Lenopan Form and roared savagely while morphing her arms to resemble large war hammers, Robot floated up into the air and aimed his arm at the readers threateningly as it popped out a small rocket, a smirking Monster Girl swiftly transformed into her Monster Form with a mighty roar as she pounded her fists into her chest like a gorilla, Dupli-Kate swiftly created Five Clones and all of them struck battle poses with glares on their faces, Shrinking Rae shrinks down to her small size flew up into the air as she used her own body's bioenergy to project a couple of bright green electrical blasts that covered her clenched fists, and Black Samson stood stoically as he cracked his knuckles menacingly.

{The Invincible Omni Girl-Season 1 Theme Song-Over}

Flying through the air at incredibly high speeds, we see the duo making their way out of Washington DC as they fly through various cities and are able to arrive at their hometown Bellwood as Garrus swiftly flies them through the city before arriving at the Grayson Home as he flew them over to the backyard and landed down on the ground as Reaper placed Omnigirl down on the ground and used his superspeed to strip off his outfit as he put on his usual outfit and Marcy reached down to press onto the Omnitrix Dial as a big flash of bright pink light rang out and we see her returning back into her civilian form while now wearing her new outfit, which consists of a pink bow planted on her head, an opened long-sleeved pink hooded jacket with white stripes on both arms and a white number 20 on the left side, a short-sleeved black shirt with a white stripe in the middle as it has a white 20 placed in the middle and white stripes on the sides of his shirt, long blue jeans, and a pair of pink/white shoes as she still wore her Omnitrix.

"Well, that was fun," Marcy says playfully while placing her hands into her pockets as she and Garrus begin making their way to the house. "We did, good today, Garrus. We managed to save the president, stop the Mauler Twins, and even had an awesome team up with the Guardians of the Globe." Marcy says the last part with an almost excited glee as a bemused Garrus nods.

"Indeed, but still, won't it be better to tell your family about your secret, Marcy?" Garrus asked as Marcy sighed heavily with a pout.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, Garrus. I know that I should tell my family about my powers and stuff, but I can't tell them right now for two reasons. One, I don't know how they would react. They may either be excited for me or freak out, either which. Two, Mark still hasn't received his Viltrumite powers, yet, so I don't want Mom and Dad to focus so much on me and have him feel left out. I just want to wait a little bit longer until his powers show up and I'm more used to the Omnitrix. Once they do, I will tell my family. I promise."

"Good," Garrus says with a nod as the duo arrives at the porch and reaches over to open the backyard sliding door as they go inside the house as Marcy and Garrus spot Debbie and a young man standing in the kitchen, talking to each other warmly with a couple of smiles on their faces.

Standing before them is a 6'1-feet-tall, 41-year-old Human Man with blue eyes, short slickback black hair, thin black eyebrows, a small nose, a sharp chin, Caucasian Skin, a tall muscularly slim build, and his outfit consists of a short-sleeved blue shirt, a black belt with a golden belt buckle, long brown pants, and a pair of brown shoes. His name is Shepard Fenix, Jen's Husband, Garrus's Father, and a Member of the GDA.

"Oh, hey, kids, how was your morning walk?" Shepard asked as Garrus smiled and shrugged.

"Pretty good, Dad."

"Yeah, sorry that it took us so long to get back, Mom. I was just chased by a pack of wild dogs and Garrus was forced to help me and then-,"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, sweetie, but please save us the countless fake excuses that you make and go wash up. You're filthy as hell." Debbie chastises while narrowing her eyes at her daughter's dirty face as Marcy grins at her sheepishly and nodded as she turns around to run out of the kitchen and made her way upstairs as the Omnitrix Wielder jogs up to the bathroom and opens the door as she saw her startled Older Brother sitting on the toilet with his pants pulled down as he was currently taking a sh*t while reading from a superhero comic book.

"Marcy, what the hell!?" Mark cried out in surprise/embarrassment as he used his comic book to cover his privates and glared over at his younger sister. "Sis, in case, you didn't notice, I'm using the bathroom, so get the hell out of here!"

"Sorry, Big Bro, but I can't. There's only one bathroom for us in this whole house and Mom says that I have to wash up my face, and you and I both know what will happen if we don't follow her orders." Marcy says while going over to the bathroom counter to open up the faucet and reaches over to grab a bar of soap as Mark groans in annoyance.

"Ugh, what are you doing? Just leave! God!" Mark complained with a glare as Marcy rolled her eyes with a scoff.

"Oh, calm down, it's not like I want to actively look at your penis. I'm facing away from you to NOT look at you."

"Good, god, you can be so irritating sometimes."

"Love you too," Marcy says cheekily while not looking at him as Mark sighed heavily and grumbled under his breath as he finished doing his business and was planning to pull up his underwear and pants, only for his mother to suddenly barge into the room as Mark yelped in surprise.

"Mom!" Mark yelled with his face flushing in embarrassment as he used one of his hands to cover himself while bending down to use his other hand to pick up his pants.

"Look, I'm sorry for barging in without knocking, but my bathroom is out of soap and I really need one," Debbie says while bending down to grab a new bar of soap from the cabinet under the sink and gently pushing aside her daughter as Mark groans loudly.

"You two are literally the worst! Don't either of you have a shred of dignity!?" Mark asked dramatically as Marcy and Debbie rolled their eyes in unison.

"Oh, please, I used to change your diapers, kid. There's nothing down there that I haven't seen before." Debbie says as Mark sulks in dismay and embarrassment with an annoyed pout as we then fast forward in time to half an hour and we see the Grayson Family sitting on the family couch, watching the news and eating their breakfast with Garrus as Mark turns to his Mom and Uncle.

"Looks like Dad and Aunt Jen are saving the White House," Mark stated while gesturing over at the TV as Marcy nodded in agreement with a small smile on her face as their mother and uncle appeared as they made their way over to him.

"Yeah, seems like it. Did they do it alone?" Debbie asked half-interestedly/half-disinterestedly as Marcy shook her head while lying on the ground and kicked her feet around cutely as she laid her head in her hands.

"No, it seems that he had help from the Guardians of the Globe, Reaper, and Omnigirl," Marcy says while discreetly glancing over at Mark, who smirks slyly as they share a wink.

"Neat," Debbie says boredly with the kids nodding as, amusedly enough, the group was talking about this subject as if they were having a conversation about the weather.

"Who are they fighting this time?" Shepard asked curiously as he narrowed his eyes at the TV and groaned at who he saw as the young man crossed his arms in annoyance. "Oh, great, the Mauler Twins. Looks like we won't be having our daily joint family breakfast together...bummer." Shepard says with a shrug, both looking irritated and unfazed by this, as Garrus rolls his eyes playfully.

"It's the White House, guys. It's kind of important."

"Oh, please they rebuilt that thing at least twice a year by this point," Debbie says as she turns around to walk into the kitchen.

"Yeah, it's true, son. They rebuilt the White House so many times that it's honestly turned into a running gag for the villains. In fact, if you're a villain and haven't destroyed the White House at least once in your career, then you're not considered a true villain at all, or at least that is what your mother and aunt told me." Shepard says as Debbie nods while in the kitchen as she is washing the dishes.

"I swear if it's not the Mauler Twins destroying the White House, it's either going to be Lizard Lady, Hex, or someone else. I doubt the president still lives there and if he is, then, he's an idiot...and I'm an even bigger idiot for voting for him." Debbie says with a big sweatdrop on her head as Omni Man and Amazon suddenly fly in and land in the backyard as they walk over to open the backyard sliding door and step inside.

"Hey, sorry, we are late. We were busy dealing with something at the White House."

"Yeah, but thankfully, we're not too late for breakfast." Omni Man says as he and Amazon make their way further into the house and walk into the living room as Debbie follows after them. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a quick shower." Omni Man says as he is about to fly up to the second floor, but is stopped by Debbie as she runs over to place her hand on his shoulder.

"Not so fast, come here," Debbie says with a seductive look on her face as she places her hands on his chest and Omni Man grins suavely as he grabs her thin waist and shares a passionate kiss with her.

"Hey, beautiful, come here, you know how I act up when I see you in your supersuit~," Shepard says with a sly tone while walking over to Jen, who smirks and hugs her husband as they share a hot kiss.

"Oh, gross! My eyes! They're burning!/Quick, Marcy! Get the spray bottle!" Marcy and Mark both screamed in unison, equally as grossed out at seeing their parents kissed as Garrus rolled his eyes playfully and Omni Man and Debbie separated from each other as the young woman gave her husband a soft, loving smile.

"Now, let's get you out of these clothes and have a," Debbie says with Nolan grinning widely in anticipation/excitement as Amazon and Shepard stop kissing and they give them a knowing teasing look and Mark gasps overdramatically as he reached over to cover an innocent Marcy's ears.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Show some decency! There are children present!" Mark snapped with a glare as Marcy simply smiled cutely. "God, what's wrong with this family and its lack of boundaries! Little Sisters aren't supposed to barge into the bathroom while their Big Brothers are taking a crap, the mother is supposed to knock and wait until her son is finished using the bathroom, and parents should never ever talk about sex in front of their kids!" Mark complained before letting go of Marcy and stormed off to walk up the steps with a grumpy look on his face.

"Hey, you kids should be overjoyed to see your parents passionately express their love for each other. Not many married couples are really that in love nowadays and you two should be happy that your parents love each other this much." Debbie says as both Marcy and Mark groaned in unison.

"Alright, alright, calm down, you two. Now, go and get ready for school. I'm flying you there." Garrus says as the Grayson Siblings nod and Marcy makes her way upstairs but stops as they hear their mother talking to their father again.

"What were you thinking? Paris?"

"Hmm, actually I was pulling for that little cafe in Berlin." Omni Man says as Amazon perks up.

"Ooh, yes, I have been dying to try out their new sausages."

"Aww, man! You guys are going to Best Wurst! I love that place!" Mark yelled while he and Marcy stood at the top of the staircase with pouts on their faces.

"And I always wanted to go to Berlin or anywhere exciting that's not Bellwood!" Marcy says as Omni Man turns to his kids and shakes his head.

"No, can do, kids. You two have to go to school." Omni Man says to the kids as both Mark and Marcy grumble in annoyance. "Once your powers kick in, you can go and fly on your own." Omni Man stated firmly with Marcy freezing and looking away awkwardly as Mark glared at him lightly.

"Salt on the wound, Dad," Mark says with a pout, still majorly upset and disappointed that his powers haven't kicked in yet as Nolan gives his son a reassuring look.

"Don't worry, kids, your powers are due any day now. Even the latest bloomers on Viltrum would get their powers before what would be their eighteenth birthday."

"Plus, Garrus was able to get his powers, so you will too," Shepard says reassuringly as Nolan nods.

"Yeah, you'll see, kids."

"Ugh, okay, Dad," Mark stated, not knowing whether to believe him or not, as Marcy smiled hesitantly.

"Okay, Daddy," Marcy says as she and Mark make their way upstairs.

"Don't get their hopes up." Debbie chastises Omni Man, who says nothing, and looks away ominously as we fast forward in time and we see Marcy, Mark, and Garrus making their way out of the Grayson House.

"Bye, have fun in Berlin," Mark said sarcastically to his parents and aunt and uncle before closing the door as the trio then spotted their family members flying through the air and disappearing from sight as Mark watched them go jealously before looking down at his hand as the 17-year-old boy thought about what their father said and a determined, firm look appeared on his face as Mark clenched his fist and then raise it high into the air as he crouched down and leaped up as he soared through the air and smiled excitedly as Mark was finally glad at being able to fly...only for his smile to drop down in disappointment as he dropped back onto the ground.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" Marcy and Garrus laughed loudly as Mark furrowed his eyebrows in frustration/anger and grunted as he began jumping up and down a couple of times, trying to fly as the mailman showed up to deliver the Graysons' mail...only to sweatdrop as he saw Mark bouncing up and down like an idiot as Marcy turned to give him an awkward, smile.

"Uh, I don't know him," An embarrassed Marcy says while pointing over at a still-jumping Mark as the Mailman shakes his head and hands her the family's mail as he walks off. "Don't worry, bro, I will fly us both to our respective schools," Marcy says reassuringly while glancing down at her Omnitrix Arm as she pressed the two pink buttons on the sides of her Omnitrix at the same time, causing the Omnitrix Core to pop out and the hourglass symbol joined together to form a diamond shape as the silhouette of Eye Lady as Marcy twisted the dial to show the silhouette of a manta ray-like alien.

"Wait, what?" A bewildered Mark asked as he stopped bouncing just as a grunting Marcy raised her arm and slammed her hand down on the Omnitrix Core and a flash of pink light occurred.

[Omnigirl's Transformation Sequence]

A flash of pink luminescent light shot out from the Omnitrix as it washed over Marceline Lyanna Grayson's body and we see a reddish pink tornado starting to form around her lower waist as the poor little girl could only flailed her arms around panickedly and the tornado flew her up into the air as Marcy gasped when a pile of reddish pink goo began traveling up her arms and reaches up to her hands as she clenched her fists before opening them and her arms transformed into a pair of reddish pink three-fingered hands with long fingers.

With her transformation sequence nearly complete, a surprised Marcy stared at this quietly before smirking widely as she held out her arms, and a pair of two patagias appeared underneath her arms as they were colored pink at the front and white on the back as the Omnitrix Wielder flapped against the winds a couple of times, only to then do a barrel roll in mid-air as more red goo appeared from the top of her head and travels across her whole body as, after fully transforming into her alien form, we see Jetray twirled around a bit before taking off into the air at speeds greater than the speed of freaking sound as another flash of pink light occurred.

[Omnigirl's Transformation Sequence Over]

Once the flash of pink light dies down, we see that Marcy has transformed into a 5-feet-tall Female Aerophibian as she resembles a humanoid manta-ray alien creature with pupilless pink eyes, white outlines on her face, a pair of pink horns planted on top of her head and above her eyes as they extend down to her nose/mouth, pink lips with large crooked white teeth, a pair of three gills planted on the sides of her body, a white zigzag/lightning strike pattern coming down from her shoulders, a pair of reddish pink three-fingered hands with long fingers and two patagias attached under her arms that are colored pink at the front and white on the back, Reddish Pink Skin, a humanoid manta-ray-like body, a long reddish pink lizard-like tail, a pair of reddish pink large three-toed pterodactyl-like feet, and her outfit consists of a sleeveless dark blue jumpsuit with pink accents and exposed sides as well as a hole on her butt as she has the Omnitrix Symbol located on his forehead. Her name is-

"Jetray!" The Now-Named Jetray exclaimed while stretching her tail over to wrap around a surprised Mark's body and proceeded to fly them up into the air at high speeds with her Big Brother screaming like a little girl the whole time as a laughing Garrus flew after them.

"...Mauler Twins attack the White House? Nuts, right?" Will asked as we fast forward in time and we see Mark and Garrus residing inside of Reginald Vel Johnson High School, placing their books inside their lockers as their friend was talking to them while glancing down at his phone as it showed the news of the White House Incident.

"I saw."

"I can't believe the Guardians of the Globe let them get that close to killing the President." A disbelieving Will says as Garrus rolls his eyes a bit and scoffs.

"Oh, please, they didn't even get into the building, and Amazon and Omni Man were there, too."

"Not to mention Omnigirl and Reaper," Mark says as it is now Will's turn to roll his eyes and scoff.

"You two are such an Omni-Maniac, an Amazoniac, and a Reaperfanatic, but I will admit, Marcy is way better than all of them combined," Will whispered to the others as the boys did a double take.

"What? How?" An incredulous Garrus asked as Will grinned and chuckled.

"Well, let's look at the facts here, they all have super strength, can fly, have super speed, and are highly durable. Marcy has all of those powers and more, thus she is way more powerful than them." Will says as both Mark and Garrus stare at him in stunned disbelief and shock. "But I will admit that Amazon has a way better supersuit, Reaper is cool and all, and Omni Man is pretty hot and all and that mustache..." Will drooled with a blush as both Mark and Garrus frowned a bit. "Oh, right, sorry, okay, straight stuff. Anyway, I can understand Marcy making that mistake because she only had her Omnitrix for about three months or so but the Guardians of the Globes, Omni Man, and Amazon have been heroes for decades. I had expected better heroing than that. Anyway, up for some Clash Crash tonight? I'm hoping for a Level 43 chest armor."

"Sorry not interested," Garrus says apologetically as a guilty Mark looks away and Will spots this as he frowns and shakes his head.

"Don't bring up that stupid job, man. Don't be that person."

"Come on, man, Ms. Dalton is a family friend and I was lucky enough to get a good job with her that gives me great money. I can't just skip work. Besides, when was the last time you even bought a comic book? Those things are expensive, and they're doing Seance Dog twice a month all summer." Mark says as Will scoffed and crossed his arms with a raised eyebrow.

"You're into the stupidest stuff."

"Seance Dog is not stupid, bro," Garrus says as Will is about to argue, but then-

"Knock it off, Cash!" A glaring teenage girl says while trying to walk away from two teenage boys as Mark and the others turn to them curiously.

Standing before them is a 5'8-feet-tall, 17-year-old African American Girl with dark brown hair, long dark brown hair that was pulled back into a spiky ponytail, thick dark brown eyebrows, a small nose, a sharp chin, D-Cup Breasts, Dark Brown Skin, a tall hourglass build with wide hips, a big thick ass, and her outfit consists of a black necklace with a golden chain, a long-sleeved high-collared opened dark green jacket, a short-sleeved orange shirt underneath, a brown belt with a golden belt buckle, long white jeans, and a pair of pink shoes. Her name is Amber Justine Bennett, a student of Reginald Vel Johnson High School.

Standing before them is a 6'2-feet-tall, 17-year-old Male with a football-shaped head as he has brown eyes that have a thick black outline, short slick black hair, thick black eyebrows, large ears, a big stumpy nose, a sharp chin, Light Brown Skin, a tall slim muscular build, and his outfit consists of a short-sleeved red shirt with dark gray accents, long black pants, and black shoes. His name is Cash Murray, a student of Reginald Vel Johnson High School, J.T.'s Best Friend, and one of Mark's Childhood School Bullies.

Standing before them is a 5'7-feet-tall, 17-year-old Male with black eyes, unkempt shoulder-length brown hair, thick black eyebrows, a big pointed nose, a sharp chin, Caucasian Skin, a slim build, and his outfit consists of a pair of round-shape black-framed glasses with light blue lenses, a short-sleeved olive shirt, long baggy beige pants, and dark blue sneakers with white accents. His name is J.T., a student of Reginald Vel Johnson High School, Cash's Best Friend, and one of Mark's Childhood School Bullies.

"Come on, quit playing games, babe. I know you're crazy about me." Cash says with a smug grin as J.T. nods.

"Yeah, Marcy told us."

"Well, you are big and strong, aren't you?" Amber asked with a dry tone as she turned to face Cash and J.T.

"You know it."

"And you think that makes it okay for you to harass me?" An angry Amber asked while turning around to try and walk away, but was stopped by J.T.

"Hey, don't walk away from Cash."

"Yeah, what are you a lesbian or something?" Cash asked with a scoff as Amber rolled her eyes sarcastically.

"Oh, my god, I wish. Would you leave me alone then, so that I can go find a girl to kiss?" Amber asked snarkily as a glaring Mark was about to step forward, but was stopped by a worried Will.

"Don't. Cash is like twice your size."

"Maybe you can just sit back and watch this, but I can't," Mark says with a serious tone as Will scoffed.

"I can because I'm not Omni-Man, Amazon, or Omnigirl, and neither are you."

"Let's see," Mark says while walking forward as he makes his way over to his childhood school bullies. "I think Amber's been pretty clear about how she feels, guys," Mark says with a threatening tone as both Cash and J.T. look amused by this as, the next thing that Omni Man's son knew, he was punched in the face and the stomach, leaving him gasping and moaning in pain as Cash and J.T began stomping their feet down on him, causing an angry Amber to charge over to and deliver two strong kicks up their family jewels.

"Leave him alone!" Amber ordered with a glare as Garrus charged over to punch Cash and J.T. away, knocking them out as they crashed down onto the ground.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!" Everyone laughed while pointing down at the humiliated and injured Cash and J.T. as Will went over to help up a groaning and injured Mark as Amber turned to give him a sweet smile.

"Thanks," Amber says gratefully while turning around to walk away as Mark watches her go with a small smile on his face.

"...So I saw on the news that you were able to save the president with the help of the Guardians of the Globe, Reaper, Omni Man, and Amazon?" Cooper says to Marcy as we fast forward in time and we see the Omnitrix Wielder leaving Bancroft Academy with her friends once school was done as all of them were able to change out of their school uniforms and were wearing their normal attire as Cooper wore sleeveless purple jersey with a big yellow number 3 symbol placed in the middle, a short-sleeved white shirt underneath, a black necklace with a gold bead, black shorts, and a pair of white/purple shoes.

"Yeah, we all did. The situation was crazy." Michael pointed out while wearing a long-sleeved gray sweater, long white pants, and a pair of black/white shoes.

"Oh, definitely, Garrus and I couldn't believe that Mauler Twins were able to get so close to the White House, but thankfully, we were able to stop them."

"Indeed, although I'm surprised that you went with Eye Lady," Hope says while wearing her pair of circular-framed black glasses, a long-sleeved high-collared opened light brown trench coat, a sleeveless dark blue dress underneath, white socks, and a pair of light brown shoes. "I figure that you would go with XLR8 or something." Hope theorized as Marcy pouted and kicked at the ground.

"I tried, but the Omnitrix gave me Eye Lady instead."

"Why does your Omnitrix mistransform anyway?" Michael asked curiously as Marcy shrugged.

"Not sure admittedly.

"You know, I could take a peek at it if you want," Cooper suggested as Marcy shook her head.

"Sorry, Cooper, but I don't want to risk any damages coming to the Omnitrix. This is my only chance of being a Hero." Marcy says as Cooper sighs heavily but nods just as the kids hear a loud yell near them as the group turns their heads and spots Pinky and Missy harassing a kid from their classroom as they hold him up into the air by his feet and begin shaking him around to have him loose everything that was in his pockets.

"Speaking of being a hero, cover me," Marcy says while reaching over to grab Hope and Michael as she pulls them into a tight hug with her being sandwiched in-between them and hidden from plain view as Marcy glances down at her Omnitrix Arm and presses the two pink buttons on the sides of her Omnitrix at the same time, causing the Omnitrix Core to pop out and the hourglass symbol joined together to form a diamond shape as the silhouette of Jetray appeared and Marcy twisted the Omnitrix Dial as she saw a humanoid tiger-like alien, a big ball-shaped alien, a ghost-like alien, and finally landed on a humanoid blobby alien as Mark's Little Sister raised her arm and slammed her hand down on the Omnitrix Core as a flash of pink light occurred.

"Come on, fork over the cash." A grinning Pinky says while she and Missy continued shaking around the kid as a large shadow falls over them and the duo turned around confusedly as the girls' eyes widened in shock at the sight of a car standing before them while covered with black goo and pink circuitry-like tattoos as her face circle changed into an angry emoji and opened up her mouth to roar at them angrily, scaring the crap out of Pinky and Missy as they screamed panickedly and let go of the kid as they turned around to run away with the nervous kid running off as well as, once they were gone, the black goo with pink circuitry-like tattoos ejected out of the car, returning it back to normal as the Mysterious Alien Creature splashed down into the ground and morphed back to normal as her face circle morphed into a smirking emoji.

Standing before them is a 6-feet-tall Female Galvanic Mechamorph with a small pink circle planted right where her face should be as it acts as her eye/mouth and had three eyelashes on it, a pair of large thick four-fingered arms, a black exterior with multiple pink stripes that travel across her body and resembled circuitry, her front torso was colored pink with black circuitry, a humanoid hourglass slender build with wide hips, and a pair of large stump-like feet as she has the Omnirix Symbol planted on her chest. Her name is-

"Man, that was some wicked Upgrade that I gave them." The Now-Named Upgrade says while speaking in Marcy's voice, albeit it sounds robotic as Hope, Michael, and Cooper look amused by what she said as we then fast forward in time and we cue over to Le'Roys as we see a smiling Marcy sitting near the counter in her human form and was eating a slice of pie made by a smiling African American Woman standing behind the counter as Mark and a man can be seen cleaning up the tables while wearing their job uniforms.

Standing before them is a 5'8-feet-tall, 65-year-old African American Woman with black eyes, shoulder-length curly dark brown hair, thin dark brown eyebrows, a big nose, a sharp chin, E-Cup breasts, Dark Brown Skin, a tall slender build, a big thick bubble butt, and she was currently wearing her job uniform, which consists of a white cap, a short-sleeved orange-colored shirt with a high white collar and accents, a white apron wrapped around her body, a black belt with a silver belt buckle, a long white skirt, and a pair of white high heel shoes. Her name is Doris Dalton, the Owner of Le'Roys and a close personal family friend to the Graysons as well as Marcy and Mark's Aunt Figure.

Standing before them is a 6'5-feet-tall, 25-year-old Jamaican-American Man with brown eyes, black dreadlocks that were held back by a black bandana wrapped around his head, thin black eyebrows, a pointy nose with a nose ring on his left nostril and a black mustache underneath, a sharp chin with a small black goatee, Light Brown Skin, a tall slim build, and he was currently wearing his job uniform, which consists of a white cap, a short-sleeved orange-colored shirt with a high white collar and accents, a white apron wrapped around his body, a black belt with a silver belt buckle, a long white pants, and a pair of white shoes. His name is Terrence Jeter 'T-Bo' Bo, an employee of Le'Roys.

"Thanks for giving me some pie, Miss Dalton," Marcie said with a beaming smile as Doris smiled and reached over to rub her head affectionately.

"You're welcome, kiddo,"

"Hey, yo, Mark," T-Bo says while walking over to Mark, who is currently wearing his job uniform, which consists of a white cap, a short-sleeved orange-colored shirt with a high white collar and accents, a white apron wrapped around his body, a black belt with a silver belt buckle, a long white pants, and a pair of white shoes. "You want a pickle on a stick?"

"A pickle on a what?" A bewildered Mark asked while glancing over at T-Bo as said person held up two sticks that held five pickles on them.

"Pickles on a stick, you want some?" T-Bo asked as Mark gave him a bewildered look.

"Uh, Mark, honey? How about you take out the trash and we can call it a night?" Doris suggested, wanting to help out the poor boy as Mark gave her a grateful look and walked off.

"Can I help?" Marcy asked with a sweet tone as Doris smiled and nodded.

"Sure, you can," Doris says as Marcy jumps off from the chair and makes her way over to her Big Brother as we fast forward in time and we see the back door of the Cafe Dinner open up with the help of the Omnitrix Wielder as a grunting Mark can be seen dragging around two big garbage bags and the Grayson Siblings walked over to the dumpster as Marcy went over to jump up and was able to open up the dumpster after a few tries as her Big Brother went over to grab one of the garbage bags and tossed it inside as he panted a bit and the Omnitrix Wielder spotted this as she perked up.

"Don't worry, Big Bro, I can help load the next one," Marcy says while going over to the remaining trash bag as Mark turned to him and gaped worriedly when he spotted a giant black rat scurrying over to attach itself to the garbage bag.

"Marcy, look out!" A worried Mark screamed while rushing over to grab the trash bag as, much to their surprise, he was able to toss it up high into the night sky and disappeared as the Grayson Siblings slowly blinked in shock.

"...Uh...Mark...did you just-,"

"Toss that garbage bag into the sky like a cannonball? Yeah, I did." A stunned Mark says as Marcy suddenly gasps excitedly and turns to him as she gains starry eyes.

"Mark, do you realize what this means? Your superpowers finally came in." Marcy says as Mark gasped sharply and perked up as he laughed loudly and went over to grab his little sister as the Oldest Grayson Sibling began tossing her up and down in the air in glee before accidentally tossing her up high into the sky as she screamed panickedly.

"Oh, sh*t! I got you! I got you!" A worried Mark screamed while holding out his arms and tried to run over to catch his falling sister as we then fast forward in time and we cue back to the Grayson House as we see Debbie, Garrus, Jen, and Shepard sitting in the family dining room to share their shared dinners as Mark and Marcy making their way into the room as the latter had twigs in her hair and her clothes were disheveled.

"Ah, there are my two favorite kids," Debbie says with a smile while going over to kiss Mark on the cheek and Marcy on her forehead as they sit down on the table, trembling with excitement and giddiness as Jen turns to them and her son.

"So, for tonight, Debbie and I made some chicken, but we are also eating some authentic German Bratwurst that was flown in special today," Jen says with a grin while wearing her civilian clothing, which consists of a sleeveless purple dress and a pair of purple high heels.

"Guys, we have some great news to tell you," Mark says with Marcy giggling and covering her mouth to cover up her squeals as she vibrates in her seat.

"What is it?" Garrus asked curiously as, before the Grayson Siblings could say anything, Nolan could be seen speed blitzing into the room and sitting down beside his wife as the Viltrumite Superhero gave her a quick kiss.

"I'm sorry that I was late. Honest to god, a Dragon was attacking Hong Kong."

"A Dragon? And you didn't invite me?" A pouting Jen says with a glare as Shepard laughs amusedly and turns to Nolan.

"Well, it's great timing that you showed up because the kids have something to tell us all," Shepard says as a curious Nolan turns to the Grayson Siblings.

"What is it?"

"Well, guess who's finally getting his-,"

"MARK FINALLY GOT HIS ALIEN SUPERPOWERS!" Marcy screamed, shocking everyone as an annoyed Mark turned to her.

"Hey, we promised that I would tell first," Mark says as Marcy merely giggles sheepishly.

"Way to go, cus. I knew that your powers would come." Garrus says while clapping Mark's hand in congratulations as Shepard and Debbie smile at the news as Nolan suddenly grows emotionless and gains a stoic glare as Jen grows tense.

"Are you sure?" Nolan asked seriously, shocking the kids by the tone of his voice as Mark raised an eyebrow confusedly.

"Pretty sure. Threw a trash bag into space at work." Mark says with Marcy tilting her head curiously as Debbie gives Nolan a kick to his leg to get him to snap out of his funk as he composes himself and smiles awkwardly.

"Oh, that's great, Son, just great. What about you, sweetie?" Nolan asked Marcy as said person shook her head.

"Oh, no, no powers for me," Marcy says with a nervous laugh as Nolan frowns harshly but said nothing as he then gives Mark a fake smile.

"Well, uh, anyway, son, if you're up for it, we can join Aunt Jen and your Cousin Garrus's training session tomorrow."

"Yeah, we don't mind. We would be happy to have you both join us." Jen says with a warm smile as Nolan nods.

"So make sure that you get a good's night sleep, son. You are going to need to wake up, bright and early tomorrow."

"Ha, for sure," Mark says with a small smile as we then fast forward in time and we see him resting on his bed in his room, unable to sleep as he glances over to see that it is 1:00 a.m. on his alarm clock and sighs heavily while wearing his pajamas, which consists him wearing baggy gray pants with no shirt or shoes as Mark closes his eyes.

~[Flashback-6 years Ago]~

"Okay, kids, bear with me, this is gonna be a little awkward for all of us." A 2,004-year-old Nolan says as we see him, an 11-year-old Mark, a 6-year-old Marcy, a 2,003-year-old Jen, and a 12-year-old Garrus sitting before him on the roof of the Grayson Home, late at night as the Viltrumites were planning to tell their past to their respective kids.

"So, you may have noticed that we're not like normal Dads and Moms. The whole family decided that it was finally time that you kids knew the truth of where we came from." Jen explained as Nolan nodded.

"Millions of miles from here, out in deep space is the planet Viltrum. It's a cool blue oasis alone in a solar system much like our own."

"Your Father/Uncle and I were born on this planet. Viltrumites are very similar to humans, except we can fly, move at super speed, and possess great strength. When our people come of age, we leave Viltrum, and venture out into the galaxy, using our abilities to help lesser-developed worlds." Jen explained as Nolan nodded with a soft smile on his face.

"Your Mother/Aunt and I volunteered to relocate to Earth and be their sole protectors. That's when I met your mother and we eventually had you two." Nolan says to Mark and Marcy as they seem amazed by what they heard.

"And I met your father during one of his missions as a GDA Agent. I will explain what that is when you are older." Jen says to Garrus as he nods. "Anyway, we went on many dates, married, and eventually had you."

"We know that this is a lot to take in at one time, but you three are half Viltrumite, and you're getting older. Things are gonna start to change for you in a few years or more. One day, all of you are gonna start to develop superpowers of your own."

"Yeah, like, you three are going to get superpowers that are similar to our own like super strength and speed, flight, etc. Do you kids understand?" Jen asked as the trio perked up and nodded.

~[Flashback Over]~

After the flashback was over, Mark grew more determined as he narrowed his eyes and got up from his bed as he made his way out of the room through the window and ventured out onto the roof of the Grayson Home as a moaning Marcy, who was sleeping in her own room, heard some weird rustling outside and woke up as the Omnitrix Wielder yawned and stood up while rubbing her eyes as she looked around and raised an eyebrow confusedly at the sight of her Big Brother standing on the roof outside of her room window as he glanced down at the ground uncertainly.

"Mark?" Marcy asked with a puzzled tone while wearing a gray baggy shirt with long pink sleeves, her Omnitrix, baggy gray pants, and a pair of pink bunny slippers. "What is he doing?" Marcy asked with a raised eyebrow while making her way out of the room and arrived at the roof as Mark didn't seem to notice her.

"Don't look down...stop looking down...I'm not going down. I'm gonna fly up because I can fly...what if I can't yet? No, no, no, okay. Dad always said it was like a reflex, so if I don't want to fall, I won't, and even if I do, maybe it won't even hurt, or maybe...ah, screw it!" Mark screamed while taking a few steps back as he then ran forward and a surprised Marcy ran forward, trying to stop him from falling off the roof as the Oldest Grayson Sibling jumped off from the roof with the Youngest Grayson Sibling leaping over to grab onto his leg as, much to their surprise, they can be seen floating in mid-air.

"Whoo-hoo!" The Grayson Siblings cheered loudly with Mark being unable to hear Marcy as he then took them off into the air and they began flying up past the clouds as they looked around in shock and awe but then flinched in fear at the sight of an airplane flying towards them and the Grayson Siblings were forced to fly upwards to prevent a really bad situation as they flew higher before stopping as Mark sighed in relief.

"Man, that was close."

"Yeah, it was-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Marcy says with a relieved smile before screaming panickedly as a startled Mark accidentally kicks her away and the 12-year-old girl begins falling down through the sky as her older brother flinches in surprise and worry.

"MARCY!" Mark screamed concernedly as he tried to fly in and catch her, but puts too much force into his launch as it sent him flying past his little sister and crashed down into the ground below them, hard enough that a big crater was formed around him and briefly knocked him out as a wailing Marcy flailed around.

"JETRAY! JETRAY! JETRAY!" A nervous Marcy screamed while glancing down at her Omnitrix Arm as she pressed the two pink buttons on the sides of her Omnitrix at the same time, causing the Omnitrix Core to pop out and the hourglass symbol joined together to form a diamond shape as the silhouette of Upgrade appeared and began twisting the Omnitrix Dial backwards as it showed a ghost-like alien, a big ball-shaped alien, a humanoid tiger-like alien, and finally landed on Jetray as Marcy raised her arm and slammed her hand down on the Omnitrix Core as a flash of pink light occurred.

[Omnigirl's Transformation Sequence]

A flash of pink luminescent light travels across the young girl's form as a smirking Marceline Lyanna Grayson hovered in mid-air and closed her eyes as she threw back her arms before throwing them downwards as a snarling Marcy haunched over and opened her eyes, revealing them to be pupilless pink and gained two boned quill-like pink/black eyebrows as she gained a more huge frizzily spiky black hair with pink stripes on it and swayed in the air majestically as her childish slender build grows more muscular and thick as pink fur suddenly appeared and started covering her whole body.

Grinning widely to show off her razor-sharp white teeth, Marcy then twirled around as she threw out her limbs, and her young body swiftly grew and expanded to resemble more like a cat-like female alien as a long pink tiger-like tail with black stripes on it popped out of her butt, and with her transformation sequence nearly complete, the young heroine raised her muscular arms up into the air and unleashed four retractable black claws out of both her wrists as a growling Marcy whirled around, and we see that she had fully transformed into her alien form as Rath begins lashing out at the readers and slashed apart the screen repeatedly with her pupilless eyes glowing bright pink as the Appoplexian lets out a loud devastating roar and leaped up into the air as she strikes at the readers again and another flash of pink light occurred.

[Omnigirl's Transformation Sequence Over]

Once the flash of pink light died down, we see that Marcy had now transformed into a 6-feet-tall Female Appoplexian as she had a tiger-like body with pupilless pink eyes that had two boned quill-like pink/black eyebrows, huge frizzily spiky black hair with pink stripes on it, a white muzzle/neck/chest/stomach/hands/feet, a small pink/black cat-like nose, a pronounced jaw with two sharp-looking fangs sticking out, a pair of big muscularly slender pink arms with four-fingered hands that have two retractable black claws which can come out each of her wrists, pink fur with black stripes on her shoulders/head/legs/upper body, a humanoid bipedal slender but muscular built, a long pink tiger-like tail with black stripes on it, a pair of slim yet thick two-toed legs, and her outfit consists of a sleeveless dark blue jumpsuit with pink accents, a pair of dark blue fingerless gloves with pink accents, a pair of white sashes wrapped around her chest in the form of an 'X' with the Omnitrix Symbol attached in the middle, and a pair of toeless dark blue shoes with pink accents. Her name is-

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The Now-Named Rath roared out before blinking in surprise as she looked around in shock. "WHAT?! I'M FALLING?! AND WITH NO STYLE?! OH HELL NO! LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING, GRAVITY! THE FORCE THAT ATTRACTS A BODY TOWARDS THE CENTER OF THE EARTH OR TOWARDS ANY OTHER PHYSICAL BODY HAVING MASS! YOU MIGHT AS WELL GIVE IT UP, GRAVITY! YOU CAN'T BEAT RATH!" Rath screamed while trying to fight gravity as she fell down through the air and crashed down into the ground as a big shockwave rang out and it revealed that Marcy had landed near the crater that Mark had made earlier as a rath-shaped hole formed on the floor and we see the uninjured Omnitrix Wielder crawling out of the hole as she panted a bit and shakes her head as Rath then glared down at her rath-shaped hole on the ground.

"GRRRRRRR, LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING, YOU STUPID RATH-SIZED HOLE! RATH WILL DESTROY YOU!" Rath snapped as she began beating the rath-shaped hole on the ground the f*ck up, not noticing the fact that her unconscious brother can still be seen lying inside of the crater as we then fast forward in time and we see Omni Man and Amazon floating in front of Mark and Reaper with the three Viltrimutes wearing their supersuits and were currently in their first superhero lesson as, after Marcy timed out earlier, she was able to wake up her Big Brother and they made their way back home on feet as Mark wasn't in the mood to fly.

"It's kinda like how you walk, and you don't think about balancing anymore, but when you were a baby, you did." Omni Man instructed as Mark can be seen wobbling in the air.

"You're a baby flier right now, kiddo. You have to focus on staying upright, focus on going the direction you want to go." Amazon says as Reaper nods.

"It's all on instinct, Mark. You need to rely on that instinct."

"Yeah, yeah, I think I got it," Mark says with a nervous smile while floating around awkwardly as Omni Man gives him a half-lid, deadpanned look.

"It doesn't look like you do. Follow us." Omni Man says while floating ahead with Amazon as Reaper stays behind to help out Mark on flying forward and all of the Viltrumites and Viltrumite Hybrids can be seen soaring through the skies.

"You can wear yourself out flying," Reaper says as Amazon nods.

"Yeah, moving fast is like tensing a muscle. You're much better off if you relax that muscle from time to time, use the momentum you're building to carry you forward." Amazon says as Mark nods and relaxes himself enough to allow his build-up momentum to fly ahead as the trio flies up after him.

"Okay, you don't want to fall, so you're gonna have trouble relaxing. It's kind of like peeing your pants on purpose."

"What?" A disbelieving Mark asked as both Amazon and Reaper looked grossed out.

"Peeing your pants on purpose. You know, you spend your whole life trying not to pee your pants, so letting go, peeing your pants on purpose, it's next to impossible."

"How how do you know this? Who would try that?" Mark says as a bemused Omni Man ignores him and eyes him curiously as he hums thoughtfully.

"You are far better at flying than you should be."

"Yeah, did you have some late-night practice? Maybe with your little sis? Is that why you're so tired?" Amazon asked with a sly grin as Mark blushed in embarrassment and looked away sheepishly.

"Don't try to change the subject."

"Yeah, whatever, let's land over there." Omni Man says while pointing down at the plot of land as they nod and Amazon and Reaper fly over to land on the ground as Nolan is gearing to follow after them, but stops upon noticing that Mark isn't slowing down. "Slow down. Land. I said, land. Why aren't you slowing down?"

"I can't!" Mark screamed panickedly while covering his face as he crash-landed into the ground, hard enough that a small crater was formed around him as his Father, Aunt, and Cousin floated around him worriedly.

"Okay. I guess that still counts as a landing." Nolan says with an awkward and playful tone as an annoyed Amazon swatted his sides and turned back to her groaning nephew.

"Alright, come on, we're gonna try something else."

"I'm actually getting used to this a little."

"That's not a good thing, cus," Reaper stated concernedly as Mark got up from the crater and wobbly walked over to the trio.

"Okay, try to hit me." Omni Man says, surprising Mark as he does a double take.


"Yeah." Omni Man says while getting into a fighting pose as Mark raises an eyebrow but shrugs as he gets into a fighting pose as well, but it is weak and unstable as the Viltrumite Hybrid throws a wimpy punch at Nolan, who dodged it easily as he shakes his head disapprovingly. "No, Mark, use your whole body. You can punch with your arm, but if you punch with your shoulder, your hips, and your legs as well, it'll be much more powerful."

"Really?" Mark asked again with a shocked tone as Nolan nodded.

"Yeah, but it'll take a while to get the hang of it."

"And not only that, Mark, but with Viltrumites, we can freely move ourselves through physical space. That's how we fly, so we don't have to pivot on our feet and push off the ground. We can literally push off anything. We can create our own leverage and save energy in fights." Amazon explained while having a small sparring session with Reaper as Mark nodded and narrowed his eyes in determination as he began throwing proper punches at Omni Man, who nodded in satisfaction as he dodged them.

"Good...but try it a little more like this."

"Like what-AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!" Mark asked confusedly before screaming in pain as Omni Man blitzed over to throw a strong punch at his chest, knocking the wind out of him and causing him to crash down into the ground as Jen and Garrus gasped sharply at this worriedly. " hurt me..."

"Nolan, why did you hit him so hard?" A glaring Amazon says with Reaper flying over to check on a gasping and pained Mark as Nolan looks away regretfully.

"I didn't...I didn't mean to hit him so hard. I'm sorry, son." Omni Man says to Mark, who was helped up to his feet by Garrus as said person stared at his father with a freaked out and betrayed look on his face.

"W-Why did you do that?"

"Mark...if you really wanna do what I do, you have to be prepared for anything. No one is gonna pull their punches." Omni Man says with a wise and grim tone as Mark said nothing and looks away somberly with Garrus giving him a sympathetic look as Jen glares over at her Big Brother, who glares back at her, forcing her to remain silent as we then fast forward in time and we cue back to the Grayson Household as Debbie was sitting on the couch, watching some TV as the doors were opened and an angry Mark stoically marched upstairs as he entered his room and slammed the door shut as Omni Man walked in quietly.

" badly did that go?" Debbie asked with a knowing tone as a guilty Omni Man looked away.

"I pushed him pretty far. It's what he needs."

"Did you maybe push too far?" Debbie asked with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow as she was then surprised when a glaring Omni Man marched forward.

"Are you questioning me?!"

"What the hell has gotten into you?" A scowling and shocked Debbie asked as Omni Man paused a bit and sighed heavily as he looked away.

"I-I don't know. I...I'm sorry. Mark got his powers so late that I wasn't prepared for this. It changes things. I can't help but think, maybe our lives would be better if he hadn't gotten them at all." Omni Man says with a frown as Debbie frowned back and sighed as she turned around to make her way upstairs and Nolan was gearing up to follow after her to check up on his son but was stopped by Marcy walking into the room as she smiled over at him warmly.

"Hey, Daddy, how was training with Mark and the others?" Marcy asked as Nolan looked away solemnly but then turned back to give her a warm smile.

"Uh, well enough, sweetie. Anyway, you want to do homework or fly over and get some ice cream?"

"Yes! Ice cream!" Marcy cheered excitedly while turning around to run out of the house as Omni Man smiled softly and followed after her as we then cut to the next day and we fast forward in time as we see Marcy waiting eagerly at the entrance of Reginald Vel Johnson High School, waiting for her friends to show up as she perked up at the sight of a glaring Mark and a worried Will and Garrus following after him as they made their way out of the school.

"Jeez, man, you still sore from Cash and J.T.'s thrashing?" Will asked with Mark walking forward angrily as he raised an eyebrow confusedly. "What's up?"

"No, I'm fine." Mark lied as Garrus turned to Will.

"He's going through stuff, man. Don't focus on it." Garrus says as Will frowns, but said nothing as Marcy runs over to hug Mark.

"Hey, big bro, how are you?" Marcy asked with Mark glaring ahead and said nothing as she tilted her head curiously and was about to say something, but then-

"Hey, Mark Grayson." Cash says with a glare while he and J.T. appear out of nowhere as Mark turns to glare at them. "We are here to finally settle the score."

"And no one will be able to protect your sorry ass," J.T. says with a smug grin as Mark rolls his eyes with a scoff.

"Guys, please, just don't-," Mark says before getting interrupted by Cash and J.T. reaching over to grab him by the front of his shirt and slamming him against the wall with menacing glares on their faces.

"Don't what? Don't kick your ass again? Or what? Are you threatening us?"

"Or do you need a replay of what happened last time?" J.T. asked with a mocking tone as his friends glared at this angrily and Garrus was planning to step forward while Marcy was about to leave to use her Omnitrix to transform into XLR8 to mess with her big brother's bullies, only for Mark to hold out his hand to stop them as he glared at his school bullies stoically.

"Hit me," Mark ordered firmly, surprising the others as he glared at Cash and J.T. angrily. "Go on. Hit me as hard as you can." Mark says as Cash and J.T. share a weird look before shrugging as they smirk evilly and throw two punches at the Viltrumite Hybrid's body, not hurting him whatsoever as he narrows his eyes. "Again," Mark instructed as a weirded-out Cash and J.T. threw various punches all over his body, once again not injuring him as he scowled. "Again. Harder." Mark says as Cash and J.T. stare at him with freaked-out looks on their faces as they stumble back and run away from him.

"Dude, what is up with you?" A shocked Will asked as he and the others gave a still scowling Mark a concerned look.

"I need something to punch."

"They just walked away, Mark. You missed your chance." Will pointed out as Mark ignored him and turned over to stare down at a stunned Marcy.

"Marce?" Mark asked while walking over to bend down and grabbed Marcy as he held her in his arms and began walking away. "I want to join you on your next hero patrol," Mark says, surprising Marcy as she glances at him with a concerned and bewildered look on her face as we then fast forward in time and we see the trio standing on top of the roof of a random building with Marcy and Garrus wearing their superhero suits as Mark wore a pair of grey goggles with blue lenses, a yellow bandana wrapped around his mouth, a long-sleeved red shirt, a pair of yellow gloves, long baggy blue pants with yellow stripes on the sides, and a pair of thigh-high red boots.

"You do realize that you look ridiculous, right?" A deadpan Reaper asked Mark, who rolled his eyes as he sighed heavily.

"I know, but it's the best that I could do at such a short notice."

"I think it looks cool," Omnigirl says with a smile as she had her helmet off.

"Thx, sis, anyway...what do we do now?" Mark asked curiously as this was the first time that he had gone with them on patrol.

"Well, now, we wait for a crime to happen," Reaper says just as gunfire rang out in the background as Marcy perked up.

"Just like that!" Omnigirl yelled with an excited grin while quickly putting on her helmet as she then glanced down at her Omnitrix Arm and pressed the two pink buttons on the sides of her Omnitrix at the same time, causing the Omnitrix Core to pop out and the hourglass symbol joined together to form a diamond shape as the silhouette of Rath appeared and began twisting the Omnitrix Dial forwards as it showed a big ball-shaped alien, a ghost-like alien, Upgrade, and finally landed on Shocksquatch. "It's Hero Time!" Omnigirl exclaimed while raising her arm as she slammed her hand down on the Omnitrix Core and a flash of pink light occurred.

Once the flash of pink light died down, we see that Marcy had transformed herself into a 5-feet-tall Female Ectonurite as she has a phantom/ghost-like alien with a gaseous appearance as she has one oval-shaped pink eye that has a small black pupil, shoulder-length black/pink striped hair in a pixie cut hairstyle that resembled her tentacles, a pair of long slender three-fingered claw-like hands, a skinny hourglass figure, removable pinkish-white skin with black lines running all over her body, large thick black/pink striped tentacles that were hidden underneath her skin, a long wispy tail as the ends resemble semi-transparent pinkish-white flames, and wears thick heavily-reinforced pink chains that cover all over her front side which leads to her neck/chest/waist, giving her the appearance of being contained in a straightjacket but still had her hands freed as she also had the Omnitrix Symbol located in the center of her chains. Her name is-

"Shocksqua..." Marcy exclaimed before glancing down at her body as she deadpanned. "Errrrrr, I mean, Ghostfreak!"

"You still haven't figured that thing out yet?" A bewildered Mark asked as the Now-Named Ghostfreak turned to glare at him.

"You try to master an alien watch in three months." An annoyed Ghostfreak says with a huff before flying forward as Reaper follows after her and Mark takes a deep breath as he runs over to leap off from the roof and briefly loses control of his flight as Marcy's Older Brother collides against the side of the building, damaging it as Mark winced and sweatdropped awkwardly as he flew after the others.

"Let's go!" A Man ordered as we see two men in suits and a man with rock skin running through the alleyways while being fired at by bullets from the police as they made their way over to turn a corner and hide from the police as one of the men in suits turned to glare at their bodyguard.

Standing before him is a 6'5-feet-tall, 35-year-old African-American Man with black eyes, a bald head, thick black eyebrows, a big pointy nose, a sharp chin, Dark Brown Skin, a tall muscular slim build, and his outfit consists of dark grey sweatpants, and a pair of black shoes as he was currently transformed into his supervillain form, which consists of his exterior body being covered with dark gray rock-like armor as his face lacks any prominent facial features, but despite this, he is still capable of seeing, speaking, breathing, and hearing. His name is Eric Robinson AKA Titan, Vanessa's Husband, Fiona's Father, and a Supervillain who works for the crime lord, Machine Head, due to owing him debt.

"You're not supposed to run with us, you idiot! You're supposed to stay behind so we can get away!"

"You brought me along to protect you from the cops! I can't do that if I hang back and let them shoot me!" Titan snapped as one of the men in suits rolled his eyes with a scoff.

"Shut up and get us over the fence!"

"Fine, whatever!" Titan yelled while reaching over to grab the men in suits and hoisted them up in his arms as he ran over to jump up through a fence and landed on the other side as Eric was planning to run forward, only for a pink glow to cover the men in suits' bodies and they were suddenly floated above telekinetically as a smirking Reaper flew onto the scene and grabbed them as he then flew off just as a glaring Mark flew onto the scene as he collided against a surprised Titan and sends them crashing through the fence as they crashed down into the ground.

"Ugh...I meant to do that." Mark says with an embarrassed blush on his face as he gets up from the floor and Titan does the same as he raises an eyebrow at him incredulously.

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm...uh...I...guess I'm working on that. Any suggestions?" Mark asked with a playful grin as Titan narrowed his eyes angrily.

"Captain Guy with a hole punched through him?"

"Eh, doesn't really roll off the tongue. Anything else-Oh sh*t!" Mark said before yelping in surprise as Titan charged over to throw a punch at him, but the Viltrumite Hybrid was able to avoid the punch and tried to throw his own punch at Eric's stomach, not hurting him as Mark gulped nervously but then perked up at the sight of an invisible Ghostfreak turning herself visible as she floated above her Big Brother.

"What the hell is that?!" A shocked and alarmed Titan asked as Ghostfreak grinned slyly.

"Mind if I cut in?" Ghostfreak asked with a mischievous giggle while turning herself intangible/invisible as she flew over to Titan with her body glowing a ghostly pink energy as the Omnitrix Wielder then flew over to phase into Eric's body and said person struggled to regain control of his body but failed as a faint pink aura covered his form, and his eyes became black with glowing pink pupils as there was also black cracks underneath his eyes.

"Hey, did I miss anything?" Reaper asked while flying onto the scene as Ghostfreak/Titan turned to give him and Mark a smug grin.

"Nope, just took the chance to possess this supervillain. Anyway, go and have at it, boys." Ghostfreak/Titan says while holding out his arms as Mark and Reaper share a smirk as they crack their knuckles and proceed to fly over to throw multiple strong punches and kicks all over Ghostfreak/Titan's body, cracking apart his rock-like armor as he was then flying up high into the air with the help of a powerful uppercut from Mark and was sent flying out of the alleyway as the Possessed Supervillain crashed down into the middle of the street with his rock-like armor cracking apart into billion pieces and growing unconscious as a bemused intangible/invisible Ghostfreak flew out of Eric's body.

"Huh, what about Ass Kicker?" Mark asked as Ghostfreak and Reaper shook their heads in disapproval. "Yeah, true, that sounds willfully childish."

"What are you thinking?" A familiar voice rang out as the trio, with Ghostfreak still being intangible and invisible, glanced up to see a stern Omni Man and Amazon floating above them.

"You look ridiculous," Amazon says while glaring down at Mark, whose shoulders sagged and sighed heavily as we fast forward in time and we see the group standing on the roof of a random building as the Viltrumites are having a firm discussion with them.

"Honestly, I think you might have skipped a few steps, Mark." Omni Man says as Amazon nods and glares at her son.

"And what were you thinking in bringing in a rookie to a fight?"

"Hey, look don't blame him, I wanted to do this, alright? Besides, it seems to work out just fine." Mark says with crossed arms and a huff as Omni Man rolls his eyes a bit.

"It may not look like much, but you did far more damage down there than you needed to."

"Suffice to say it, we don't think you're ready, Mark," Amazon says as Mark narrowed his eyes and got into a fighting stance.

"Hit me."

"What?" A bewildered Omni Man asked as Mark pointed at himself

"Hit me now. Do it. I wasn't ready before. Now I am. I can take it. Come on, hit me. You too, Aunt Jen."

"Look, Mark, we're not gonna hit you," Amazon says as Garrus and an invisible/intangible Ghostfreak give Mark a worried look.

"Dad, ugh, look. you'd never hit me before, okay? It scared me. It wasn't too much, I could take the pain. I'm strong.

"I know you think I can't do this, so hit me, and let me prove you wrong. Please, Dad. Please just hit me. I'm strong enough, and I can do this. It's all I ever wanted for as long as I can remember. I wanna do what you do. I wanna be just like you." Mark says while tearing up as Nolan's face softens and walked over to hug him with a heavy sigh.

"You will be, Son, you will." Omni Man says as Ghostfreak flies over to them and turns herself tangible but still keeps herself invisible as she joins in on the hug.

"You will, big bro," Ghostfreak whispered as Mark smiled softly and nodded as Jen and Garrus went over to join in on the hug before they separated as Nolan gave his son a serious look.

"Let me make this up to you. Follow me." Omni Man says while taking off into the air as Mark, Reaper, and Amazon fly after them with Ghostfreak flying after them stealthily as they fly across the city and arrive at the Bellwood Plaza.

"You're taking me shopping?" Mark asked curiously as Nolan nodded.

"I am." Omni Man says while he and the others fly over to appear behind a Tailor Shoppe and we fast forward in time as we see the group making their way down to an underground room filled with high-tech machinery and clothing and such as they spot an Old Man sitting before them, working on fixing up a shirt as he perked up at the sight of them.

Sitting before them is a 5'10-feet-tall, 70-year-old Man with black eyes, a bald head with white hairy sides, a big pointy nose, a sharp chin, Wrinkled Caucasian Skin, a tall stout build, and his outfit consists of an opened brown sleeveless vest with a long-sleeved high-collared white shirt underneath, a black belt with a silver belt buckle, long brown pants, and a pair of black shoes. His name is Arthur 'Art' Rosenbaum, a suit tailor who is the designer of some costumes used by heroes as he would also design clothes because the public doesn't know about his costume side venture.

"Were you seen?"

"Who are you talking to?" A bemused Amazon asked as she crossed her arms. "We are the masters of stealth."

"Heh, I know, sorry, I just need to ask." Art says with a sly grin as Mark and a still invisible Ghostfreak look around in awe and amazement as an amused Garrus walks over to clap his hands on his cousin's back.

"Impressive, right?" Reaper asked as Mark nodded.

"Prom dresses by day, indestructible super suits by night. I'm Art Rosenbaum, kid." Art says with a smirk as he walks over to shake hands with Mark. "Pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you and your sister,"

"Wait, super suits? Am I getting a costume? Do you make Dad, Aunty Jen, and Garrus's costumes?" An excited Mark asked with Ghostfreak perking up as Art laughed.

"He's a quick one, this kid."

"I can't have you running around in your pajamas all the time." Omni Man says with a smile and crossed arms as Mark beamed happily.

"Oh, man, awesome! Wait, do you already have one made for me? Is it a surprise?"

"Well, we usually start with a conversation, and I make something custom, but I do have one that might work." Art says while gesturing at one of the mannequins as it shows a yellow/orange jumpsuit with yellow goggles. "What do you think?"

"No, absolutely not. If you actually choose that supersuit, I will make sure to never do any hero work with you in public whatsoever." Ghostfreak whispered into Mark's ear with a heavily disapproving tone as said person nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I don't know about the orange and yellow. It's pretty loud."

"It makes you look like a clown," Reaper added as Omni Man frowned and turned to Art with a disappointed look.

"Not your best work, Art."

"Eh, can't blame a guy for trying to move unsold merchandise." Art says with a half-hearted shrug as Mark goes over to grab the goggles curiously and puts them on as he hums thoughtfully.

"Well, I like the goggles. They'd keep the wind out of my eyes when I fly, but I was really, like, hoping for something more, uh...I don't know...iconic?"

"Of course you were." A laughing Art says as he rolls his eyes playfully. "That's what everyone wants. Iconic. A symbol. Something kids will draw in the margins of their notebooks while they daydream about being as cool as you. It's also tough as hell to pull off, but listen, your Dad and Aunt being who they are, I'm willing to put a lot of elbow grease into this one as I did with your cousin, but I'm gonna need a little help from you. Have you decided on a superhero name yet?"

"I haven't really thought about it," Mark says with a sheepish shrug as Art tilts his head curiously.

"Well, having a name helps. Darkwing has dark wings, the Red Rush is a red rush when he runs by you."

"I got my hero name from The Grim Reaper," Reaper says as Jen raises her hand.

"And I got my superhero name from the great Amazons in Greek mythology."

"I get my name from either the powers or appearance of my alien forms." An invisible Ghostfreak whispered into Mark's ears. "For example, I got Shocksquatch due to her electrical powers and her sasquatch-like body. I got Ghostfreak because this form resembles a ghost and can freak out people. And I got Eye Lady because she's a lady and has multiple eyes on her." Ghostreak explained as Mark nodded in understanding.

"Now, you give me something to go on, I'll strive for iconic. Think about it and get back to me." Art says to Mark, who nods as he looks away thoughtfully.

"Mark? Marcy?" Debbie asked curiously as we fast forward to nighttime and we see her making her way downstairs as she was planning to check in on her children, but couldn't find them at all in their rooms as she made her way into the living room and looked around confusedly, but then winced as a loud boom rang out and the ground shook a bit as the MILF (N/A: Yes, Debbie is a worthy of being called a Milf. She's hot and she is the best mom in the show, she earned the title) whirled around and ran out of her home to arrive at her backyard as she spotted her daughter standing around in the backyard, looking up at the sky as Debbie raised an eyebrow and placed her hands on her hips. "Marcy? What are you doing?"

"Oh, hey, Mom, just helping out Mark with his training," Marcy says with a cheerful smile as Debbie gives her an incredulous look and crosses her arms.

"How so?" Debbie asked just as Mark crashed down near them and created a small crater around him as Debbie and Marcy ran up to him concernedly. "Whoa! What the hell was that?!

"Uh...practicing my landings?"

"Yeah, I see that now," Debbie says with a dry tone as she only now notices that her backyard is littered with small craters placed around him.

"Sorry about the yard, Momma. I tried to tell Mark that we needed to practice in the woods, but he refused to leave." Marcy says apologetically as Debbie frowns angrily.

"Why are you guys even practicing right now? It's late."

"I need practice, Mom," Mark says while crawling out of the crater as he stands up and walks over to the girls. "I can't land well, I can't fly all that fast. I need to be better."

"Mark, you and your sister need to sleep. It's the middle of the night. I have work tomorrow, and you two have school. Get inside right now." Debbie ordered as Marcy pouted.

"Okay..." Marcy says disappointed while turning around to walk away as she was about to head to the sliding door, but then-

"Make me," Mark ordered with a glare, surprising both girls as Marcy whirled her head around so fast that she almost got whiplash and her face paled in horror and shock as the Omnitrix Wielder then leaped over to hide behind the backyard couch and activated her Omnitrix, planning to transform into XLR8 and run away as fast as she can before the disaster happens as Debbie gained shadows that covered her eyes and a big black ominous aura covered her body as it was now that Mark realized that he f*cked up and grew scared as the shorter woman stepped towards him.

"Does that make you feel strong? To know I can't physically make you do something? Is that what you need? Does that make you a big man?"

"...No..." A somber Mark says while sitting down on the ground as Debbie said nothing and sits down as Marcy cautiously pokes her head out and sees that, while the situation was tense, the disaster level wasn't at level 10 and deactivated her Omnitrix as she made her way over to sit beside them. "This is important."

"Remember when you were little, and we'd talk almost every night before you went to bed? You'd tell me about whatever jerk made fun of your hair, and I'd tell you about all the girl drama I lived through so you'd feel better?" Debbie asked with Mark and Marcy nodding as she then looked away with a solemn sigh. "I can't talk to you while we soar through the clouds, but... but I'm still here. It used to be you two and me, and this crazy world-saving, super-powered father of yours. Now it's you and him, and your boring, old, normal mom and sister, sooner or later, Marcy will get her own superpowers when she gets older, and will leave me too."

"Mom..." Marcy says with teary eyes as Mark gives his mother a sympathetic look.

"It's okay, kids I get it. Mark, you and eventually Marcy have to move away from the normal life with me, and get used to being...something more, like your dad."

"Yeah, but see, that's what I'm worried about. I'm nothing like Dad. I'm more like you. I'm nothing special."

"Mark!" An angry Marcy screamed while elbowing Mark on the stomach as he winced in pain, which confused him since it logically shouldn't work.

" a knife to the heart with this one," Debbie says with a playful, slightly hurt tone as Mark gives her an awkward look.

"Ah...crap. You know what I mean. After everything he's done, how could I possibly live up to all that?"

"Who says you have to? Why can't you be your own superhero?" Marcy asked with her features softening as Debbie nodded.

"She's right. You don't have to be the greatest Omni-Man ever. You just have to be the greatest you."

"And what if the greatest me isn't enough?"

"Well, then you have your little Sister, Mom, Dad, Aunt, and Cousin to help you out," Marcy says with a smile while climbing into his lap to hug him as Mark smiles softly.

"Thank you. I love my boring, powerless, everyday, run-of-the-mill, Mom, and my annoying little sister."

"And I love my grouchy and insensitively dorky older brother/And I love my asshole son." Marcy and Debbie said in unison while hugging Mark as we then fast forward in time and we cue to the next day, early in the morning as we see Mark and Nolan floating up in the air while wearing baseball gloves and holding a baseball as a smiling Marcy can be seen residing on her Daddy's shoulders.

"You seem tired," Nolan commented while adjusting Marcy in his grasp as he then used his superhuman strength to toss the baseball forward into the air.

"I'm fine. Just got...a lot on my mind, I guess."

"Oh, yeah? So, what is it?" Nolan asked as a frowning Marcy glanced down at him.

"Mark's scared that he can't be a real superhero."

"What? Is that true?" A surprised Nolan asked Mark, who sighed heavily as he held out his baseball-gloved hand.

"Okay, yes, she's right, Dad. I'm scared. What if I can't do this?" Mark asked just as a loud whooshing noise rang out as Nolan turned to his son.

"You hear it?"

"I do."

"Get ready," Nolan ordered as Mark gulped nervously but nodded as he held out his baseball-gloved hand just as the baseball appeared like a rocket as the Oldest Grayson Sibling reached up to grab it. "Were you nervous?"

"A little..."

"But you caught it?" Nolan asked as this left Mark surprised and nodded slowly. "Well, being a Superhero is no different. This is the beginning of a long journey for all of us. Along the way, you're gonna need to do things you don't want to do, or might not think you can do. It's okay to be scared. It's natural to doubt yourself, but if you can push through that, and do what needs to be done, that is what it means to be a hero." Nolan said with a wise tone as Mark nodded in understanding, and while he wasn't talking with her, Marcy couldn't help but be inspired by his words as she smiled warmly. "Do you think you can do that, Mark?"

"Yeah," Mark says with a nod while using his superhuman strength to toss the baseball away as it disappears from sight.

"Son, kids your age think they're invincible, and it holds them back, makes them careless. The thing're different. You actually are...invincible." Nolan explained with Mark perking up at what he said as they then heard a familiar whooshing noise coming towards them.

"Oh, I got this time!" An excited Marcy says as the boys wince concernedly.

"Wait, kiddo, I don't think that's a very good idea-," Nolan says before getting interrupted by a determined Marcy standing up on his shoulders and holding up her hand to try and catch the baseball, only for it to whiz past her hand and caused her to yelp in surprise and lose her balance as the screaming Omnitrix Wielder began falling down through the air.

"Marcy! Hold on, I got you!" Mark screamed while flying down to catch Marcy as both of them sighed in relief, but then the Omnitrix Wielder perked up as she smiled at him.

"Wait, Mark, you did it! You caught me this time!" Marcy says with a beaming tone while hugging Mark as he flinched in surprise but smiled warmly as he hugged her back.

"Yeah, I did..."

"Wait, what do you mean this time?" A glaring Nolan asked while flying down towards them as Mark and Marcy flinched worriedly and laughed awkwardly as we then fast forward in time and we see Omni Girl and Reaper standing on top of a random building with Mark standing near them while wearing his new super suit as it consists of a yellow mask with white goggles to keep the air out of his eyes while he flies as his hair sticks out of the top of his mask, a swan-necked supersuit that is yellow down the middle as it stops at his waist in an upside-down triangle shape, blue shoulders and going into the yellow in somewhat of an M shape, and the rest of his costume is black as he also wears a pair of yellow gloves and a pair of knee-length blue boots.

"Are you ready?" Reaper asked Mark, who was now known as Invincible, as he nodded.

"Born ready."

"Nice. Also, awesome costume, by the way." Marcy complimented as Invincible smiled and nodded gratefully as the 12-year-old girl then glanced down at her Omnitrix Arm and pressed the two pink buttons on the sides of her Omnitrix at the same time, causing the Omnitrix Core to pop out and the hourglass symbol joined together to form a diamond shape as the silhouette of Ghostfreak and began twisting the Omnitrix Dial as it showed a big ball-shaped alien, Rath, Jetray, Eye Lady, XLR8, a small cute humanoid alien, a humanoid alien that seems to look aquatic in nature, a humanoid alien with horns on it, a giant humanoid grasshopper, a giant planetoid-like alien, Grey Matter, and finally settled on Chromastone as she raised her arm and slammed her hand down on the Omnitrix Core as a flash of pink light occurred.

[Omnigirl's Transformation Sequence]

Briefly glancing down at her right arm, a flash of pink luminescent light shot out from the Omnitrix as a smirking Marceline Lyanna Grayson giggled and raised her Omnitrix Arm up into the air heroically as extremely durable dark blue rock-like material began suddenly emerging from her hand, and it traveled across her whole right arm as the same thing happens with her left arm as Marcy then slammed her fists together and the dark blue rock-like material spread across the rest of her body in a rapid pace.

With her transformation sequence nearly complete, a smirking and giggling Marcy twirled around elegantly as six pink crystals popped out of her back and then twirled around to face the readers again as the Transformed Pre-Teenager puffed out her chest, and two other pink crystals popped out as, after finishing transforming into her alien form, Chromastone proceeds to make a superhero-like pose with her pink crystals glowing brightly with rainbow-like powerful energy as another flash of pink light occurred.

[Omnigirl's Transformation Sequence Over]

"Chromastone!" Chromastone exclaimed as she then turned to smirk at Invincible and Reaper co*ckily. "Race ya!" Chromastone cheered while covering herself in a rainbow-like aura as she took off into the air and Invincible and Reaper shared a grin as they then jumped off from the roof of the building and began flying after her as they spend the next five minutes soaring through the skies at high speeds while cheering loudly as Mark had showed much more improvement in flying than ever before and it made both Marcy and Garrus proud of him as, sadly, their little race was over by a huge ass red laser appeared out of nowhere and shoot through various buildings as the trio flinched in surprise.

"Oh, crap," Invincible says with a frown as Garrus perked up.

"Come on, guys, it's-,"

"Hero Time! Whoo-hoo!" Chromastone exclaimed happily while flying off and leaving behind a rainbow-like aura as Invincible and Reaper flew after her as we cue back to the city of Bellwood and we see a supervillain firing multiple beams of red energy into the air as he then flinched in surprise when he was shot by various bullets from the police.

Standing before them is an 8-feet-tall, 26-year-old Male Human Cyborg with black eyes, a bald head, thin black eyebrows, a big pointy nose, a sharp chin, a cybernetic silver/gray/red five-fingered right arm, Caucasian Skin, a really tall muscular slim build, a pair of cybernetic white five-toed legs, and his outfit consists of a black/red jumpsuit with a hood that covered up his head completely except for his mask, a red visor, a black fingerless glove on his left hand, and a pair of black/white sneakers. His name is Kurt Claudius AKA Killcannon, a cybernetic supervillain.

"You guys think you might have bitten off more than you can chew? That building has a hole in it, look." Killcannon says while pointing over at a nearby building with a huge hole in it as the policemen ignore him and continue shooting bullets that bounce off his cybernetic body as Kurt rolls his eyes dryly and holds up his laser cannon as he fires a big red energy beam that was about to incinerate the policemen completely but was stopped by Chromastone flying onto the scene as she landed in front of the policemen and held out her hands as Marcy allowed the red energy beam to collide against her body and absorbed it while covering her body with a rainbow-like aura as Chromastone grinned co*ckily.

"I think that you are the one who has bitten off more than you can chew!" Chromastone screamed while detaching the six big pink crystals from her back and all of them glowed brightly as she held out her hands and fired eight rainbow-like energy blasts that collided against a surprised Killcannon, sending him flying away with a pained scream as Reaper appeared and flew over to punch him across his face, sending him crashing through a building as he broke through it and flew over to Invincible, who flew over to throw multiple strong punches and kicks at him as a screaming Curt crashed down into the ground and groaned in pain as Mark, Garrus, and Marcy flew up to hover above him as Chromastone had her six big pink crystals attached back on her back.

"You might as well give up." A smug-faced Invincible says as Reaper nods.

"Yeah, because I'm the Reaper," Reaper says as Chromastone and Invincible smirk co*ckily.

"And we're the-,"

~[The Invincible Omnigirl!-Title Drop #1]~

~[Guardian of the Globe: Red Rush]~

"I just mean, he is a fish person. I think you should maybe be nicer to him. It must be hard for him to make friends." A woman says to Josef while having a picnic with him on a hill as they are enjoying their date.

Sitting before him is a 5'8-feet-tall, 28-year-old Russian Woman with black eyes, shoulder-length straight light brown hair, thin dark brown eyebrows, a small pointed nose, a sharp chin, E-Cup Breasts, Caucasian Skin, a tall curvaceous build, a big perky ass, and her outfit consists of a black tanktop that revealed her cleavage a bit, long yellow pants, and a pair of light gray high heel boots. Her name is Olga, Josef's Wife.

"He's got a whole ocean of friends and is friends with Omnigirl," Josef pointed out while wearing his civilian clothing, which consists of him wearing an ivy cap, a long-sleeved high-collared grey tracksuit, a short-sleeved white shirt and long black pants underneath, and a pair of white sneakers. "But you're right, I'll..." Josef says before trailing off as he spots blue lights in a nearby building and quickly slows down time as he then runs off while suiting up into his Red Rush Persona as he zips over to the building and spots a male supervillain causing havoc inside as he fired off multiple bolts of blue electricity.

Standing before him is a 5'9-feet-tall, 32-year-old Man with blue eyes, short spiky brown hair, thin brown eyebrows, a small nose, a sharp chin, Caucasians Skin, a tall slim build, and he was currently wearing his supervillain suit, which consists of him wearing a skintight yellow supersuit with a pair of visors that resemble yellow lightning bolts, a pair of yellow gloves/boots, and his suit was covered with yellow lightning bolt spikes on it. His real name is unknown, but he is known as Kursk, a Russian Supervillain who can control electricity.

"Run! I want to see fear in your eyes! The same fear-," Kursk says before getting interrupted by Red Rush zooming in and wrapping some electric-proof cables around his body to restrain him against a pillar as Josef then rushed back over to sit down next to his wife.

"...I do my best to make friends with the guy," Josef says as a relieved and smiling Olga turns to her and then frowns disapprovingly.

"Josef, you promised!"

"Huh?" A bewildered Josef asked while glancing down as he flinched upon noticing that he was still wearing his Red Rush Supersuit. "Oh, crap," Josef says while facepalming and using his superspeed to switch out of his supersuit to put on his civilian clothes as Olga gives him a stern glare.

"How is this going to work if I can't hold your interest through one conversation?"

"Hold my interest? Olga, please. You can't see things how I do." Josef says as he looks away somberly. "My perception is just as fast as I am. The briefest conversation with anyone seems like hours to me. It's agony...but with you, it's a gift." Josef says, surprising Olga as he whirled around and reached over to cup her face with a loving look on his face. "Your voice is like music. You're a thoughtful, compassionate, beautiful woman. I hang on to every word."

"You mean that?" A tearful Olga asked as Josef nodded with a sincere look on his face.

"I do." Josef says while leaning over to share a passionate kiss with his wife as he is then distracted by his Guardians of the Globe Watch flashing and beeping red.


"Guardians emergency. I'm so very sorry." Josef says with a remorseful look as Olga gives him a loving smile.

"I understand. Go." Olga says as Josef nods and gives her another kiss as he then zooms off...before coming back to give her another passionate kiss that leaves her dazed and blushing as Red Rush then runs off.

~[Guardian of the Globe: Immortal]~

"Denver is toast, Immortal!" A smirking Supervillain says while flying through the air as a glaring Immortal can be seen combating him in mid-air

Floating in front of him is a 5'5-feet-tall, 48-year-old Man with black eyes, a bald head, thick shaggy black eyebrows, a big pointy nose, a sharp chin, Pale Skin, a short slim build, and his outfit consists of a long-sleeved stripped green jumpsuit, a pair of elbow-length yellow gloves, and a pair of thigh-high yellow boots as he flew around with the help of a giant silver jetpack with a dark brown harness that is wrapped around his body. His real name is unknown, but he is known as Bi-Plane, a winged menace of Denver who robbed many banks with his flying contraption as, a long while back, he was able to learn that he had contracted cancer.

"I'm going out, and I'm taking the whole city with me! I've lined my suit with plutonium-AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGhGGHHHHH!" Bi-Plane monologues before yelping in surprise as Immortal flew over to grab him and began twirling him around rapidly before using his superhuman strength to toss him up into the air as a screaming Bi-Plane could be seen breaching past the Earth's atmosphere.

"When in doubt, throw them into space," Immortal says with a smug grin just as his Guardians of the Globe Watch begins flashing and beeping red as he narrows his eyes and turns around to fly away.

~[Guardian of the Globe: Aquarus]~

"..." A bored Aquarus can be seen residing inside of his Castle in Atlantis while resting on his throne as he sighed heavily, having nothing better to do due to his wife going on a girl's night out and his children were off hanging out with their friends as, thankfully, his Guardians of the Globe Watch began flashing and beeping red as the King of Atlantis perked up. "Yes! Finally, some action!" Aquarus cheered as he began swimming upwards at high speeds.

~[Guardian of the Globe: War Woman]~

"Holly, wait up!" A woman says while walking out of a building with Holly, who was in her civilian form, as said person turns to her with an annoyed look on her face.

Standing before her is a 5'6-feet-tall, 35-year-old Woman with blue eyes, shoulder-length red hair in the style of a bobcut, thin red eyebrows, a small nose, pink lipstick, a sharp chin, F-Cup Breasts Caucasian Skin, a short hourglass build, a heart-shaped thick ass, and her outfit consists of a long-sleeved high-collared dark gray buttoned up jacket, a pale green long-sleeved high-collared buttoned up shirt underneath, a black belt with a silver belt buckle, long dark gray pants, and a pair of black high heel shoes. Her name is Connie Prince, Holly's Wife, and Business Partner.

"Please, Connie, don't waste any more of my time," Holly begged while wearing her civilian clothing, which consisted of her having her long light brown hair lose and reaching down to her back and wearing a pair of red glasses, a pair of yellow earrings, a golden necklace with a blue jewel on it, a long-sleeved high-collared red jacket, a short-sleeved crimson shirt underneath, a long red skirt, and a pair of white high heel shoes.

"This is good news, babe. With our third quarter roll-out of Haven Storm 4.0, our market share should rise by a minimum of 10%. We have a spectacular year ahead of us."

"The new roll-out of Haven Storm was supposed to be free. I'm not worried about the shareholders' year. I want a spectacular year for the world." Holly says just as her Guardians of the Globe Watch begins flashing and beeping red as Connie frowns somberly.

"Don't you do enough for the world?"

"None of us do," Holly says with a serious glare while reaching up to tap her necklace as a huge flash of mystic blue light rang out and we see Holly transforming into her War Woman Form as she then took off into the air.

"...Damn, she's hot," Connie says with a large blush on her face as blood squirted out of her nose.

~[Guardian of the Globe: Martian Man]~

"Come on! Come on, you're almost there! You got this!" A 13-year-old girl cheered as we cued over to an abandoned building placed in Bellwood, and we see a blonde-haired homeless girl standing inside while encouraging Martian Man to accomplish their training session as he could be seen splashed on the ground and was trying to slither over to a big white chalk line placed in front of him as he struggled before being able to reach past the white line as the homeless girl squealed excitedly.

Standing before him is a 5'4-feet-tall, 13-year-old Girl with blue eyes, shoulder-length shaggy blonde hair, thin blonde eyebrows, a small nose, a small mouth with a gap in her teeth, a sharp chin, Caucasian Skin, a slender yet lanky build, and her outfit consists of a dark green beanie, a long-sleeved ripped pink opened hoodie, a short-sleeved ripped white shirt underneath, long pale blue jeans with holes on them, and a pair of black/white sneakers. Her name is Nikki, Martian Man's close friend and little sister figure as she helps him get more accustomed to the lifestyle of Earth, and in turn, he helps take care of her.

"You did it! You did it!" Nikki cheered while glancing down at Martian Man, who hadn't morphed back as he struggled to remain still from his new location. "Oh, crap, sorry!" Nikki apologized sheepishly while going to draw another white chalk line as she pocketed the chalk. "Okay, got it." Nikki says as Martian Man sighed in relief and morphed back into his normal form as he sweated profoundly. "Are you okay?" Nikki asked worriedly while going over to check on him as her older brother figure turned to smile down at her reassuringly.

"I am fine. We did it. I'd never expanded myself to that extent. That was...intense." Martian Man says to Nikki, who smiles a bit and giggles.

"Cool, so, uh, want to buy me some burgers, Marvin?" Nikki asked with a sly grin as Martian Man smiled amusedly and nodded, but then his Guardians of the Globe Watch began flashing and beeping red as the homeless girl perked up. "Ooh, that's better! Take me with you like last time! Come on, I can help!"

"No, Nikki." A stern Martian Man says as he shakes his head. "Last time, it wasn't an emergency. This is serious. You know Guardians' business is too dangerous for human children, but don't worry, when I come back, I will make sure to bring some burgers." Martian Man says while going over to go through the window and began flying up into the air as Nikki pouted.

"Oh, man..." Nikki says with a groan while leaning against the window with a heavy sigh as, unknown to her, a piece of Martian Man's body was accidentally ripped off due to him overextending himself as it began slithering closer to an unsuspecting Nikki.

~[Guardian of the Globe: Green Ghost]~

"...So are you sure that this new pill isn't dangerous, boss?" A teenage girl asked while standing behind Jacob Lucason, who was experimenting with some kind of chemical to make a dark green pill in an underground laboratory as he turned to smile at her warmly.

Standing before him is a 5'6-feet-tall, 18-year-old African-American Girl with light brown eyes, chin-length wavy black dreadlocks, thin black eyebrows, a small nose, a sharp chin, C-Cup Breasts, Dark Brown Skin, a slender build, a cute perky butt, and her outfit consists of a pair of yellow glasses, a long-sleeved blue top, a black belt with a golden belt buckle, long solid pink trousers, and a pair of light pink sneakers. Her name is Alana Miller AKA Green Ghost, the Female Green Ghost, and Jacob's Apprentice who is planning to eventually succeed him as the only Green Ghost on Planet Earth.

"Trust me, Alana, once you ingest my new experimental Green Ghost Amulet, you will be able to do much more than what I could," Jacob says with a smug tone while holding up a small dark green stone as he tosses it over to Alana, who catches it and eyes it curiously.

"What could it do?"

"Heh, I think it will be funny if you find it out by yourself, but I will say that you will still have your old powers," Jacob says as he then points over at a duplicating machine. "Just go over and make sure to mass produce it just in case," Jacob says as Alana nods and goes over to place the New Green Ghost Amulet into the duplicating machine as she reaches over to press a button on it and it begins mass producing it.

"Man, I can't wait to show off my new powers to Eve and Shushu. They are so going to be jealous." A beaming Alana says as Jacob laughs a bit just his Guardians of the Globe Watch begins flashing and beeping red as his apprentice perked up. "Ooh, can I-,"

"No, you can't. This is official Guardian Business. Maybe you can join one day after I retire." Jacob says as Alana pouts and crosses her arms, but nods as her Mentor reaches over to grab a small jade stone and ingest it as he swiftly transforms into his Green Ghost Form with a flash of green light as Jacob then turns himself intangible and flies up to phase through the roof of the Green Ghost Underground Lair as Alana shakes her head playfully and went back to stare at her new Green Ghost Amulet curiously.

~[Guardian of the Globe: Darkwing]~

"We're in." A Criminal says while trying to break into a building in Midnight City with his partner, who suddenly froze in place as he trembles nervously.


"What, Greg?"

"D-Darkwing." The Now-Named Greg asked anxiously as the Now-Named Sam rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Don't worry about him. He can't be everywhere."

"Luckily, I don't have to be everywhere," Darkwing says stoically while standing on top of a water tower and placing some anti-gravity disks on the wall as Sam and Greg turn to him in shock and worry. "Only where I'm needed." Darkwing says while tossing some projectiles forward as they flew over to collide against their arms, morphing into a pair of anti-gravity cuffs as they yelped in surprise and flew over to attach themselves against the anti-gravity disks as a glaring Darkwing dropped down to land in front of a scared and trembling Sam and Greg as he narrowed his eyes at them. "I know what's in this building, and I know who wants it. Tell me about your boss."

"We look like rats to you?" Greg asked with a glare as Darkwing was about to say something, but stopped as his Guardians of the Globe Watch began flashing and beeping red.

"I'll check back with you tomorrow," Darkwing says curtly while turning around to run over and leap off the roof of the building to land inside his Wingjet as he then took off into the air at high speeds.

~[Guardian of the Globe: Everyone]~

"Darkwing, why did you call us here?" Immortal asked with a stern tone as we fast forward in time and we cue over to the Guardians of Globe Headquarters, which is located in the Himalayan Mountains in Asia as we see the Guardians of the Globe residing inside of their headquarters and spot Darkwing dropping down in front of them as he walked over to them.

"Me? I didn't call us here." Darkwing says with a suspicious glare as everyone grows tense.

"So none of us signaled the alert?" War Woman asked with a scowl as Aquarus looked around warily.

"Maybe this is one of Amazon's weird birthday bashes?"

"No one is celebrating their birthday today, Aquarus. Besides, Nikki told me that she spotted Amazon on the news, dealing with a world-ending threat. I highly doubt that she would've been able to call us here." Martian Man says with a serious tone as Green Ghost's eyes widen in shock and realization.

"sh*t, it's a trap!" Green Ghost shouted while turning himself intangible as everyone went into their battle poses and Red Rush looked around before his eyes widened slightly as he then zoomed forward and pushed off a surprised Immortal just as a stoically glaring Omni Man flew onto the scene as he threw a punch that was about to collide against Immortal's head and decapitate him as the Viltrumite skids to a stop.

"Omni-Man?!" Immortal asked with a shocked and bewildered look as everyone stared at him in stunned disbelief, confusion, and anger as Omni Man said nothing and stood up straight as he turned his head to give them an emotionless glare and War Woman noticed that he tensed his muscles in an attempt to flash step forward and was quick to stop him by running forward with a loud battle cry as she began swinging her mace at Omni Man, who stopped mid-sprint to avoid her attacks and tried to throw a devastating punch at her, only for Red Rush to zip by and palm-striked his outstretched fist away.

Narrowing his eyes angrily, Darkwing reached into his belt to pull out a handful of explosive projectiles and tossed it over to collide against Omni Man's body, disorienting him long enough for a glaring Aquarus to raise his hands and fire dual streams of high-pressurized water that flew over to collide against a surprised Nolan and sends him flying over to collide against the wall, which cracked a bit as the Vilrumite Hero growled angrily, and with a little bit of effort, he was able to push back against the stream of water and flew over to try and throw down a punch at Aquarus, who was thankfully saved by a still intangible Green Ghost phasing himself up from the floor and reached over to grab his friend's feet, turning him intangible and allowing Omni Man to phase through his body as he landed down on the ground with a small grunt.

Honestly, if the Guardians of the Globe shape up and fight for real with morals off and continue with this smart strategy, they can honestly eventually overwhelm Omni Man and beat him into submission with ease, but that's sadly not the case as Red Rush made a fatal mistake and decided to take Nolan head-on by running around and blitzing him left and right, not really hurting him as Omni Man waited for a bit before using his superhuman reflexes to reach up and grab Josef's outstretched fist as he then grabbed him by his head and a panicking Red Rush began punching his chest repeatedly until his suit's logo was ripped apart and his chest was heavily bruised, but it wasn't enough as the Fake Hero proceeds to crush his head like a balloon, splattering the ground with his blood, eyeballs, and brain matter as, sadly to Josef, he was forced to experience the agonizing and painful death for hours due to his enhanced perception.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" The Guardian of the Globes screamed in anguish, sorrow, and anger as Omni Man coldly tossed Red Rush's headless body into the ground.

"YOU MONSTER!" Martian Man screeched out furiously while rushing over to use his elastic body to wrap around his body to restrain him as a pissed-off Immortal flew over to deliver a strong punch across his face that broke his nose.

"WHY HAVE YOU DONE THIS?!" A glaring Immortal asked as Omni Man didn't have time to answer when War Woman rushed over to bash her weapon against his head harshly, breaking apart a few of his teeth and nearly breaking his neck as she then zoomed over to attack him again, only for a glaring Nolan to be able to break out of Martian Man's hold and zoomed over to grab Holly by the back of her head and slammed her down into the ground, hard enough that it cracked violently as he then raised her head and was about to try and decapitate her with a swift karate chop, only for several explosive projectiles to appear onto the scene as Omni Man instinctively sped away to avoid them.

Looking around stoically, Omni Man then heard some wind rustling behind him and whirled around to see Darkwing making the stupidest, most braindead decision ever and leaped over to attack his foe head-on as Nolan simply flew up to grab him by his leg and proceeded to fly down to slam him into the ground, hard enough that half of his body was blown off by the force of the attack as the Viltrumite Hero began slamming him up and down on the ground rapidly like a ragdoll before stopping to stare at the half-dead body curiously before Omni Man casually tossed him over to an intangible Green Ghost, who reached up to grab the corpse of his comrade by turning himself intangible as his eyes widened in shock and horror at the grave mistake that he made.

"I'm sorry, Alana." Green Ghost says with tearful eyes as Omni Man zooms over to punch through his face before he can turn intangible, instantly killing him.

"MY FRIENDS!" A furious Aquarus screamed while firing dual huge streams of highly pressurized water that flew over to Omni Man, who held up Green Ghost's body to use it as a shield to protect himself from the attack as Nolan noticed that the attack was more powerful than before and it would've vaporized his arms if he wasn't quick to think on the fly and protect himself.

"Are you okay?" Immortal asked War Woman and Martian Man with the latter morphing back to normal as he held them up to his feet.

"I live." Martian Man says as Immortal glances over at a cold and emotionless Omni Man concernedly.

"Someone must be controlling him. He would never do this."

"Regardless, it's him or us." War Woman says with a stone-cold look on her face as Immortal frowns stoically and nods.

"I choose us," Immortal says with Martian Man nodding in agreement grimly as Aquarus stops this attack and Omni Man lowers the only remaining part of Green Ghost's body, which was his head as an enraged War Woman leaps over to slam her mace down on Omni Man, cracking his head open and gallons of blood rang out as this left him stunned enough for Holly to swung her mace over to collide against his body and even slammed her weapon down on his arm, breaking it as he roared in pain and proceeds to kick her away as the Viltrumite Hero swiftly used his remaining arm to reach up and grab her weapon as he used the mace to swing it over to collide with Aquarus's head, decapitating him as his headless body dropped near Martian Man, who stared at this with a traumatized look on his face as he trembled with rage.

"You killed...ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS!" Martian Man screeched furiously while flying over to wrap around his body completely, restraining his arms and legs but left his head free as he mentally thanked Nikki for helping him train enough to be able to do this long enough for Immortal and War Woman to run over and gang up on him as they began beating him up by punching his face left and right, leaving his face black and blue, broke more of his teeth, cracked his skull even more, and heavily damaged one of his eyes as a panting and heavily injured Omni Man grunted and tried to look around for Martian Man's heart, only to realize that it was on his back as he thought quickly and flew backwards as the duo realized what he was planning as well as Martian Man as he closed his eyes in acceptance.

"I'm sorry, Nikki..." Martian Man thought to himself mournfully just as Omni Man slammed his back against the wall, breaking apart his heart and killing him as his dead body went slack and the Viltrumite Hero instantly zoomed forward to deliver a powerful punch across Immortal's stomach, blowing out his organs from out of his body and caused him to crash down into the ground as War Woman tried to jump over to throw a punch at him, only for Omni Man to reach over to grab her head and used his superhuman strength to twirl her head around rapidly, breaking her neck as a shockwave rang out and War Woman's dead body crashed down into the ground as a heavily injured and near death Nolan walked over to Immortal, who was lying down on his knees as he stared up at him with a betrayed and angry glare on his face.

"Why?! Why?!" Immortal asked as Omni Man said nothing and raised his hand to proceed to karate chop across his neck, decapitating his head and sending it flying off of his headless body with a stream of blood flying out of it as it crashed down into the ground and Nolan dropped down onto the floor while panting heavily as he groaned and falls down into the ground, growing unconscious as, unknown to him, the hatch was opened and Amazon flew in while carrying around the decapitated head of the villain that she was fighting with earlier, hoping to find out what was the emergency about as she landed on the ground and paused a bit as her eyes widened in pure shock and horror at the sight of all of her dead comrades lying around and spotted her heavily injured older brother lying before her as Jen realized what had happened.

"Oh, Nolan, what have you done?" Amazon asked with teary eyes and lowered her head in solemn defeat as an ominous silence rang out, but unknown to them, a small spy droid could be seen spying on them in the background, recording the whole event as it beeped and turned around to fly back over to his master to report to him on what he had seen.

And done! I hope that you guys enjoyed the chapter, and I can't wait to write the next one. Anyway, before I go, here are the Voice Actors for the OCs:

1) Jen Fenix's Voice Actor: Laura Bailey, specifically the voice that she uses for the character Black Widow from Marvel's Avengers Game.

2) Shepard Fenix's Voice Actor: James C. Burns, specifically the voice that he uses for the character Frank Woods from Call of Duty.

Also, here are the Omnitrix Stats for the chapter:

{Aliens Used By Omnigirl}

a) Eye Lady (Debut)

b) Jetray (Debut)

c) Upgrade (Debut)

d) Rath (Debut)

e) Ghostfreak (Debut)

f) Chromastone


1) Eye Lady (Intended Alien Was XLR8)

2) Rath (Intended Alien Was Jetray)

3) Ghostfreak (Intended Alien Was Shocksquatch)

Invincible Omnigirl(Ben 10 + Invincible + Secret Saturdays) (2024)


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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.